
The Blacksmith Heroine's Rebellion!

In 2024, Sun Muramasa, a narcissistic genius and descendant of the famous Muromachi-period swordsmith Sengo Muramasa, is unexpectedly transported to another world with two others to serve as heroes. Upon receiving her powers, she defies expectations by escaping the church and the capital. Opting for a different path, Sun chooses to become a Master Blacksmith and adventurer, making her dramatic exit by flipping off the Grand Priest and the other heroes.

TouyaKazuya_2 · Fantasy
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Summoned To Another World!?

{December 19th, 2024. Hikarigaoka, Japan}

The setting sun casts long shadows over the bustling city streets of Hikarigaoka in Tokyo Japan. One of the many baseball players leaving the baseball field among them was Sun Muramasa.

A 17 years old highschool student in her senior year. Her short, shoulder-length black hair with burgundy tips swayed as she walked, and her cerise-colored eyes gleamed in the light of the sunset. She's wearing a black and red baseball uniform with the number three in bolded red on her back along with her last name. She has a black duffle bag slung over her shoulder.

"Yo! Sun!" A males voice calls out to her. Sun looks back, her best friend Kenji catches up to her.

Kenji has short black hair and dark brown eyes, he's also wearing the same uniform.

"What happened to waiting for me?" Kenji frowned.

"I told you to hurry up." Sun lightly punched his shoulder. "I'm hungry. It's your turn to pay this time."

The two teens trudged along a familiar path to the Hikarigaoka train station. "You're lucky I actually brought my wallet today." Kenji waves the dark blue leather wallet in Sun's face.

"I just got paid yesterday so we'll be eating good today!"

Entering an alleyway that leads them to the main route of the station Sun glanced at the time on her phone. "Let's pick up the pace will ya! The food stall is gonna close soon!"

The alley, usually familiar, suddenly seemed different. The air felt heavy, and an eerie light began to shimmer around them. Sun stopped, sensing something was off.

"Ken, do you feel that?" She asked looking around. The air felt like it was vibrating and heavy.

Kenji made a skeptical facial expression. "This is the third time this week you felt something weird." He says.

"I mean it, it feels stronger than before..." Said Sun.

"You're probably just tired and hungry." Kenji puts a hand on her shoulder. "Let's hurry up and go, you can order all the Udon and sweets you want." He pats her shoulder and starts walking.

"You're right, but we're going down a different route next time." Sun takes a step forward, but before she could react the ground beneath her glowed with strange runes. "Uh... Kenji!?" She called out to the boy as he's walking farther away.

"What is it now-"

A circle of light enveloped Sun, and the world around her blurred and twisted. The last thing Sun saw was Kenji's startled expression and him screaming her reaching his hand towards her before everything went white.

Kenji now stood along in the dark alleyway, in Sun's place is her baseball cap. "S-sun...?"

{In Manhattan New York (A few hours later)}

Walking along the streets of New York is David White, a 20 year-old young man with short blonde hair and blue eyes, he's about 170.18cm tall. He has on a black winter coat, blue jeans and brown boots.

While scrolling on his phone, a new alert pops up on his screen. "Hm?"

The image of a young woman pops on the screen.

"Earlier this evening, 17 year-old Sun Muramasa went missing near Hikarigaoka in Tokyo, Japan. This is the second missing person citing in the last five hours, earlier before that 31 year-old Renzo Akagi went missing in Europe earlier this evening."

"All witnesses say the exact same thing. A mysterious light appeared and the next thing the witnesses know was that both victims went missing."

David frowned, feeling a chill run down his spine. "What's going on?" He muttered to himself, as he continued walking, now with a sense of unease.

"This doesn't sound normal at all... I hope they're both okay." As he walks through a secluded part of town the air around him feels heavy and vibrating. "Wh-whats happening?" He holds his head in pain as the ground beneath his feet glowed with strange runes. "N-no... This is-!"

A blinding circle of envelopes David and the world around him blurred and twisted. "NO-!!"

He disappears leaving behind nothing but his cellphone on the ground.


Two coffins, a purple black accents and a white with gold accents fall from two separate portals in a flash of blinding white light.

Walking towards them is an old man wearing white and golden robes with a golden cross around his neck. He inspects both coffins before looking at the empty space next to the white one.

"Open them." The old man commands two others, a short blonde haired woman in a white nun attire. And a handsome man in his forties.

The man opens the black coffin revealing Renzo Akagi, a tall red haired man in his early thirties with a muscular build. He opens his emerald colored eyes finding himself in an enormous cathedral with stone walls and high ceilings.

"What the hell!?" Renzo's arm shot out grabbing the man by the neck as David is crawling out of the white coffin. "Where am I and who the hell are you people!?"

The man barely is able to choke out a few words when David runs over. "Let him go! He can't explain if you choke him to death!" The blonde yelled gripping Renzo's wrist.

The two men stared each other down before the old man clears his throat. Renzo let's go of the man.

"My apologies for the confusion, I promise to explain everything once the third person gets here. "Right now you're in the Cathedral of the kingdom of Eldoria here in the capital. I am Grand Priest, Alaric Voss."

"Kingdom? Eldoria? I'm not familiar with the name Eldoria." Said David.

"That's because we've summoned you three- well the both of you to this world."

"Wait a minute, didn't you say there's supposed to be a third person? Where are they?" Renzo walks up to the Grand Priest staring him down. "And who do you think you are to take us from our home?"

"Like I said before, once our third guest arrives everything will be explained."

A second later, a pillar of white light but the ground next to the coffin David was in. This coffin was Scarlet red with gold accents.

"Here they are."