
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Joining a Circle...

Getting inside Tokonosu City wasn't as easy as Roberta had expected… The main highway was being blocked by the police for whatever reason. They were trying to stop the people from leaving the City, though Roberta couldn't fathom why. 

'Must be ordered by the higher up of some shit?' Roberta decided to dismiss the matter as it wasn't important for her right now. So, she decided to enter the City without bothering to use roads… but as soon as she entered the city, she understood that she needed to abandon the Hummer. 

The roads were filled with abandoned vehicles and some of them were even burning. People were running on streets like maniacs… looting, r@ping, and killing other people. Roberta was already expecting something like this… people only needed a small push. 

This is the World where Roberta would perfectly fit… Roberta couldn't stop herself from grinning in excitement. But before anything else, she needed to reunite with Daichi-sama, after that she could always indulge in her desires… 

For a moment, Roberta stiffened. 'What if Daichi-sama starts hating me after he learns what I really am?' Roberta questioned herself in horror. 'He still loves his mother… I am sure he won't hate you' the sinful part of Roberta's mind whispered inside her mind. 

'Yes! I can finally be with Daichi-sama without hiding myself in this fucked up World!!' Roberta thought and started to cackle madly. 

'No! I also want to be used by Daichi-sama… hmm… nobody said that I cannot be beside Daichi-sama while being used by him' Roberta reached a very scary conclusion. A twisted grin appeared on Roberta's face and she finally started to cackle loudly… 

~~Taketomi-jima Island~~

Yozora Kemono walked over the scorched land with a disinterested look on her face. She had erased everything in her vicinity. Thankfully her chopper was parked near the coast or she would have melted that too. 

Then she would have to swim to the mainland… Kemono didn't mind, a little dip in the ocean was always good for health and she was always up for a challenge. Thankfully Kemono's ability didn't burn off her clothes, she might not care about modesty in front of her son, but she would have killed any other man, not that anyone was alive to see her right now. 

Only her son was allowed to look at her in her natural state… 'I wonder what he is doing right now' Kemono mused as she kept walking towards her chopper. She was pretty sure that her son was alive and kicking… and if not, then there was no reason for his World to keep existing. 

'Shall I report back to the old geezers or shall I go and visit my lovely son?' Kemono thought as she started to tap her chin with a thoughtful look on her face. She knew that they would call her back to the HQ, for the protection of some important politicians, of course. 

'Fuck them!! I am going to meet my son, they can suck each other off for all I care!' Kemono fumed as she finally reached her chopper. She entered the chopper and powered it up… just thinking about her son was making her so excited… it was wrong in so many ways… not that she cared… 

~~Back at Fujimi Academy~~

Daichi along with Bella and Kyoko rushed towards the staircase after leaving the Cafeteria. They did find a few Zombies lurking in their path… they were swiftly dealt with by the three of them… Even Kyoko was participating right now. After getting the first kill, her determination became stronger. 

Bella was using Flame Whips to deal with her enemies. After reaching the staircase… they only found a couple of more zombies, Daichi allowed Kyoko to deal with them as she would still get the extra stats unlike them and her Skill would be useful for information gathering… After all, they were bound to meet other survivors. 

Daichi had earned himself 13 Status Points (5 Points came from Bella) on the way here… and Kyoko had earned several but she was still far from reaching the mark of 100 and Bella also slayed quite a few Zombies, earning 11 Status Points. All of those Status Points might not seem a lot right now, but they will still help when stacked up. 

They heard several footsteps at some distance. It was like someone was fighting. They could hear some thuds too… "I think there are other survivors. Kyoko, don't give them any details about our abilities" Daichi whispered hurriedly as they were almost there.

"But they…" Kyoko was about to say something in protest but Daichi cut her off. 

"Yes, I understand what you meant to say, but I am just saying that we don't know what type of people they are…" Daichi insisted on being careful and Kyoko finally nodded her head. She didn't know what Daichi was so worried about, but she would trust Daichi. 

"And Bella, don't curse any of them from the get-go… if they are bad guys then they are free game" Daichi said trying to satiate Bella's eagerness. Even though Daichi didn't know Bella for long… he did realize a few things about the insane woman. 

Number One:- The woman needed to get laid. She was thirsty as fuck. 

Number Two:- She loves torturing people. 

Number Three:- Her mood swings are faster than disco lights changing colours. 

Bella perked up and eagerly nodded her head. Patience was never her virtue… but Daichi had said that she could torture them if they were bad guys… Well, she could work with that. The three of them finally turned a corner and encountered 7 survivors. 6 students and one of them was a teacher. 

Daichi immediately recognized three faces among the gathered survivors. Firstly, a girl with straight and shiny thigh-length purple hair that had a triangular fringe at the front which barely touched the ridge of her nose. Her eyes were blue, and compared to other Japanese girls, she was quite tall too. 

(Image Here) 

The height difference also meant longer limbs, which contributed leverage to her powerful sword swings. Her name is Saeko Busujima, and she is the Captain of the Kendo Club at Fujimi Academy. Daichi didn't expect anything less from her as she was the daughter of Master Busujima. 

The next person Daichi recognized was a short and bespectacled tubby boy. Daichi saved him from a couple of bullies last year… that time, the boy was in his first year. Daichi wasn't friends with the boy or anything, but he knew the boy was a gun enthusiast. That is probably why he was currently holding a makeshift nail gun rifle in between his arms. 

(Image Here)

And finally, he recognized the school nurse. There was no way that Daichi wouldn't recognize the airhead nurse. She seemed to be the only adult in the group. Her extremely large boobs were quite enticing and Daichi could never understand how those knockers didn't sag… They were probably Wonder Knockers!!

(Image Here) 

Daichi has never interacted with the woman. He never needed medical attention while he was in school… in fact, he never needed medical attention. Cuts and bruises were pretty common as Kemono was the one who trained Daichi, but aside from that, Daichi never felt sick. 

All of a sudden the said woman flinched away in fear. Daichi groaned as he already knew why the woman would react like that. "Bella, can you please stop glaring at her?" Daichi asked without even looking. 

"She isn't a woman!! She is a fucking cow!! Cow, you are going to tell me how you made them grow that big right now, or I am going to cut them off from your chest!!!" Bella shrieked in hysterical anger. 

Saeko immediately pointed her wooden sword toward Bella, the whole group became defensive as they pointed their makeshift weapons toward Bella. Daichi knew that he needed to diffuse the situation or it might get ugly… after all, he was going to save Bella. 

"Bella, this is no place to ask such a thing. You can ask her later" Daichi said with a meaningful look on his face. Bella's features softened after a few moments and an innocent smile appeared on her face. 

"Ok cutie, whatever you say…" Bella chirped in an excited tone. Then Daichi turned towards the other group. 

"Ah… forgive me if we came off the wrong foot. All of us are quite stressed with everything going on" Daichi said, trying to mediate the situation. 

"Sensei!" All of a sudden a brown-haired girl called out to Kyoko. The girl seemed to be carrying some sort of makeshift spear. Kyoko simply nodded her head. 

"I remember you, you are Yozora-Senpai" Saeko said and put away her wooden sword. 

"I don't think this is a good place to talk… we should leave this place" Daichi said and almost everyone nodded their heads. 

A pink-haired girl sniffed as she pushed up her specs. "We are going to the Staff Room, if you want you could accompany us" the woman said, looking slightly haughty. For now, Daichi simply nodded his head. 

"Ok… let's go, but why are you guys going to the Staff Room?" Daichi asked as the whole group started to walk towards the Staff Room. 

"As you can see, our group is too big to fit in a car, so we were planning to take the school bus" Saeko Busujima was the one who answered Daichi's question. Daichi didn't ask anything else, for now, he simply nodded his head. 

"I am glad you are okay, Marikawa-sensei. I thought I was the only one" Kyoko said in a somewhat excited tone. She seemed to have started a conversation with the ditzy school nurse. 

"Oh… Busujima-San is the one who saved me~" Shizuka Marikawa said in a cheerful tone. 

The rest of the trip was spent in complete silence. Daichi noticed that a couple of members were warily eyeing Bella, well there wasn't anything he could do to change that. They should be wary of Bella, for their own well-being, of course. Daichi's group had already cleared the staircase, so they didn't have any problems. 

Daichi's group had also cleared most of the ground floor, so the group easily made their way towards the corridor where the Staff Room was located. Only after reaching there did they find several zombies lurking around. Saeko Busujima quickly made her way to the front and beheaded the Zombies…  with a fucking wooden sword!! 

'The fuck?! She must be a Level 1 with a Skill' Daichi concluded in an instant, but he wouldn't be outdone by her, he also moved past the group surprising everyone including Saeko Busujima with his speed and started smashing the heads of those Zombies. Saeko Busujima smiled and joined Daichi. The two of them quickly cleared off all the Zombies. 

Right now, something else seemed to have caught Bella's attention as the insane woman playing with a ball… nobody knew she got that from, and to be honest, everyone including Daichi was fine with it. No need to show off when you don't need it and Bella was the only one who could deal with larger groups without breaking a sweat. 

The group finally arrived in front of the Staff Room. There was a male teacher growling inside the Staff Room… Obviously, he couldn't be called a teacher any longer as he was trying to take a bite out of his students. He was quickly put down by Kohta Hirano. The two male students accompanying the brown-haired girl with the spear quickly barricaded the door. 

Nobody noticed it, but Daichi subtly gestured Bella to use that Silencing Spell she had used in the Cafeteria. Bella did what Daichi asked and went to play with her ball once again. Daichi looked around and noticed that everyone was looking at each other awkwardly. 

"Ah… now let's get introductions out of the way. Some of you might already know me. My name is Yozora Daichi. I graduated from this school last year" Daichi decided to break the ice by introducing himself first. 

"Busujima Saeko, I am a third-year student and I am… was the Captain of the Kendo Club" Saeko Busujima decided to introduce herself next. She understood that Daichi was trying to remove the awkwardness among the group and she wasn't against the idea. Having someone who could accompany her to fight was always welcome. 

"Igou Hisashi, I am a second-year student" the grey-haired boy with brown eyes accompanying the brown-haired spear-wielding girl introduced himself. 

(Image Here) 

"I am Miyamoto Rei, I am also a second-year student and I was also a member of Sojutsu Club" the brown-haired girl with the spear introduced herself. 

(Image Here) 

"Komuro Takashi" the other boy accompanying Rei Miyamoto said with a look of disinterest in his voice. 

(Image Here) 

"Haha… It is nice to meet you again, Yozora- san, though the circumstances could have been better. My name is Hirano Kohta and I am also a second-year student" Kohta Hirano said in a sheepish tone while rubbing the back of his head. 

"Etto~ My name is Marikawa Shizuka~. I am the school nurse, nice to meet you all~" the school nurse introduced herself in a slightly dazed tone. 

Daichi had noticed that the pink-haired girl was watching the whole group with some disdain in her eyes. He had never talked with her, nor did he care about her, but he could feel the 'I am important, praise me' kind of vibe coming off from her. 

"All of you probably know me already, my name is Kyoko Hayashi, I was a teacher before… it happened" Kyoko introduced herself. She was currently looking much better than before. 

Everyone's eyes turned to Bella, but she was still playing with her ball. Automatically everyone's gaze shifted towards the pink-haired girl in the room. The girl snorted in disdain and pushed up her spectacles. 

"I can't believe all of you acting like everything is normal… and she is even playing. I don't even know how to react after watching all of you act like that" the ranted and after she was done, she sniffed. 

"Oh, okay then… do whatever you like" Daichi said in a dismissive tone. 

The girl's eyes shook as her face twisted in fury. "You think that you can order me around?!!" The girl screamed hysterically, Takashi Komuro tried to placate the girl but she flinched away as soon as Takashi Komuro made contact with her. 

"Don't touch me!!" The girl screamed while glaring at Takashi Komuro. "I am a fucking genius!! I don't need any of you to tell me what I should do!!" The girl exclaimed and moments later, tears started to trickle down her eyes and only after a few moments, she started to bawl her eyes out and Takashi Komuro quickly engulfed the girl in a hug.

"That wasn't dramatic at all…" Daichi said dryly. 

"Yeah… I couldn't help but agree with you" Saeko Busujima said with a small smile as she looked at the pink-haired girl. She was currently sitting on the ground while sobbing and Takashi Komuro was still hugging her in a comforting manner. 

"This is a shop opera, I am telling you" Daichi whispered in a low tone as he saw Rei Miyamoto staring at Takashi Komuro's back with a betrayed look in her eyes while she was holding hands with Hisashi Igou. Saeko Busujima quickly followed Daichi's gaze and she had to stifle a soft giggle. 

"Yozora-Senpai, if you don't mind me asking… What were you doing around the School? Of course, I don't mean any offence" Saeko questioned softly…

"I guess it doesn't matter anymore, I was on a Date with Kyoko here… I was going to drop her off at school when this shit started" Daichi answered honestly. With the current situation in the world, he wasn't worried about his secret relationship in the least. 

Saeko Busujima's eyes grew wide as she looked towards Kyoko who seemed to be chatting with Shizuka right now, and then she returned her gaze towards Daichi. "How… interesting" Saeko Busujima said with a soft smile and Daichi simply shrugged but a smile did make its way to his face. 

"Cutie? What is that contraption?" Bella whispered in a furious tone while poking Daichi from behind. Daichi followed where the said woman was pointing and found a TV mounted on the wall. Saeko Busujima clearly heard the woman, she was surprised that the woman didn't know what a TV was, but she didn't say anything as the woman seemed to have mental issues. 

"Ah… right. That is a TV, Bella" Daichi said starting to look for the remote. He found the thing he was looking for and powered up the TV, but unfortunately, the TV network seemed to be out of service. 

'Is Mana interfering with the radio signals?? That would also explain why the cellular network went out as soon as Mana was awakened' Daichi thought while rubbing his chin. 

"Hey, girlie… What is a TeeVee?" Bella whispered into Saeko Busujima's ear. For a moment, the girl had to think about how to answer the question. She was never good with these things, to begin with. 

"...It is a device which allows you to see moving pictures" Yes, that was the best explanation Saeko Busujima could come up with. 

Bella gasped. "Magical Portraits!" Bella said as she nodded her head and walked away from Saeko Busujima with a satisfied smile on her face. Saeko Busujima had no idea what Magical Portraits were but she was happy that she was able to help the mentally challenged woman. 

Daichi finally turned towards the rest. They had spent a lot of time here. "Um… forgive me if I come off as rude, but we need to make a decision quickly… It is already past noon and I don't think leaving after dark is a good choice" Daichi said, getting everyone's attention. 

The pink-haired girl sniffed and got up on her feet. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes with the sleeves of her shirt. "I-I am Takagi Saya, I wanted to apologize for my previous behaviour" the girl said with a small bow. 

(Image Here) 

"I think we should leave the school and look for some other safe place" Saya Takagi continued. 

"...I think we should stay here…. We are safe here and the army or the police will surely come to save us" Rei Miyamoto argued back. 

"That is where you are wrong… it has been more than a few hours until this shit has started… Do you hear any helicopters?" Daichi questioned making some of the people inside the room shift uncomfortably...


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3208 words in this chapter.

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