
The author vs the giant octopus

The author began to create a perfect standards of loop to trap the giant octopus by blocking infinite power voltage and creating higher standards of blackrooms from another to another infinitely.

Those layers creates standards higher than what yamagod has experienced.

The author simply thought that it was his defeat, the giant octopus reach a way to escape those standards of blackrooms infinitely.

Creating a portal that exist outside the universe.

The portal creates such as

- 『 Time, space and the void.』

Reaching through the last threshold combining the concepts of these 3, although the power of the loop is getting higher and higher surpassing his power level.

After combining it a huge explosion happens


Destroying the infinite loop of power, He teleported to the loop and escaped through the universe, The author seems unsatisfied.

After the giant octopus was teleported outside the universe he realizes it's an endless loop of void.