
When he first saw them

On a nice day, the sun was shining so bright, birds flying in the sky, a nice breeze a lovely day. Mukisa decided to go and rest on the beach but as he was resting he saw a boat sailing towards the shore and from it came a man he had never seen in his life. The men's skins was white and they spoke a strange language. Mukisa had never heard of the language so he couldn't understand them. The men seemed to be friendly but because Mukisa had never seen any of his kind, he ran away quickly to go inform others of the men. When the others heard, they came to see the strange men Mukisa was talking about. When they came to see the men, they were friendly. They didn't understand them at first but when they took them in, fed and stayed with them for some time they become understanding them and knew that they were missionaries who had come to teach them about God. Many people and joined the missionaries and became Christians and got baptized. Mukisa was baptized by Fr. Alexander, one of the missionaries. Mukisa and Fr. Alexander became great friends and Mukisa helped the missionaries in their work. Many people became Christians and went against their bad culture and refused to worship the gods of the culture. When the cultural leaders including the King heard this, they became angry and didn't like it so one day, the king decided to burn some of the Christians and warned the missionaries. The missionaries were terrified and decided to go back to their home. This left Mukisa so sad but later, the king died and his son who inherited throne wrote a letter to the missionaries calling them back. Indeed, they came back but later another group of white men came and this time, they were not friendly at all. They came and took some of their land and started occupying it. The blacks could do nothing because they had weapons that could spit fire (guns).