
The Black Princess Chi

In a world of Magical Beasts and Humans, the Chi family, bearers of an ancient prophecy, face a chilling fate: a cursed princess destined to bring disaster. When she's born, the sacred Black Rose vanishes, marking her as the one. Rejected by her parents, she seeks her mysterious mate, the key to breaking the curse. With her parents gone, she navigates a treacherous path, protecting her siblings and the world from impending darkness. Will she conquer her destiny and save the world, or succumb to the curse, plunging all into chaos? Embark on this epic journey of fate, courage, and love, where the magical and the real collide, and the heart's strength is tested.

Mishal_Mishi · Fantasy
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53 Chs

The Mate

As the morning light seeped through the trees, Mia slowly opened her eyes, greeted by the familiar sight of her surroundings. With a wry chuckle, she mumbled to herself, "Here I am again, under this tree all by myself. I hope there isn't another execution by the leaders happening today. Oh, dear."

As she prepared to rise from the ground, someone called out her name. "Mia, stay there," came the command.

Turning, Mia spotted Lin approaching, trailed by the leaders. Upon reaching her, Lin sat down beside her, earning stern glares from the leaders. "What's happening?" Mia inquired, seeking an explanation. The leaders greeted her, and Mia courteously returned their greetings.

"Mia, are you alright now? If you're feeling sick, tell me," Lin asked, showing concern for her well-being."Hey, behave yourself. You can't call her by her name disrespectfully," admonished the Phoenix leader, directing her anger at Lin.

"It's okay. No need to be angry with him. He's my friend. I asked him to call me that. I've mentioned it before to you all as well to call me by my name, but it seems you all never listened," Mia interjected, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Mia, it's great that you woke up, or else they were going to kill me for trespassing on the island," Lin expressed his relief to her.

Mia gazed at him intently. "They're right; you did trespass. But would you mind explaining how both of us ended up here? Don't tell me you used the white jade."

His mouth hung open in surprise at her accusation. "Seriously? I saved your life, and yet you treat me like a criminal? I've repeatedly said I wouldn't use the jade. You were in bad shape, so Grandpa Wen brought us here. He instructed me to take care of you and then left. Do you have any idea how hungry I've been staying here? Some friend you are!" Fuming, he stormed off and settled near the lake. Amused by his reaction, Mia chuckled softly before diverting her attention to the assembled beasts. "Is there something wrong that all of you are gathered here?"

"Your Highness, we've already gathered the herbs, but there's something more," the White Wolf Leader informed her.

Mia arched an eyebrow in curiosity."We've located the mate. He's currently in China. Our investigation indicates you might have crossed paths with him," the Griffin leader revealed. Mia was taken aback.

Rising from the ground, she demanded, "Who is he?"

All eyes turned toward the Dragon Leader, yet no one offered an answer. Sensing the collective attention, Mia approached him. "Who is he? Please, Mr. Lee," she implored.

He glanced downward, hesitating before speaking. "He... he is my grandson."

Mia regarded him intently. "So, he's a Dragon. What's his name?"

"Liam," he replied. The revelation hit Mia like a bolt of lightning. "Liam Martin?" she queried. He affirmed her suspicion with a nod.

Mia covered her mouth in disbelief. "Anyone but him?"

"Your Highness, are you certain about the rose mark?" the Dragon Leader inquired. She nodded firmly." Does anyone else know about this, aside from us?" she asked him."No," he replied solemnly.

"Leave the herbs in the lab. In a few days, I'll provide instructions on when to bring your people here. But remember, this information about the mate must remain strictly confidential," Mia instructed before dismissing the group.

As the group dispersed, Mia staggered, nearly losing her balance. Lin noticed her struggle and hurried to her side."Mia, are you alright?" Lin asked with concern.

She nodded, steadying herself, and started walking, with Lin trailing behind her."Mia, what did they mean by all that talk about the mate? It seemed to shock you," Lin inquired, trying to make sense of the conversation.

She turned to him, meeting his gaze. "You've got sharp ears. They were discussing my mate."Lin was taken aback.

He stopped and gripped her shoulders. "How can he be your mate?"

"It's a twist of fate. We're destined to be mates. He's the only one capable of lifting the world from my curse," she explained with a hint of resignation.

"Why believe what others say? You're not cursed. You can't call my friend cursed," Lin protested vehemently.

Mia smiled softly. "I wish others shared your perspective. You've heard of the sacred Black Rose, haven't you?"

He nodded, "Anyone who knows about the Legendary Black Princess Chi, standing right in front of me and being my best friend, must know about that Black Rose."

Her smile widened at his understanding. "You know, my familiar was trapped in that rose until my birth. He told me the last petal of the rose bore a white mark, symbolizing my mate...", she narrated the entire story to him.

"But it's quite peculiar. Anyway, don't worry; we'll find a solution together for your problems," he assured her, offering a smile.

Mia chuckled. "What do you mean by 'together?"

He met her gaze, his expression sincere. "Of course, we're friends. I'll never leave a friend in trouble."

"Really, or are you just doing this to find your Mi?" she teased. He laughed in response.

"You might be onto something there. If it weren't for her, none of this trouble might have happened. But let me tell you the truth. Since I started helping you with your business, I saw you as a friend. Most of my time was spent alone, but when I started helping you, I found someone I could talk to during my free time, even if it was about business. Lunch breaks used to be lonely for me. I always wished for company, to share meals with someone like the other employees. Then you came along, and suddenly, I wasn't alone anymore. Being around you felt like reconnecting with a long-lost friend."

They resumed walking together. Mia turned to him, a smile on her face. "You must be hungry. Since it's morning, let me make breakfast for both of us. It'll be your first time having breakfast with your friend."

They both laughed and walked together, their camaraderie strengthening with each step.

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