
The Black Princess Chi

In a world of Magical Beasts and Humans, the Chi family, bearers of an ancient prophecy, face a chilling fate: a cursed princess destined to bring disaster. When she's born, the sacred Black Rose vanishes, marking her as the one. Rejected by her parents, she seeks her mysterious mate, the key to breaking the curse. With her parents gone, she navigates a treacherous path, protecting her siblings and the world from impending darkness. Will she conquer her destiny and save the world, or succumb to the curse, plunging all into chaos? Embark on this epic journey of fate, courage, and love, where the magical and the real collide, and the heart's strength is tested.

Mishal_Mishi · Fantasy
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53 Chs

The Missing Twins

Mia trembled, her eyes wide with fear, upon seeing Hao drenched in blood.

"Hao, why are you covered in blood? Where are my siblings?" She hurried towards him, her voice filled with panic.

"It's not my blood; I'm a spirit, I can't bleed. Your siblings are safe, but someone took them," Hao explained.

"What? Who took them? And please don't tell me this blood belongs to them?"

"Don't worry, they're unharmed. Some humans took them, but I sensed a Magical White Wolf nearby. This blood is Liana's," Hao started, but Mia cut him off.

"She lost so much blood, and you just stood there? Take me to them now," she scolded him, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Don't worry, I used a healing spell on her. She's not bleeding anymore, although she hasn't fully healed. Come with me; I'll take you to them," Hao reassured her.

"But how did she get injured?" Mia's concern deepened as she sought answers from Hao.

Hao relayed the situation to Mia, his voice filled with urgency. "Both of them secretly went out while I was sleeping. Later, I found them in Yun Valley, surrounded by a group of people. I couldn't rescue them because my magic weakens in your absence. Liana's leg was badly injured, as if it had been cut. I made myself visible only to them and used a healing spell. The men didn't notice anything and took them away," he explained.

Meanwhile, Mia focused her energy, casting spells until a portal materialized. She met Hao's gaze firmly. "Lead the way."

Hao stepped into the portal first, with Mia following closely. Moments later, they materialized in front of a grand mansion. Mia quickly cast a spell, rendering only she could see Hao, and also shielded herself from any Magical White Wolf's detection.

Stepping inside, she assumed her human guise as President Chi. The familiarity struck her; it was the Yang family's mansion, one of C & B Corporation's business partners. ( C&B Corporation belongs to the Chi family and is their source of income in human world.)

The Butler guided her to the guest room with a courteous bow.

"President Chi, please wait here. Old Master will join you shortly," he said before departing.

Shortly after the Butler left, an elderly man entered the room. "You arrived sooner than expected," he remarked.

"I am not here for idle conversation, President Yang. Just tell me where my siblings are and state your demands," Mia demanded, her voice laced with fury.

He grinned, taking a seat. "Let's get to the point. Your siblings are safe. Can you please sit?"

Mia shot him a sharp look before taking a seat opposite him.

"You must be acquainted with Lin, correct?" the elderly man inquired.

"Lin Yang, your grandson and the current CEO of Yang Corporation. Yes, I know him; he attends our business meetings," she replied.

He clasped his hands together, his expression earnest. "Exactly, my grandson. His mother passed away when he was just sixteen. His father remarried, neglecting Lin ever since. I want him to inherit my legacy, but he's surrounded by enemies, including his step-siblings and stepmother."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Mia asked, her voice edged with frustration.

Meanwhile, a young maid entered the room, carrying a tray with tea. She delicately poured the tea and placed the cup in front of Mia.

"Please, have some tea," the elderly man offered.

Mia snatched the cup, downing its contents in one gulp, her anger palpable.

He smiled gently, his eyes softening. "Calm down, little girl, and let me finish the whole story. Lin finds himself in a situation where he needs to marry soon to secure heirs. I've searched for brides, but he's incredibly stubborn, rejecting every candidate."

The old man sighs, "When his mother passed away, he felt utterly alone until he met a girl who brought light to his solitude. Tragically, she died protecting him, mirroring his mother's fate. He mourned for years, but then suddenly believing she was alive, he threw himself into his work, leading Yang Corporation to its current success, hoping to become resourceful enough to find her."

He continues, "Despite my efforts, he vowed to marry only her, a girl named Mi. I presented him with girls who resembled her, but all were rejected. He avoids women as if they carry a plague. Recently, I discovered you were the only girl he engaged with, the only one he didn't run away from. I brought you here, hoping he might be interested in you. You even bear a striking resemblance to that girl."

Fury etched in her every feature, Mia stood up abruptly. "Do you think you can force me to marry your grandson? Dream on! Release my siblings, or you'll regret..."

Before she could finish her threat, she collapsed, falling to the ground.

When her eyes fluttered open, she found herself beneath the healing tree of the Magical Island. Sensing unfamiliar auras, she ventured further, drawn towards the Magical Arena. There, she discovered all four Magical Beasts leaders, alongside the entire Yang family, each trapped within an execution cage.

The leaders noticed her and greeted her in unison, "Long live Princess Chi."

Despite their warm welcome, Mia remained fixated on the Yang family.

"Princess, are you feeling well now?" the Griffin leader inquired.

"I am fine. Why are they here?" she asked, pointing at the Yang members.

"Your Highness, they are here to be executed according to the Magical Law for harming our Ruler, and as their leader, I am responsible for their crime," the White Wolf Leader informed her.

With a swift incantation, she released them from the cages. The moment they emerged, they all collapsed, pleading for forgiveness on the ground.

The Magical leaders had attempted to dissuade her from releasing them but failed.

"Your Highness, why did you do that?" the White Wolf Leader inquired, puzzled.

She smiled confidently, her eyes unwavering. "Since they wanted to hurt me, I'll let them face my own form of punishment."

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