
the black magic

There like a king in a village who can only rule with black magic. His name is Leo is a very old man but he never agree that he is old ,He is a very wick man who everyone fear in the village . But only one young man never fears him ,his name is Kim he is the son of a great hunter in the village of the black magic ,he is the most handsome and kindness man in the village who every girl love . The villager live in fear of their lives and of their families because king Leo loves beautiful girls very young ones If he sees any young girls he quickly send his guards to kidnap her as his wife so when doing that he drop some gift for her parents to get ,no parents can save there daughter's life but this time around he pick the wrong girl , the girl who will destroy him and his fellow. because she is s girlfriend to Kim , her name us princess. her parents get Kim and tell him everything and he left after hearing the sad story . Kim was home and he told his father what happened to princess his love , the father sit him down to tell him a story about Leo . After the father told him the story he left to save his girlfriend, the story is all about the things that will destroy the king . Kim is the only one that can kill the king ,he got there and sees his girlfriend so restless on the ground he call unto the king with anger because he is so angry with him king: who is the that who dears to come to my kingdom at this time Kim: you have touch the wrong woman by bringing her here king Leo :who are you and what are u look for in my kingdom king Leo: speak young man Kim : am here to take that which belong to me in anger the king laugh, really and what was that that belong to you here Kim : the woman you took is mine so bring her to me if you don't want your kingdom to destroy king Leo : who are you to challenge me in my kingdom ,guard take him Kim : you can't take me cause I will kill them all after that I will kill you king Leo laugh hahahahahah hmm boy u are playing with your life Kim : really let see who is playing with his life here ,Kim is saying something in his mind that his father told him about the king that he will see one thing at the back of the king that thing it's hurts the king when ever the sun shines upon it and it was afternoon that day so Kim bring the king out of his house at that hour ,because the king is angry at him he will surely come out Kim : hmm seems my plans is working so the king come out and it was easy to kill the king . after that everyone are safe both the women in the house are very happy and Kim and princess and the whole village are safe after the death of the king .

mirah1111 · Urban
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