
The birth of our love

It's a story between two introvert. Isar the introverted boy who avoid trouble and Mira a shy, timid girl who can't express her feeling. How will they work out?

Iter_Riba · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 . The first meeting

25th June 2018 the day where it all started the story of you and me

"Students our school is organizing an inter-house science presentation competition it will be held on 7th July 2018 the details about the competition will be told to you by your respective teacher" The principal announced in the morning assembly " Now students are dispersed "

All the students start dispersing. Among them, many were murmuring about the event which is going to happen. " Hey Ister are you going to participate in the competition " A boy asks his friend. "No, I will not participate in it Lian " Ister replied to his friend " Oh! But I think you would have to participate in the competition " Lian replied " Because you have never participated in any competition nor have helped your housemates in anything " Ister stopped walking and looked at Lian with a deadpan expression on his face. "Don't joke with me, my friend " Which shows his resistance to participate in the competition. "Hehehe don't worry you won't have to participate in the competition now let's go inside the class" Lian pulls Ister inside the class

They both went inside the class and sat there with other students. Soon the classes started and fourth period came. During fourth period all the students were called by their respective house teachers for house meetings. Ister is of Blue House and he is currently sitting in the last row of the school library cozily while listening to the teacher "... That's why any interested can apply for the science presentation competition" Everyone is murmuring among themselves. Ister isn't paying attention to them as he sitting there silently for the meeting to end "Ister" The physics teacher calls his name.

"Yes sir? " Ister calmly answers "You have to participate in the upcoming competition as your house activity is almost negligible" "Sir... " "No you have to participate" Physics sir said in a stern tone. "Okay *sigh* I will participate in the competition sir but I don't have a partner " Ister replied to the teacher. "Don't worry I will find someone to be your partner " The lunch break rang as physics sir said that.

'That cursed mouth of his. Am going to butcher his soul' Ister is currently cursing Lian as he going towards the classroom to find him. As he reaches the class he sees Lian sitting on his seat.

"Oi ! you cursed mouth" Ister slam his hand on Lian's the desk " How can your mouth be so cursed. You said something bad in the morning and it happened now "

Lian gets up and asks " What how can my mouth be cursed" "How can your mouth be not cursed you said that i will have to participate in the competition and here I am" They both continue bickering for the entire day.

* Next day at school *

Ister is currently on his way towards the teachers staff room to meet Bijay sir(physics teacher) as he had called Ister.

After reaching the staff room ister knocks on the door and ask permission to come inside. As he come inside he see their are some students who are giving their name for the competition. 'Don't they have any work. How boring it is to participate I hope I wouldn't get selected' Ister pray in his heart and look for bijay sir . He finally find Bijay sir sitting in a corner he was surrounded by some student.

Ister went there and politely greet him "good morning sir" Bijay sir smile and says "Good morning Ister I have found a partner for you " As he point towards the timid girl behind him

'What !!? He really find a partner for me *sigh* what a drag' isar thought and look up to see the girl. The girl look timid and shy. She has black hair and a fair skin. She look cute with her short height. 'Hmmm wasn't she in my class what was her name... Med no it was Mira. Can she talk. I have never seen her talking as far as I remember' " Hello Mira" Ister forward his hand " Hello Ister I hope you would take care of me " She shake her tender little hand with Ister "okay now you two can use school computer for your work and if you have any doubt you can ask me" Bijay sir said.

"Thank you sir" Ister and Mira bid their farewell to teacher and quietly went out of room. As they quit the room. They look at each other

am a newbie if there's anything wrong I hope you can point it out. so I can improve

Iter_Ribacreators' thoughts