
Thunder Fist Samuel✊⚡

(Steel residence after a tough meditation session, Thursday)

By the time Rex and Ryan woke up from their meditation. They saw uncle sam had already changed into some sort of martial arts uniform. It's colors were mostly dark blue with a few yellow line along side of his arms.

On the back there was a symbol in yellow which looked like a Huge fist holding a lighting bolt.

Boys became curious and really surprised to see mostly calm Uncle Sam like this, in their eyes Uncle Sam was a huge person to be honest calm but definitely more bigger than any average person. He did not had any muscles like that of a bodybuilders but what he had was pure raw build muscles.

Muscles like these were build not by lifting unnecessary weights and all but by actually beating metals till they were made into weapons. He was an actual blacksmith of the modern age, boys never got to see his works only seeing him 4 years earlier in a panicked state.

Now he was in a completely new form more confident and collected. Both Ryan and Rex felt as though he was an actual martial artist. Rex and Ryan almost laughed on the inside imagining their bulking uncle doing some smooth and flexible karate like moves.

Howere, only one seemed to truly recognize his power that was ofcourse Impact.

[Whatever you do Ryan boy don't take that guy lightly. Your senses might not be that keen but I can clearly see an red aura almost oozing out of him]

'What are you talking about, red aura and keen senses. You are talking like some character from dragonball universe. I am pretty sure my uncle here will not yell like a fight and turn into a super saiyan 😂😂'

[Who knows what secrets your uncle might be holding]


Uncle Sam told them a few things about their parents secret life and how they had prepared a safety system to help Uncle Sam keep Ryan and Rex safe.

"All the necessary preparation materials are in the basement"

"Do you mean the weapons you have made?" Rex asked.

"No it's something even better I will help you become stronger", said Uncle Sam.

"Please don't tell that we have to fight you now ", said Ryan jokingly clearly forgetting what Impact warned him about.

"Ofcource not young Ryan, I would be a terrible uncle if kill you two by accident"

Uncle Sam said those words casually but Ryan and Rex both felt within their hearts that maybe it was not just a joke.

"Come behind me", ordered uncle sam.

Both followed him without any questions or doubt. They soon reached the basement the workshop of their lovely uncle.

Just how they had imagined it their was classic looking envin and various hammers on the wall of various sizes.

There was even a modernized looking furnace that was of the size of a stove but electrical and all instead of being based on gas or kerosene.

There was one thing they felt weird about this room. There were no weapons. Not a single shelf or hanging on wall, heck not even a half built sword or something like that.

Rex asked, "Uncle, where all the weapons that you had built, there appears to be none here. "

Ryan added, "And what training are we going to do in such place".

Uncle Sam said nothing just gave them a grin and moved near a empty wall. He pressed his palm on the was and an electronic voice was heard confirming access to lower level.

Rex and Ryan both felt totally amazed by all these, they thought they had normal parents but looks like there so called normal life was about to take a turn.

"Happy birthday in advanced, Ryan this is your gift for your sixteenth birth day", Uncle Sam explained.

Ryan felt amazing hearing he got whatever was in the lower levels. For all he knew there could be an intelligent robot dog that fired Lazer from his eyes.

He said thanks to uncle for giving him gift two days prior to his birthday.

... "That's still too early to say thanks before even seeing your gift" said Uncle Sam.

And so they moved underground through an elevator almost three floors below ground level.

'That's deep thought', Ryan.

[Told ya we don't now nothing about your uncle that knows magic yoga and is Kung fu blacksmith]


The door opened and they had reached their underground base. This place was really big and completely covered with metal walls and all high tech equipments. Uncle quickly gave a tour of lower level, "... This is the weapon room it's directly connected to my workshop and I store all my master pieces down in this room. (he totally felt proud for his creations) And this is the training room" As the reached the biggest room in the lower level. "This room is designed so that you can summon robot to fight with you but beware they can be overwhelming"

Uncle kept explaining, he was not that concerned that boys fully understood everything right away.

He made the boys stand near a panel and pressed a few buttons. Uncle gave this job to Rex as he was better suited to stuff like these.

Suddenly 4 humanoid robot stepped from the walls numbers written on their chest as 0,1,2,3 uncle had told them that these numbers represented level of difficulty.

"OK so let's get the show on the road. First of all I am going to explain you some basic rules for your training", said uncle sam.

Three of those robots started running towards him while the one with number 3 was standing still observing the fight.

"First rule :- Learn how to change the fight in your favor"

As he said this boys felt a warm air suddenly on their face. They felt aura of their uncle, as he unleashed some of his hidden power and ran towards the robots.4 VS 1 felt a pretty bad match up for Ryan and Rex but for a trained and experienced veteran like uncle sam it was totally fine.

As he ran toward them, he jumped and grabbed robot number 0 and and jumped again so that he kicked the robot number 2 plus also making robot number 0 in a tough position.

That kick was actually something, the boys were clearly surprised by such speed and control. It was not a brute force like they expected but actual technique mattered.

The kick stunned the robot no. 2.

And uncle sam said, "Second Rule :- Always take out the weaklings first."

As he finished his sentence he smashed the no. 0 with a knee to its face with such force that it almost decapitated his head hanging by just a few wires.

He again jumped on robot no. 1 and peirced his chest using his bare hands.

This was otherworldly for the boys that were standing still.

'That's really something' thought Ryan.

[ Oh man he really went supersayian on this fight ]

He grabbed that robots arm and threw at no. 2 again taking him by surprise.

And BAM.

With a single well placed chop he decapitated the robot no. 2.

"Third Rule....

As he spoke the last robot jumped towards uncle fighting warrior style. This one was actually better and smarter he kept dodging and punching exactly like uncle sam Giving even this veteran a tough battle. It almost felt like a draw but then uncle screamed and his aura grew in intensity envoloping his whole body (and also enhancing his strength and speed perhaps).

The result now became more clear as now with each punch robot felt getting pushed back and then shredded to pieces as uncle unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks in a short span of just 3 seconds. Robot finally fell on the ground....

... There is no limit to how powerful you can become so never stop learning and training. "Uncle Sam completes his 3 rules for training.

'Awesome ' was the only thought on the boys' mind. Uncle looked at them and said," And also never skip a leg day...

From tomorrow on words you will be doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups 100 squats and 10 km run EVERY SINGLE DAY"

"Uncle, i really don't want to be disrespectful but isnt that training from One Punch man😅"

Uncle felt silent and Rex stared at Ryan as if saying, 'Do you really had to say that just now'

[You really are a bummer you know that Ryan boi 😁that's totally what I will call you from now on.]

Impact almost remembered something about one day, Uncle Sam explaing how he was called the Thunder Fist samuel well maybe now we now why... As he focused on the robots. [Only author knows what will happen next. 🤔Shit did I just broke the fourth wall well anyways enjoy and keep reading.]

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