
The Black Pearl

Demitria Frostine grew up in the town. She had no one until she was found by River,The only family she considered. They both fought the life in the town, sell vegetables and fruits on the streets. Delivering them and even taking up jobs they can to earn money. But a day came, where intruders attacked the Kingdom of Ingram and Demitria was there, She protected the people and defended them against the Black shadow warriors, opponents from the Kingdom of Shadows. With great tactics and abilities, What will happen to her after the attack? What will come more?

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Demitria Frostine

Chapter 2

"It's a good thing that she has the element of ice as her power. She can freeze wounds if she wants to and if she can." I woke up but I didn't even open my eyes yet. I feel so tired but it's nothing compared to what I felt last time.

"She was lucky, she knows how."

I know there are people around me but I don't know how many they are.

"I didn't even know she could do that." This voice was from someone I know. It's River.

"That's because she is just reach level 2 of her powers. The first one was to make a snowball." Someone said while injecting something on me. "Yet,we're actually not sure if she's only on her level 2 because that is too low for a 20 year old lady" I guess this was from the doctor's.

"Many of us in the town were not able to learn to use our powers into extent of it because no one will teach us." River said.

"I witnesses how she was able to defeat those black warriors. She has the elemental power but all she did was to upgrade the weapons she holds and make it sharper."He witnessed? How come no one helped me? I thought I was alone!

"She could do better actually."

"You were there? Why didn't you help me instead?"

Everyone looked at me when I started to speak.

"Demi! How are you feeling? Are you alright?" River started to look at me with his worried eyes. He seated beside my bed and held my hand.I smiled to gave him the assurance that I felt better than before.

I change my glance to the man wearing a hat. Waiting for his answer.

" I knew you could do better alone. I saw someone fight like you years ago and I am sure that you'll finish them alone."

I looked at River and he's still smiling at me.

"Your skills and ability is what the academy focuses. I am giving you the opportunity to study there. How about that?" He continued.


No one dared to talk. Not even a single word. It feels like the situation was inside a room with no people at all. This man is telling me that he is giving me the chance to study at my dream academy . I didn't think this could be hard.

When I was dreaming of studying there, I didn't had the chance to think about the possible consequences. I can't leave River alone. I can't..

"He said it's for free." River said as if he was telling me to accept the offer. His eyes are telling me that I don't even need to choose between going and staying.

"I can't... I c-can't leave you here alone." My tears started to fell as I tried to sit.

"Oh before I forgot I am , the Ingram Academy's Head master."

River's eyes met mine when he said he was the headmaster. Of all people that could see me fighting, Why does it have to be the Academy's Headmaster?!

But still, I cannot leave River in the city alone, specially when I know how the town works.

"I will comeback soon as you're ready. and I hope you have your final decision. Take it or leave it." He said and gave us a smile. He opened my room's door and he left.

"Demi, I know this will be hard for you to decide, but trust me, I'll be fine."He said.

"But I don't want to be selfish. You were the only family I had and I am the only one you have right now." Fuck! This is getting more complicated.

"I will be fine, besides you will visit me in the town every week. Atleast, when you become a student there, someone will not look down on us because you know what it's like to be in the town."He continued.

"I want you to take it. Take the chance Demi, believe me it's rare.."

After that, He went out to get us both foods and to give me time to think about it. And to be honest this is the first time that I will make a decision for myself that I even need to choose in between.

I sighed. A big sigh. River was ofcourse important to me that's why I am considering his place in my life. But having a chance to study in a prestigous academy where only those who can afford gets the chance is also a big thing.

River is right. The opportunity is rare. It's not like you'll get the chance everytime.

Maybe I should reconsider. Maybe it was really meant to happen, to be on that academy, to find the reason of why I exist.

After a day, I was able to get of that hospital because I told them that I am already fine and well. Both River and the Doctor hesitated at first but I already went out.

We were back to our routine. Reap all the fruits and vegetables and then plant another one. In the morning we will sell them in the town, sold everything and then went home.

For the past days no one between us two, has talk about the offer. We were like observing each other yet it's not getting uncomfortable at all.

The thought still confuses me.

One side of me tells me to accept the fate that was give to me, and the other one tells me to stay because the town is where I really belong.

I know the town, and I don't know what will happen to me inside the academy.

"Do you think, it will be best for me to accept the opportunity? " I said not looking at him. 

I saw him stopped eating and looked at me. He gave me a sighed.

"Ofcourse, It will be." He smiled at me. A smile that will tell you not to worry about things.

"I'll accept the offer if you think it is the best thing for me to do."

"It is. Now, stop worrying about me and focus on what's more you can have." He said.



Another update everyone, I hope that you guys will stay woth me until I finish the book.

Thank you for reading The black pearl! I love you all!
