
The Black Ridge

Could use some ideas always love to have others voices heard so criticism is allowed it always helps.

Lord_Thunder_2100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter three

As he wakens from his sleep he sees three clerics healing him.He knew they weren't from here they were from the capital Bradgen Horn.He tries to sit up but realized his hip was badly injured."Don`t move" said one of the clerics "You were injured let us help".He sat there waiting when they finished he stood up."what happened " he asked "well you fainted from a level 5 magic spell very hard to master" said the other cleric.He was shocked then he remembered the fight."what was the creature? " he asked . "One of the monsters from the Black Ridge" they said almost in unison.He was shocked he casted magic at a high level and killed one of the Black Ridge monsters.The clerics said" You have to come with us to the capital we need your skills to help this everlasting war." they bowed. He stood up and responded yes, and just like that he was a night of the people to end this God forsaken war.