
The Black Dragon's Angel

Kelly Paige, an abomination, a hybrid born of a werewolf and a nine-tailed fox. Her existence sets her apart in a world filled with creatures both mysterious and dangerous. Having lived a life of luxury and secrecy as she was hidden from the world by her father, she turns eighteen and things change as she enters into a realm where her very survival is at stake. Blessed with beauty that captivates all who lay eyes on her, Kelly's striking emerald eyes and flowing silk-like hair often draw attention, both wanted and unwanted. Everything changes when she encounters two brothers, Damien and Julian. While both present themselves as caring individuals, Kelly soon realizes that only one of them harbours genuine intentions towards her. As she navigates the treacherous waters of deceit and betrayal, Kelly soon finds herself falling in love with Damien, only to uncover the harrowing truth behind a past event where she narrowly escaped death by fire at a young age. Love, however, isn't always reciprocated and in the case of Julian, it takes a dark turn, leading to unpredictable and perilous circumstances, trapping her in the process. As Kelly grapples with this web of emotions and dangers, she must summon all her strength with the help of her lover to navigate through them. As she confronts the harsh realities of her existence and the injustice that follows being a hybrid, Kelly must tread carefully to outwit her adversaries and secure her freedom. Will Kelly emerge victorious from this or is all this just the beginning of the main tribulation yet to come? Excerpt* “What do you want with me?” The look on Kelly’s face showed confidence but the fear inside her was bigger than her. “In simple words, I want to be able to walk around in the day and the blood of a hybrid is the way I can achieve that, so technically, yeah that's it” Ivan said with a smirk on his face. “So you're gonna kill me?” Kelly asked, fear now obvious on her face. “Yeah, that's what I said,” Ivan grinned, his fangs growing out. “He'll be here, I know he will,” Kelly hoped. “...and if he shows up, I'll be long gone and you'll be dead, I win, you both lose” “It's time,” the witch behind him said. “Don't worry, most of it will be painless…” Ivan said and in the next second, he had his fangs on her neck. Feeling weak, Kelly’s legs failed her but the vampire held on to her waist as he sucked the life out of her. The smell of fire in the woods alarms them and Ivan lets go of the hybrid to see the witch on fire. Kelly tries to see but the fire burns too bright. Who could that be?

Luna_grey005 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 8 - Butterflies

As I pondered on what was going on with me, I felt a familiar presence that sent chills down my spine and I looked up to see Damien walking towards us.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. He looked all tall and handsome, with his hair a bit ruffled like he had just been chased by a huge bear. I didn't know if that made him hotter or if it was just me.

Ivy suddenly got up and left the room, leaving us alone. Damien sat down, crossing his legs one over the other. He picked out something small from his pocket like a book. He seems to always have that with him; maybe he just enjoys reading. I couldn't help but notice his facial features as he read on. His smooth soft skin, perfectly shaped jaw and long lashes looked so temptingly alluring and I just wanted to touch his face.

"Hmm…looks like I'm the problem" Damien said, not looking up and I snapped out of the trance recalling he asked a question.

"Nothing's wrong," I replied, pulling myself together.

"nothing? But your mind says otherwise" Damien said with a straight face and I laughed nervously. I got up to leave before he found out that I think he's absolutely gorgeous and I just wanna run my hands through his hair.

I had almost gotten to the stairs when he suddenly appeared in front of me, startling me.

"What the…?" I said, holding my chest from shock.

"I didn't take you for the shy type, princess" Damien said, putting his hand in the pocket of his coat.

"I'm not shy," I said, looking straight into his eyes, trying to sound as cool and composed as I could. He suddenly walked forward, blocking the little space between us.

"Really?" His voice sounded deep and husky.

I tried to utter a word but I couldn't as I couldn't think straight. He was barely an inch from me and I had never been this close to any man in my life. His minty cologne made me feel dizzy and I didn't know if that was a good thing, but something tells me it isn't. I could even hear my own racing heart in my chest. I tried to move away but I felt the need to stay put like I was told to.

He chuckled deeply, moving even closer. This time I got myself and I moved back.

"You know what I think.." Damien said, moving forward again, this time I didn't move. I couldn't.

"I think…you're shy but you want a little adventure" he whispered in my ears and I stiffened as his breath touched my neck. I felt like my insides were on fire. I couldn't tell what was happening but one thing was sure, I wasn't in control of my body. Tilting my head, I closed my eyes, enjoying the new experience, waiting for the adventure he spoke of, but…nothing.

"You're charming, princess," Damien said, moving back from me.

What was that?

I still couldn't speak but I could move. I turned to see him sitting on the sofa.

"What?" Damien asked me, making me wonder if that feeling was all me. I'm definitely going crazy.

"I think you need a break" Damien said again while I contemplated my next move.

"Get dressed, we're going to a party" Damien said and I totally heard that. I have been aching to see what it looks like outside my home, now I'm getting the chance.

"Really?" I asked to confirm what I heard.

"Want me to change my mind?"

I rushed upstairs and rushed into the walk-in closet hoping there was one thing suitable that I would like to wear. I like the colour black so I checked out the black dresses first. If I'm being honest, I was really impressed by the dresses I found. There were a whole lot of clothes from exclusive party dresses to lingeries.

I swiped through the dresses but I remembered I didn't ask what kind of party we were going to, so I had no idea what theme I had to dress up in.

After an awfully long while of checking out various dresses and shoes to match, my eyes caught one simple but dazzling black dress. It had a v-neck, a thick net sleeve and it was just above my knees.

"Perfect," I mumbled.

I walked down the stairs as carefully as I could in my silver heels, searching for Damien around the place.

A car honked from outside and I followed it to see Damien standing in front of a black Mercedes Benz G-class limited edition. Seriously, I still don't know who this guy is. Dad couldn't buy this car because it's a limited version and here he is…rocking the car.

I smiled hoping I swept him off his feet but as usual, he kept a stern face, but he had his intense gaze fixed on my body.

I expected him to be a gentleman and open the door but he just opened the door and entered, starting the engine.

"Cheeky" I muttered, helping myself in.

The silence between us was deafening and none of us wanted to break it.


When we got to where we were going, we came down and I marvelled at the aesthetics of the building. The building covered the whole aspect of a building's size, colour, proportion, alignment, decoration, culture and context.

"This way my lord" a man ushered.

Damien took my hand in his, leading me inside.

"Tonight, you're my date," he said with an indifferent look but I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach at his words. The man led us to a lift and left us there. We entered and when we arrived, my eyes widened at the various people there. Some of them were green, some had tails and some had furry ears and little fireflies flew around the places.

"Those are not fireflies, they're pixies"

We walked further into the room and I could feel their eyes on me. The death glares…

"Why the menacing looks?"

"They can smell your mixed blood."

I clung tightly to his hands, to avoid being devoured.

"Good evening everyone" I heard a voice from the front of the hall.

"Tonight, we're gathered to celebrate another millennium together," he said

"This is my third millennium actually, not as old as our superiors but I try" He joked and some laughed…

Over three thousand years? That's a lot of years to be alive and still look so young. "Thank you for being here everyone, please enjoy," he said again and the music began.

"Classical music? I thought you guys would be into rough music like metal music."


I spotted a man in a far corner looking at me. When he noticed I was looking back at him, he smiled and I saw his canines were long. I looked away quickly.

"Hello beautiful lady," I looked and I saw him standing right beside me. How did he…?

"I'm not sure I've seen you around here, I wouldn't miss such a pretty face"

I smiled. He seemed nice, unlike the others giving me death glares.

I looked at Damien as he was awfully quiet and I saw the look in his eyes remained the same, so I decided to give a reply to the stranger, but I felt a squeeze on my hand.

"You seem to have missed your way Ivan, she's not one of your mistresses"

"Ah my lord, I didn't know she's with you. My apologies" he said as he turned away.

Superior among humans and beasts. He must be someone of a really high class.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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