
Chapter 2


Back in the dark abyss ..Tang Lin was sitting there thinking of he's current situation.It seems when he died in the spacial crack he was summon to a unknown place.He could only see white in that place.There he met a being that could be descrip by mere words.There he obtain quite a lot of information about himself.


'I can't believe I did such an unbelievable thing' he thought to himself .

When he fell in the spatial crack and met that being he was send back with a special link with the abyss which means he has become one with the void.But he didn't want to spend the rest of his life this place so he split he's consciousness in two sending here and the other somewhere else he doesn't have link with he's other self at the moment.It seems he's other self is little weak.

"I hope my other half can get a link with this place or I'll be stuck here.Maybe i should think of something while I'm here.."

"What's this..huh did he link us already?"

Back at Azarath

A young man with pure jade like skin with slightly handsome face and pitch black hair and azure eyes could be seen sitting on a bed while a girl was treating he's injuries with tears in her eyes.

"Does it hurt?" ask the girl.

"Not really" replied the boy.

"Young master Tang*sopping*I'm sorry..if it wasn-"

"Don't worry about it ..and what did i say about calling me young master "

"Ah but i -"Lucy was cut of again

"No buts say my name" the boy said.

" Ta..Tan..Tang Lin " said Lucy with a red face looking cute with a doll like face.

"That's better" With a bright smile on he's face ."Anyway where is elder Rui?"

"i think he has some business to take care of "

"I see" Tang Lin said.

" Youn- Tang lin i have to go finish my work " said Lucy

"Ok"Seeing Lucy walk out he started grapping the bed seat .Lucy was he's maid and childhood friend that didnt ridicule him about he's spirit circuit being messed up. When he saw her being harassed he went to go save her but was beaten up and knocked out.

'I really am weak huh?Why am i like this?What did i do wrong?How can I protect Lucy like this?

"How can i fix my spirit circuit" he started thinking. But couldn't find a way

"Sigh" He started crossing he's legs and tried putting Spirit Qi in he's spirit circuit and throughout he's body.Just then he received a backlash and started puking a mouthful of blood.

'I should have expected this..right maybe I'll try asking father if he found a way yet but i know he as way but that way is very dangerous and could lead to my death .' Tang Lin though.

"Fuck it if it means fixing my circuit and protecting Lucy I'll do anything." he said with a new found resolve.And stood up and started looking for he's father.

A while later

"Father!" Tang Lin shouted while knocking on he's father research room.

"Come in" a load and majestic voice sounded.Tang Lin walked in and saw he's father sitting in a chair looking at a strange stone in contemp.Tang Lin stood there waiting for he's father to finish.

"Sigh" A tired sigh was let out.He started talking "Little Lin i heard you got caught in a fight for your maid "

Tang Lin was taken aback but still replied. "Yes"

"I see so what have come here for "asked he's father.

"Father i have come here to tell you I'll do it."

He's father appeared right in front of him with a serious expression ."Are you sure." Again was he taken aback but not surprise since he's was a Spirit Qi Earth Realm tier 5 expert.

"Yes" he replied seriously.

"This will be very dangerous and no one has ever tried this before " he's father said ."I know but i don't want to be weak and not protect the people i care about in the future."


" Fine follow me " said he's father.

And they begin to exit the room.

Next Chapter:New Found Hope