

life core is everything for demons but what will happen when the demon’s king betrays his own people and give some life cores to human’s king

B0n · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Charles was angry as he looked at all the people with A sickening realisation came to him as he observed some of the bodies, they lost their colour indicative that their life cores had been destroyed. Yet, there was still hope for those whose colour remained. if they could recover their life cores, they might survive

But where their life core? Or to put it in right way who took their Life core, The demon's law clearly prohibited the removal of another's life core, since the life core is the power and the life of all demons.

If the demon's life core was destroyed, it would be the end of their existence. The prince took a moment to process the gravity of the situation as The prince's voice was firm and authoritative as he issued instructions. "What happened?"

He demanded, his eyes sharp. The servant fidgeted slightly before replying, "We are unaware of the specifics, your highness. And the headmaster requested to speak with you immediately upon your arrival."

The servant's words hung in the air, and the prince responded coolly, "Tell him to come to me." Turning to John, the prince commanded, "Go gather more information about the situation, and Eric, accompany me."

"As you wish your highness" john says as he walk out while eric follow charles. As they reach the headquarters they saw the headmaster bowing respectfully for the prince as he greeted him.

The prince settled into his seat while Eric standing steadfast behind him. The headmaster approached the prince as he says "Your highness, I regret to inform you that the king is not currently within the castle and isn't in the kingdom either"

The prince looks at him with confusion as he says "if he isn't in the kingdom where is he then?" The headmaster's shaking head confirmed that he was equally perplexed by the situation.

The prince let out an exasperated sigh, his frustration clear. The king had a penchant for stirring up trouble, leaving the prince to shoulder the responsibility for mopping up after his chaotic escapades.

The prince's annoyance was palpable as he cut the headmaster off. "I don't have time for any of the king's latest antics," he said, his tone curt. But the headmaster wasn't finished; he slammed his hand on the table, his voice filled with urgency,

"But, your highness, this situation isn't normal-" Before he could finish, a sudden change was felt by the headmaster, a burning sensation in his life core. Eric intervened, his voice icy as he stepped between them. "Do not dare speak to his highness that way," he warned the headmaster.

The prince's tone was authoritative as he commanded, "Eric, remove your magic." Eric obediently withdrew from the interaction, returning to his stance. The sound of a knock on the door interrupted their conversation, drawing the attention of everyone present.

John and Aria strode into the room, their expressions revealing their findings. "I've got some intriguing info for you, your highness," John announced, a smirk on his face. Aria shoved a man to his knees, and she stepped on his back to keep him pinned in place. "And a traitor," John added, his eyes narrowed

Charles chuckled darkly, a cold smile playing on his lips. He crossed his legs confidently, exuding a regal aura. "Interesting, indeed," he smirked, his tone cool and collected

"Care to explain what happened?" "YOUR HIGHNESS PLEASE I'M INNOCENT-" the man helplessly says as john put a sword at the man's neck

Aria's voice was cold and menacing as her eyes glowed with a hint of red magic. "You'd better tell the truth, or else I might just relish in using my magic on you," she threatened.

The man's face paled, visibly intimidated," the king force us to take alot of demons life core" he looked at the prince as he hesitated to continue "especially the queen life core and the second prince"