
The Black Ravens

Eliana Shuraeva, a former assassin known as the Black Raven, is recruited by the CIA to help take down a notorious criminal organization led by Kurt Davidson. But when Eliana's past starts to catch up with her, she must confront her dark history and the secrets she thought she left behind. With the help of her team, Eliana races against time to stop Kurt's plans of destruction. However, as the mission progresses, Eliana starts to exhibit strange behavior and heightened abilities, leading her to realize that the Black Raven may have never truly left her. As the team faces their toughest challenge yet, Eliana must not only defeat Kurt, but also the demons within herself. Will Eliana be able to keep the Black Raven at bay, or will her past consume her once again?

Blissa · Teen
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2 Chs

Eliana Shuraeva

Chief Hawkins was sitting in his office when his assistant walked in and handed him an envelope. As soon as he saw the handwriting on the front, he knew that it was from the mysterious woman in black.

He tore open the envelope and read the message inside. It was short and to the point: the woman wanted to meet with him, but only if he brought the man who had responded to her letter.

Hawkins knew immediately that she was referring to Agent Williams. He couldn't imagine what she wanted to discuss with them, but he knew that he had to find out.

He picked up the phone and dialed Williams' number. "Chris, we need to talk," he said when Williams answered.

"What's going on?" Williams asked.

"It's the woman in black," Hawkins replied. "She wants to meet with us, but she's insisting that you come along."

Williams was taken aback. "Why me?" he asked.

"I don't know," Hawkins replied. "But I have a feeling that we need to hear what she has to say."

Williams hesitated for a moment, then agreed to meet with Hawkins and the mysterious woman. He knew that this could be a dangerous situation, but he also knew that he had to be there to support his friend.

Together, Hawkins and Williams set off to meet with the woman in black, unsure of what the future held for them.

Hawkins and Williams arrived at the address provided by Eliana Petrova. It was a strange house, but Hawkins felt a sense of familiarity as soon as he entered. He couldn't quite place why, but he knew he had been there before.

As they entered the dining area, they found Eliana Petrova sitting at the table. She was still dressed in black, but she looked different now that they were seeing her up close.

"Welcome," she said, motioning for them to take a seat. "I'm glad you could make it."

Hawkins and Williams sat down across from her, and Hawkins couldn't help but notice that she seemed to be studying him carefully.

"I suppose you're wondering why I asked you here," Eliana said.

Hawkins nodded. "Yes, we are."

Eliana took a deep breath. "My name is Eliana Petrova. I'm a former Russian assassin, trained since I was a child. Chief Hawkins rescued me many years ago, and I owe him my life."

Hawkins looked at her with a mix of surprise and concern. He had never told Williams about his past with Eliana, and he wasn't sure how Williams would react.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, Chris," Hawkins said, turning to Williams. "But Eliana was a part of my past that I had hoped to leave behind."

Williams nodded, clearly taken aback by this revelation.

"But why did you bring us here?" Hawkins asked, turning back to Eliana.

Eliana hesitated for a moment before answering. "I need your help," she said. "There's a new threat, a group of mercenaries who are planning a major attack. And I think that they're connected to my past."

Hawkins and Williams exchanged a look, and Hawkins nodded. "We'll do whatever we can to help," he said.

Eliana smiled, and Hawkins couldn't help but notice how much she had changed since he had last seen her. But he also knew that there was still a lot that he didn't know about her, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of a much bigger story.

As they discussed the case, Eliana revealed more about her past and the connection to Alexander Shuraev.

"I thought he was dead," Hawkins said, his voice low with concern. "How is he still alive?"

"I don't know," Eliana said, her voice filled with frustration. "But I know that he's back and he's up to something. He's recruiting innocent girls and turning them into assassins like me."

Hawkins and Williams exchanged a look, both of them troubled by what they were hearing.

"We need to stop him," Williams said, his voice firm.

"But how do we find him?" Hawkins asked.

"I have some leads," Eliana said. "But I need your help to track him down. He's not easy to find."

Hawkins and Williams both nodded, their determination growing by the minute. They knew that they couldn't let Shuraev continue with his plan, and they would do whatever it takes to stop him.

"But what about the girls he's already recruited?" Williams asked, his voice filled with concern.

"I have a plan for that," Eliana said. "But we need to act fast. Shuraev's not going to wait around for us to make a move."

Hawkins and Williams both nodded, their minds already working on what they needed to do next.

"We'll start investigating right away," Hawkins said. "We won't let him get away with this."

As they continued to discuss the case, Hawkins couldn't help but think about Eliana's past and the fact that he had been a part of it. He knew that there were still a lot of unanswered questions, but for now, he had to focus on the present and stop Shuraev before it was too late.

After discussing the case of Alexander Shuraev, Hawkins turned his attention to the mysterious bomber.

"We need your help with another case, Eliana," he said. "We've been investigating a series of bombings, and we believe that you may be able to help us."

Eliana looked at him quizzically. "How can I help with that?"

Hawkins leaned forward. "We believe that the bomber has a pattern, and we think that you may know who's behind it."

Eliana raised an eyebrow. "And how would I know that?"

Hawkins took a deep breath. "The bombings have all been targeted at places that have some connection to you. The first one was at a hotel where you were staying, and the second one was at a restaurant where you had just eaten. We think that the bomber may be targeting you."

Eliana's eyes widened in shock. "Why would someone want to target me?"

"That's what we're trying to find out," Williams said. "But we need your help to do it."

Hawkins nodded in agreement. "We think that the bomber may have some connection to your past, and we believe that you may be able to help us figure out who it is."

Eliana looked at them for a moment, considering their request. "I'll help you," she said finally. "But I want to make one thing clear. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for myself. I don't want to be a target anymore."

Hawkins nodded. "We understand, Eliana. We just want to catch this guy before he hurts anyone else."

As they continued to discuss the case, Hawkins couldn't help but wonder who was behind the bombings and why they were targeting Eliana. He knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but he was determined to catch the bomber and bring him to justice.

Hawkins gathered his team together to discuss their plan. "Alright, we know the target and the location of the transaction. We need to act fast and get that bomb before it falls into the wrong hands," he said, looking at Eliana. "We're going to need your skills for this."

Eliana nodded, "I'll do my best. What's the plan?"

Hawkins explained, "We'll have Agent Williams pose as an interested buyer to get close to Gomez and distract him while Eliana gets the bomb. Meanwhile, Agent Thompson and D'Angelo will be on standby in case things go south."

Everyone agreed to the plan and started preparing for the operation. Eliana changed into a glamorous dress and put on a wig to blend in with the crowd. Agent Williams wore a suit and headed to the casino.

As soon as they arrived, Eliana scoped out the area while Agent Williams went to meet with Gomez. They engaged in small talk while Eliana quietly made her way toward the bomb.

However, things didn't go as planned. Just as Eliana was about to retrieve the bomb, the seller showed up and spotted her. He pulled out a gun and started shooting, causing chaos in the casino.

Eliana quickly took down the seller, grabbed the bomb, and ran towards the exit. Agent Williams and Gomez followed her, but Eliana managed to get away with the bomb.

Hawkins, Thompson, and D'Angelo were waiting outside in their car and Eliana jumped in. "We got it," she said, holding up the bomb.

Hawkins breathed a sigh of relief. "Great job, everyone. Let's get this bomb to a safe location and diffuse it before it causes any harm."

As they arrived, Agent Williams and Agent Thompson quickly tended to Chief Hawkins' wound while Agent D'Angelo checked on Eliana. They were all shocked by what they had witnessed, especially by how Eliana had easily taken down their attackers.

After a few moments, Eliana regained consciousness and Hawkins asked her what had happened. Eliana explained that her bracelet was designed to release a tranquilizer if she was ever in danger of losing control. She had been trained to control her emotions and not let her training take over, but the ambush had triggered her instincts.

They continued to discuss the situation and concluded that they needed to act fast before the bomber could strike again. They decided that Eliana should continue with the undercover operation to retrieve the bomb while the rest of the team worked on tracking down the bomber's location.

As Eliana prepared to leave, Agent Williams pulled her aside and asked if she was okay. She assured him that she was fine, but Williams couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that Eliana was a highly skilled assassin, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her story than what they knew.

With a heavy heart, Williams watched as Eliana left to complete her mission, hoping that she would return safely and that they could finally put an end to the mysterious bomber's reign of terror.

As Agent Williams watched Eliana dance gracefully, he couldn't help but admire her strength and skills. He cleared his throat to get her attention and handed her a file.

"Chief Hawkins wanted me to deliver this to you," he said, watching her as she opened it and scanned through the pages. "It's about Raymond Gomez. We got him in custody last night."

Eliana turned to face him, her expression unreadable. "And what did you do to him?" she asked quietly.

Agent Williams hesitated for a moment before replying. "We interrogated him. He gave us the name of the seller who was planning to sell him the bomb."

Eliana nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "And the bomb, it was defused?"

"Yes, it was. Thanks to you," Agent Williams said, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Eliana smiled a rare sight and turned back to her ballet practice. "Good. Then it's over," she said, her voice trailing off.

Agent Williams watched her dance for a few moments longer before turning to leave. As he walked out of the house, he couldn't help but wonder about the mystery that surrounded Eliana. He knew there was more to her than what she let on, and he was determined to uncover her secrets.

With his curiosity, he sneaked into Chief Hawkins' study, wanting to find the thing he was holding to the last time he followed him. He started looking on his table cabinets and found a red envelope with the acronym R.U.B.Y.. As Agent Williams delved deeper into the file, he discovered that R.U.B.Y. stood for "Reprogramming Underlying Brain's Y-axis," a groundbreaking experiment that aimed to erase and rewrite a person's traumatic memories and experiences. The experiment was led by Phoebe Cooper, a brilliant but controversial scientist, and Eliana was one of the test subjects.

Agent Williams couldn't believe what he was reading. He had known Eliana as a fierce, skilled assassin, but he didn't expect her past could be this worse. He wondered how much Chief Hawkins knew about her and why he never told him anything.

As he continued to read, he found a note at the end of the file, written in Chief Hawkins' handwriting. It said: "Eliana Petrova is not just a test subject. She's a person who deserves a chance to live a normal life. If we succeed in this experiment, we can give her that chance. But we must keep this research confidential. The wrong people finding out about this could lead to disastrous consequences."

Agent Williams realized that he had stumbled upon a secret that could put Eliana's life in danger. He wondered what to do next. Should he confront Chief Hawkins about the experiment? Should he tell Eliana about it? He knew that whatever he did, he had to be careful not to endanger anyone's life.

As he was pondering his next move, his phone rang. It was Chief Hawkins, asking him to come to his office immediately. Agent Williams had a feeling that this meeting would be different from their usual one. He grabbed the replica of the file and drove to the station.

Chief Hawkins and the agents were sitting around a table in their conference room, discussing the recent bombing case in Pasadena. As they were deep in conversation, the door opened and Eliana entered the room.

"Excuse me, Chief," Eliana said, as she walked towards the table. "May I join the discussion?"

Chief Hawkins nodded, gesturing for her to take a seat. "Of course, Eliana. We were just discussing the latest developments in the case. Any input you have would be greatly appreciated."

Eliana sat down, placing her hands on the table. "I've been doing some research on the side," she said. "And I think I may have found something that could be of use to us."

Agent Williams leaned forward in his chair, intrigued. "What did you find?"

Eliana took out a file from her bag and placed it on the table. "I did some digging into the possible suspects, and I came across a name: Anton Ivanov. He's a former Russian military officer who was dishonorably discharged for his involvement in some illegal operations."

Chief Hawkins raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. And what makes you think he's connected to the Pasadena bombings?"

"Well, I found out that he was in the United States during the time of the bombings," Eliana explained. "And I also found a transaction made by Raymond Gomez to an unknown seller, which I believe could be Ivanov."

Agent Thompson chimed in. "That's some good work, Eliana. We'll have to look into this more."

Chief Hawkins nodded. "Agreed. Let's make this a priority. Agent Williams, I want you to lead the investigation into Ivanov and Gomez. Eliana, I want you to continue digging into Ivanov's past and see if you can find anything else that could be useful."

Eliana nodded, taking the assignment seriously. "Understood, Chief."

Agent Williams smiled at her. "Thanks for your help, Eliana. I have a feeling we're getting closer to solving this case."

Eliana sat at the table with Chief Hawkins and Agent Williams, going over the plan for the next mission. Agent D'Angelo sat across the room with Agent Thompson, her eyes occasionally glancing over at the trio.

"As we all know, the bombing in Pasadena was just the beginning," Chief Hawkins said, breaking the silence. "We have reason to believe that there will be another attack in the next 48 hours, and we need to be ready for it."

Eliana nodded. "I'll gather as much information as I can and report back to you," she said. "But we need to act fast."

Agent Williams added, "I'll coordinate with the local police department and make sure they're on high alert. We'll be ready for whatever comes our way."

As they continued to discuss the plan, Agent D'Angelo leaned over to Agent Thompson and whispered, "I don't trust her. Eliana seems too skilled, too perfect. I think she's hiding something."

Agent Thompson raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know," Agent D'Angelo replied. "Call it a gut feeling. But something about her just doesn't sit right with me."

Agent Thompson nodded, taking note of D'Angelo's concerns. Meanwhile, the discussion at the table continued, with Chief Hawkins outlining the roles of each agent in the upcoming mission. Eliana listened carefully, her mind already calculating the best course of action.

As the meeting drew to a close, Eliana stood up and said, "I'll be in touch as soon as I have more information."

Agent Williams nodded, "Take care of yourself."

As Eliana left the room, the agents continued to discuss their concerns and plans for the mission ahead.