
The Black Warden

"Ethan, let Christine sleep. There will be enough time for that... later." He said smirking. Oh, so the fuckboy has a girlfriend? "Does he always think with his dick?" I asked as I climbed the tower. He smiled when he saw who the voice belonged to and reached a hand out in order to help me up but I shrugged him off. "Always independent." He said, chuckling. _______________________________________ Helen Jasper was born, raised and trained to kill. She didn't choose this life, it chose her. But what other option does she have when her family's honor is depending on it? Helen embark on a journey that either kills her or makes her stronger. Changing her ways isn't easy, but discovering years worth of betrayal and lies makes her want to take the right path. She's at the top of her game until she meets Ethan Auditore, her enemy in the group of assassins. As two sides collide, as an assassin and a templar, will Helen and Ethan be able to overcome betrayal, revenge and heartbreak to find love?

Relovia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 1

"Again." He said in a firm voice.

I did as asked and hit the training dummy again.


I hit the dummy again.


"Seriously father? We have been doing this for hours."

"And yet I see no improvements. If you want to be better at sword fighting you have to practice every day."

"But I already am one of the best fighters this Order has, let alone the fact that almost everyone in it admires me."

"You have to be ready. I do not care that you think you are ready, only someone with more skill than you can decide that."

"Oh? You think you are more skilled than me? Very well, father. Let's see which one of us wins."

"Are you seriously challenging me? You think my own daughter, who I myself trained and learned her weak spots, will defeat me? Very well child, have it your way."

As he stepped into the training grounds, I removed the dummy and set it out of the ring so it wouldn't get in the way. I got into first stance and waited for him to come to me. Biggest mistake ever is to go head-on to your opponent.

After a while of just staring into his eyes, he got impatient and decided to attack. He aimed for my head but I raised my sword and blocked it, only to act as if the shock sent me back a few steps.

Good, it worked. A wide grin covered his face and that was my signal.

He thinks he can defeat me. This time I was the one to attack. I took a step forward and swung my sword at his side but missed intentionally. Somehow he didn't notice. He grabbed my hand with the sword in it and elbowed me in the stomach.

"You really thought you were going to win, child?"

"I dare you to say that one more time."

"I don't have to say it, I can just prove it to you. You will never defeat me."

God, why is he so cocky? Doesn't he know that it could bring him defeat? Very well then, if he thinks he is superior to me, let's show him otherwise.

He attacked, confident he will knock me over but I ducked, did a front roll to get behind him, and then I kicked him in the back of his knees to get him on the ground.

He was down on his knees, with his back at me. I took his sword, which he dropped after he hit the ground and held his head up in order to look him in the eyes.

I put the sword at the front of his neck, while I was still behind him and holding his neck. He froze. I leaned in, closer to his ear.

"I could kill you right here and now. This is what being cocky gets you. Never underestimate your opponent."

"So you just acted weak then?" He said, and from the tone he used I could tell he was smiling, but he was also proud.

"I told you I'm one of the best fighters this Order has seen."

"Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps your training days are over."

I helped him up and gave his sword back. Meanwhile, a messenger came.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but this just came in for you."

"Thank you Angelo. You can go now."

Father took the letter from his hands and opened the envelope. He read the letter and folded it back, putting it in his pocket.

"Come, the Master awaits us."

"Now?" I asked surprised. He just nodded. We left to go change and then headed for our horses.

Once we got out of the stables we rode towards the meeting place. At first, I didn't want to say anything, but it was way too hard to shut up.

"Father?" It was almost a whisper but he still heard me.

"Yes, Helen?"

He didn't even look at me, he just kept looking straight ahead. I guess he knew where I was going with this.

"Why do you never talk about mother?" He stopped and looked at me, then got the horse to walk again.

"You know why. It is just too painful to talk about her."

I sighed and then decided it would be better to be silent. I always got that answer. Ever since I learned about her death I dived deeper and deeper into this life, keeping myself busy with work and training so that one day, I may avenge her.

But alas, revenge shouldn't consume me. I can't justify it forever as just wanting justice. After all, there is a fine line between revenge and justice.

It's hard to live without her, and I think about her every day, but my father tells me I should let her go. Perhaps one day, I will.

We got to the meeting spot near Duomo and waited for him to arrive. It was already night by the time he got to us.

"Greetings, Master." My father said as he bowed his head in respect. I followed his example.

"Good evening, Hendrix. Helen."

"Grand Master." I said respectfully.

"What brings you here? Is everything okay in Rome?" Father asked.

"Everything is more than okay. Our plan is working. Hendrix, tomorrow morning you will get yourself arrested in order to weaken the Assassin's defenses. Helen, you will keep an eye on the Auditores for me. You are to watch them closely and report back to your brother after every 'encounter'. Understood?"

"Yes, Grand Master." I said bowing my head.

"Good. Hendrix, one of my men will help you escape when the time is right. He is a higher ranking guard in the Signoria who has access to the cells. His name is Damien. He should be coming to you after you get inside the cell to give you another key. Helen, I trust your climbing and fighting skills are still sharp?"

"Yes, Grand Master. Though I have to ask, why am I the only Templar that has been instructed in climbing? I thought this was part of the Assassin's expertise?"

"You will know when the time is right, child." My father replied before the Grand Master could.

Raymond cleared his throat and continued.

"I will be in the city at a safe house. It's best if I lay low. However I will be there at the execution. Helen, you should be there as well to make sure that everything goes as planned. Seeing as how Hendrix will be a wanted man, it would be better for him to leave Firenze. Helen, go to San Mano, your uncle Alex will be waiting for you." He said to me.

"And for you Hendrix, Helen and Lucas will join you once the Assassins are dealt with." Grand Master continued.

"Very well." We both said as I took a step back.

"May the father of understanding guide you." He said.

"May the father of understanding guide us." We said to ourselves after he left.

We got on our horses and started to ride back home. That's when it hit me. Lucas, my brother, wasn't with us. He comes to every meeting, so where is he now?

"Where is brother?"

"He is with his wife. She wasn't feeling well so he decided to stay with her."

I nodded and went the rest of the way without talking. I decided to get home before him so I started to gallop.

I went straight to my room and took of my armor and robes. I set the sword and dagger on the table and put on some night robes. I changed the sheets on my bed and then I went to sleep.

I hope tomorrow wouldn't be too rough for me.


The next morning I woke up early. If I wanted to get anything done for when father will escape, I had to do my work very well.

I put on with a practiced ease and speed my Templar robes, followed by my armor and then my sword and my dagger back in their sheaths.

I left the house without eating breakfast. Gabriel should be up already, seeing as how he has to meet with Albert later today.

I can't believe how easy it was to turn him against the Assassins.

I spent my day following some leads as to where the Auditores are. Apparently everyone will be at the palazzo, except for Ethan, the second oldest sibling.

I encountered some of his friends and found out that he will be holding a 'meeting' around noon at Ponte Vecchio.

Once I got there, I climbed up on the roof and waited behind a chimney to make sure he wouldn't see me.

A group of around 10 to 15 guys appeared but no one was talking, they were just waiting. I'm guessing Ethan is late.

From what I could gather, he is a fuckboy who works for his father, getting ready to take over the bank once he is old enough. He doesn't seem to know about his Assassin heritage, which I guess is a good thing.

After Ethan finally showed up I started to pay attention even more. He was wearing common noble clothing, just like the rest of his friends. Oh, how I wish I could wipe that smile off his face right now. I thought.

"We stand together!" He yelled, putting his fist up in the air.

"Together!" the others yelled.

I don't like this guy already. His dark brown hair was tied in a ponytail with a strand of red ribbon and his dark brown eyes were radiant with joy as he looked at the guys in front of him.

But something else got my attention. His necklace, I swore I've seen it before. It was a simple black strand of thick thread, with 5 silver pendants on it. Why did it look so familiar?

"Silence, my friends. Silence!" Everyone went silent.

"Thank you." He said.

"Do you know what brings us here tonight? Honor! Lucas Van Jasper slanders my family's name and forces his own miseries upon us. If w-"

He was interrupted by a stone falling at his feet. After I looked over to see who threw it, I smiled.

Of course that ass couldn't keep away. He always needs to get into trouble.

Ethan turned around as well and when he saw who threw the rock, he smiled and opened his arms.

"Enough of your nonsense, idiot!"

"Good evening, Lucas. We were just talking about you. I'm surprised to see you here. I thought the Jaspers hired others to do their dirty work."

I find it very hard not to come down there and kill him.

"It's your family that cries for guards when there's trouble, coward! Afraid to handle things yourself?"

"Your sister seemed quite satisfied with the 'handling' I gave her earlier."

I froze. I saw how he smirked and took a few steps back as his friends were laughing.

Lucas is going to kill him.

Lucas got angry and threw a rock at Ethan's face, which gave him a deep cut across his lips. Good, I thought.

"Kill him!"

I watched as Ethan and his men got into a fight with my brother's men. Of course he wouldn't get into the fight. Unfortunately there was some truth in Ethan's words.

I was surprised to see that Ethan was fighting quite well. I didn't expect it. It was going to be tough to arrest him tomorrow, he won't go down without a fight.

Distracted by Ethan while he was throwing punches left and right, I didn't notice an older boy approaching him.

"Hey! Behind you!"

Ethan turned around and hit the guy that was coming towards him.

"Felix? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if baby brother had finally learned how to fight."

Ah, the infamous Felix, the oldest of the Auditore brothers.


"You have style, but endurance is what counts. Let's see how many of them you can ruin before they get the best of you."

They managed to take down several other guys, with ease that proved they got into fights often.

"Fall back! Fall back!"

Why on earth is my older brother afraid of a fight? I would've been finished with them in a few minutes.

I saw Ethan running after Lucas , but Felix stopped him.

"Hold on..."

"What? We've almost won this!"

"Your lip..."

Ethan touched his lip and saw it was bleeding.

"Just a scratch."

"Let the doctor decide."

"It's not necessary. Besides, I've no money for this doctor of yours."

"Wasted it on women and wine, huh?"

"I'd hardly called it wasted. Lend me some florins then... Or have you done the same?" Both of them laughed.

"Search them. There's bound to be something in their pockets."

I saw him kneel over one of the guy's body in order to search his pockets. I'm guessing he found the amount he needed since he and Felix started running towards a doctor's stand.

"Good to see you, doctor." Felix said.

"Hmm... The Auditore brothers. Why am I not surprised? You've made quite a mess of yourself young man."

"It's nothing, really."

"You must help him. That pretty face of his is his only asset."

I laughed and then lastly covered my hand with my palm so that nobody

could hear me.

"Go fuck yourself!" Ethan replied, showing Felix his middle finger, as his brother laughed at him.

"There we are. Now get out of here." The doctor said after tending to his wounds.

"Thank you."

"This way." Felix signaled Ethan.

"Quite a night."

"Indeed. I only wish they were all as much fun... Oh wait, they are."

This guy is even more annoying than I thought.

"We should head home, Ethan. Father's sure to be wondering where we've gone."

"Yes, and I'd rather avoid a lecture."

Oh, who would've guessed, I said sarcastically in my head.

"Up for a little race then?"

"To where?"

"Uhh, roof of that church." Felix said as he pointed at the top of Santa Trinita.

"On the count of three. One, two, three!"

I watched as they both started running. Ethan climbed directly on the front of the church while Felix used the beams on the side of the building to get around to the side.

I decided to move closer to listen in on the rest of their conversation.

After Ethan won, he and Felix climbed the tower and watched the view.

"It's a good life we lead brother."

"The best. May it never change."

"And may it never change us."

I'm not going to lie, this was a touching thing to watch. If only Lucas was this close to me as Felix was with Ethan, maybe we would've gotten around and left the Black Warden.

Though I doubt he would leave father...

I was snapped back to reality by Felix who put a hand on Ethan's chest to stop him from leaving.

"Ethan, let Christine sleep. There will be enough time for that... later." He said smirking.

Oh, so the fuckboy has a girlfriend?

I watched as Ethan leaped into a hay cart bellow and Felix sat down. I decided to come out of my hiding spot and go and talk with him.

"Does he always think with his dick?" I asked as I climbed the tower.

He smiled when he saw who the voice belonged to and reached a hand out in order to help me up but I shrugged him off.

"Always independent." He said, chuckling.

"You know me well." I said smiling.

I sat next to him and just enjoyed the view for a few minutes before I spoke


"When will you be inducted into the Brotherhood?" He looked at me for a second and then back to the view.

"I don't know. Father said I would join the Assassins soon, but it's been a month already since I finished training. I guess all I could do now is wait."

"Ethan is completely oblivious, isn't he? He doesn't know about any of this, right?"

He shook his head. "No, he doesn't. Father wants to tell him tomorrow, but he still doesn't know how he'll react."

"How come you don't hate me? Or want to kill me?" I asked looking at him. He was silent for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"I've known you for years now, Helen. I know you're a good person who only wishes to keep her family's name intact. You didn't choose to be born into the Templars, just like I didn't choose to be born into the Assassins. That path was already laid down for you. You could've left the Black Warden but you want your father to be proud of you, so you stayed. Trust me, if there's someone who understands that, it's me. I mean, you could've killed me long ago, but you didn't. That's because you're a good person."

God, if only you new. If only you knew that two days from now you'll be executed and that I played a part in it, you would've wished to kill me years ago.


He looked at me with curiosity and then I looked down.

What am I doing? I can't tell him. I'll betray my father if I do.

"Nothing, I have to go."

I got up and headed for the side of the building to climb down when I heard Felix call for me.

"You know, I could still teach you the Leap of Faith."

"Not even in your dreams." I said without looking at him and head down.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day...


Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think! :)