

It was silent, only the echoing sounds of people whispering to one another as they passed above me. That's how I knew I was underground shackled up in chains to the wall of the room. I sat motionless, swaying back and forth. I did try to escape multiple times but it was futile since I was caught immediately by a group of enforcers I had never seen before.

Where was I?

The door to the cell opened and a small ray of light seeped into the room. Full on alert, I scurried away to the back of the door cell as the most terrifying man I had ever seen before stood before me emanating a powerful aura, he was definitely an alpha.

"Is the person that caused such massacre?" he asked,

"Yes alpha" another person stood beside him. He also had the same kind of commanding aura around him but still, it didn't compare to the first man.

He stared down at me like prey watching its' kill or you could say it felt like that way. Frozen in my spot and visibly shaking from horror. Were they going to kill me? What massacre were they talking about?

"I find it hard to believe that a puny late bloomer like her could possibly wipe down a whole pack," he said in a serious tone.

"We also taught that too but the state she was found in stated otherwise," he said to the alpha

"It still doesn't add up" he argued, "find more details it's absolutely absurd to even hear this type of report, we need to hurry we have two rogue criminals lurking about and trying to conquer a territory" you could hear the deep frustration in his voice as he spoke. He rubbed his brows slightly together. Breathing out a long sigh.

Sitting there in confusion trying to wrap my head around what they claimed to say about me. Two rogues? Were they talking about them? I thought back to the two people back at the hut.

Another person entered the cell, certainly an enforcer. He held a clear vial in his palm. My eyes bulged in realization.

"Sir this was what we found" he handed the vial to the alpha. I noticed his eyes darken as he also recognised the vial in his hands.

Their gaze was all directed at me simultaneously.

"It seems we found the last piece to the puzzle" he narrowed a brow at me. I gulped in fear.

"I swear I don't have anything to do with them, they forced me to drink it" I blurted out all at once hoping to defend myself.

"We haven't even mentioned what was in it." The other man beside him said sceptically.

"Please I beg you, I don't know what happened, they threatened me and forced me to drink what was contained inside the bottle" I pleaded with them.

"Witnesses were saying they saw you go on a rampage. " witnesses?

"It's not true" I shouted

"And can you prove that," he asked, I was at a loss for words? Unable to refute, he continued.

"We have all the truth we need here. You are apparently one of their people and who knows what you all plan to do." He looked at the person he had come with earlier. "We'll keep her here for further questioning. There might still be some of this drug left in her."

"Yes alpha" he bowed slightly.

"And I have a feeling they will still come back for her so she could be of use" he gave me one last look before he left.

He left the cell leaving me only with this man and the enforcer.

"You should be grateful the alpha let you live," he said.

"They won't come back for me. I don't know them. why won't anyone believe me" I said with all eagerness.

"You don't understand what's going on, miss-"

"I understand that I am innocent and have nothing to do with the massacre," I said, as he narrowed at my bloodied shirt. " This looks bad, I know but I promise you I wasn't any part of it. I couldn't have killed them. I could never harm anyone, please listen to me." It fell on deaf ears.

"No one who ever took this drug survived," he stated.

"What do you mean?" I stopped my rambling words, confused by his statement.

"How you managed to survive after taking this drug means that either one, you never took it, or two you somehow miraculously overcame it. Or lastly, it hasn't fully taken its full effect yet. You're just a ticking bomb waiting to cause chaos." He sneered at me.

Shocked by his words, It meant I was doomed. About to leave with the enforcer he turned back, "it was reported your formal was ambushed by wolves of the night. We wonder what's really behind that story. they left me once again in the darkness. Buried in my intrusive thoughts.

After some hours

" Your food is here" a girl entered with a tray in her hands. A small portion of food is on the plate.

She slid the tray under the passage, a look of disgust on her face before she left. I salvaged the food immediately after she was gone.

Another few hours passed, and I couldn't hear any footsteps above, meaning it was nightfall. However, certain footsteps approached the cell's outer door. Who could that be at this hour? I wondered.

"They said a rogue was tied up here, let's go see it". The voices were ones I hadn't heard of before and were very young. A small creak on the door let me know that they had entered.

They stared in awe at my dishevelled state, a group of three young boys.

" They look normal to me." One of them commented on my appearance. I almost scoffed at the reply.

They looked at each other, giving each other mischievous grins.

"I dare to go touch it," the boy said to the smaller one in their group.

"It's dangerous to go near it. What if it eats me alive?"

"We won't know for sure until you try. Look, it's very docile" he pointed at me.

"We shouldn't be going near something dangerous, we aren't even supposed to be here in the first place" he looked calm out of the other two.

"I thought you wanted to be strong one day like your dad. Unless you're just a chicken" he mocked. He looked annoyed by his comment.

"Well, I can not only go nearer, but I can also go inside and touch it." He blurted out and marched towards me bringing out what happened to be the key to the cell.