
Chapter 14 : Good Rewards

/ Awarded title - Demon slayer

Given to a player who has successfully killed the first demon on the surface. Title can also be awarded to players who kill 100 demons in the demon lands /

/ Awarded title - Swordsman

Given to the first player who has fought 100 enemies and won. Title can also be awarded by battling 1000 times /

/ Awarded title - Magician

Given to the first player to cast 300 spells. Title can also be awarded by casting 1000 spells /

/ Award - 1000 gold for first demon killed /

/ Award - 100 stat points for first demon killed /

/ Award - Noble title

This title is awarded to the first player to save a town. Can also be awarded by getting reputation points. Title allows player to have a nobility reputation in any town, Lets player enter upper floors in shops /

This is the first time I've heard of reputation points. Putting that aside, I walked over to the chest that appeared. Normally it would just spill all over the place but this time, it was in a chest. I opened the chest, and what was inside of it was mind blowing. The first prize was the sword that he was using. The second was a black trench coat with two sword holders on the sides, and finally an unknown potion. The most intriguing item was the potion but the coolest was the coat. Grabbing all of the items in the chest, I examined them.

/ Demonic sword

This weapon was crafted by a highly respected blacksmith but was later contaminated by a demon. Demon blood has made this sword magical by giving the wielder an ability that activates when the user's health depletes to 10%. This sword is a soul bound weapon that boosts your speed by 10, strength by 20, and MANA by 1000. Sword also has the ability to transform into any close range weapon including a spear /

/ Black swordsman coat

This coat allows the user to look cool, and gives the player an extra protective layer. This coat is better at defense then all armor given or awarded to players under the level 200 /

/ Mysterious potion

This potion was made by a warlock. Effects unknown /

I'll definitely use that sword and the coat but I should wait to use the potion. I unequipped my armor and equipping my pitch black coat, I thought that I looked pretty damn cool. I willed the sword to take the form of a Katana because I was really into that rogue samurai look. Walking over to the teleport circle, I pressed my hand onto it. I reappeared outside of the dungeon. Whoa, I really need to get used to the teleport crystal. The dizziness started to disappear as I walked back to the town, very happy with what happened today. As I was smiling, a system announcement, the first ever, blared out.

/ "System announcement - The kingdom of Lucerne has started a war with the kingdom of Quizie due to them harboring traitors" /

Ok, what the actual hell. Why in god's name are me and my buddies so important that you would start a war with us? I shrugged and continued to walk towards the town. After a good thirty minutes passed, I finally walked into the town and as expected, my group was waiting for me.

"Ok, I think I'm officially numb to when you come back with new items and another ten levels," Tempest stated after seeing my attire.

"Actually, I only got items this time, not levels." I replied.

"Still, that's impressive." MP spoke. I shrugged.

"Ok, I think it's time to speak about what that system announcement was about." Vortex worriedly stated.

Yeah, it's ti-" I started but was interrupted by a messenger.

"General, we have an army approaching from the south gate, what are your orders?!" The soldier said.

"They're here already!" Astral called out.

"Ok. Go and block the walls on that side," I relayed, "we will be there soon." He ran off to follow that order. Meanwhile, we all started to panic as we walked towards the gate.

"We are so screwed. It's us and at the most 100 men against an entire army." Astral spoke.

"Be positive." I said. We appeared at the wall and saw waves of soldiers as far as the eye could see. Scanning the crowd, I saw that the army was mostly NPC's along with a few players mixed in.

I leaped over the wall, landing with a thud a good 200 meters away from the nearest enemy.

"U-um, will you please explain why you are attacking us?" I stuttered as I yelled. The army shifted as a well-armed man came and spoke.

"We are here for you and your friends, this is an order by a man named SunRay, the new king," he said. Well it seems that Ray wasn't really creative with his name.

"How in gods name did he become king?" I shouted.

"The esteemed lord lead a rebellion and dethroned the king," he yelled back, "the entire kingdom was happy that he did this."

"Are his generals here or what?" Tempest yelled.

"Matter of fact, we are!" a voice shouted out. Once again the crowd parted allowing a group of five people to step through. As I observed the group I find that they all had just as good gear as Upsurge.

"Could you walk away from here as we are trying to rebuild this nation." I spoke. As if on my command, the enemy's charged. Well, looks like I'll make the first attack. Drawing my sword, I used my teleportation skill, but instead of going forward, I teleported upwards. As I was 100 meters above the ground, I willed my sword to grow bigger and bigger until it was a monstrous size. Gravity finally took a hold and drew me towards the ground. Leveling my body parallel to the ground, I swung my sword at the last second causing an explosion and a wave of dust and dirt to fly everywhere. My sword shrunk once again. Oh shit, that freaking hurt my arm and hand; I am definitely not doing that again. Looking up, I saw a big line in their ranks from where the sword hit. This one attack caused them to stop for a few minutes. I used that time to apply the 100 stat points I got. I put 95 in strength and the last five in endurance.

/ NAME: Axel Olson


PATH: 75% Darkness, 25% Lightning



SPEED: 510


MAGE: 10


MANA: 2175

HEALTH: 2190

LEVEL: 100 /

A notification popped up.

/ You are now only 95 stat points away from unlocking the first Strength boost. All of your stats will give a boost, other than Speed, at intervals of 300. /

What a lucky break. Not wanting them to recover too much, I yelled to my team and we all rushed the enemy line. The first few minutes were a massacre of the enemy, until they were able to regroup. They circled our group and I was confident that we would have a 10% chance of surviving if we ran, but that wasn't one of the cards in our hands. Due to the limited amount of time, the decision I made was rushed and mainly relied on luck.