
The Birth Of New Evolution (Pokémon Fanfic)

A new adventure is going to begin and the story start from a girl that born in the town with unique power. Let's read!

AoiLuna · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Rival Emerged

The gang were now walking down the road to search for Vermillion City. Yui was thinking about her next gym battle. 'Since Vermillion Gym uses electric type, maybe Rai can make a rematch since his second was interrupt. But I promise Dia to appear on the third gym it will be very difficult.' she thought.

She ended up battling five trainers along the way. Right how Yui was battling another trainer's ratatta with Yang. "Yang use Quick Attack and follow up with Force palm." Yui said. Yang appear in front the Ratatta and knocked out Ratatta in a second with Force palm.

"Wow you're good," said the Ratatta's trainer "you should battle A.J". "Who's that?" asked Yui. The trainer explained that A.J was a savage trainer and owned his own gym just down the path. Yui suggested the group should investigate.

They found A.J.'s gym shortly. "Wow, nice gym" exclaimed Yui. "Yeah and it's not even official" said Brock. "Who goes there?" said a voice behind them. It was a boy, with dark green hair and a Sandshrew behind him.

"Are you A.J?" asked Yui. "Y-yes that is me," said A.J with shutter as his face become slightly pick when he see Yui's face, he then cough and ask "Are you here to challenge me?"

"Yes, I am." replied Yui. "Great this will become my 100th win" said A.J. confidently, pointing to his gum sign. It had the number 99 on it, to show that he had beaten trainers 99 times.

A.J. brought Yui to the battlefield. "This will be a one on one match," said A.J. "Go Sandshrew!" His Sandshrew went onto the battlefield.

'Rai maybe need a new experience.' Thought Yui as she took out Rai's pokeball. "Rai show me your strength!" Rai show out from his pokeball body covered by electricity "Bring it on!"

"What's Yui thinking?" asked Misty, knowing full well that Pikachu had the type disadvantage. "I wouldn't worry Misty, remember he defeated my Onix with Pikachu" reassure Brock. Misty knew Brock was right with that.

"Sandshrew use dig" commanded A.J. "Rai use Agility and then run around the battlefield." Command Yui. Rai obey her and run in circle so that Sandshrew may not able to hit him. She then close her eyes and focus on the ground to find the shake that will happen when Sandshrew come out while using aura unconsciously.

"Get out the ground" A.J. said. Sandshrew about to came out of the ground. Yui immediately open her eyes and yell "Rai jump back two steps! " thanks to that and Rai's agility Sandshrew missed. "Now Rai use Iron Tail!" said Yui. Rai's Iron Tail hit Sandshrew head on as Sandshrew unable to avoid Rai's speed that constantly charged by agility.

A.J. gasped, he had never seen anything like that. Sandshrew was getting worn out from the iron tail. "Quick use Tackle" said A.J. "Wild charge!" said Yui. Rai covered his body with high volt electricity with an intimidating smirk he taunt his enemy "Come at me you dirt rat!". Sandshrew become pissed and forgot about his body pain and put all his strength to his Tackle.

Tackle and Wild charge collided with each other, but Rai proved to be stronger from Sandshrew, so Sandshrew fainted after Rai's Wild change hit him. Yui had won.

When the battle was over A.J. picked up Sandshrew and asked "Are you all right?" Sandshrew nodded. Yui kneel down in front Rai "Good work Rai." She said while scratching Rai's chin as Rai let out a happy purr.

"I must say Yui that was amazing," said A.J. "I never thought an electric type would ever beat my Sandshrew."

"That is what people always thought. I'm going to prove that Pokémon type doesn't decided the match. And I'm sorry that this didn't become your 100th win" said Yui with a sad smile. "Ah, don't worry about that," said A.J. "besides I can just battle another trainer to earn it".

Yui then asked "A.J. could I see your other pokemon." A.J. then smile very bright "Of course its alright." He then led the group to a big tent. Inside the tent there were some Pokémon and what looked to be some sort of training gear.

Sanshrew climbed up a ladder and dived into the pool. "This is where I train my Pokémon" explained A.J. He saw Sandshrew get out of the pool. He whacked a whip onto the floor. "Get back into the water". Yui saw three Ratatta jumping through three hoops of fire and a Butterfree and Beedrill carrying some heavy gear. "Wow A.J." said Yui amazed "you train you're Pokémon well". "Thank you Yui," said A.J. with a blush in his face as he look away embarrassed "although I thought you were going to say that my training is harsh. Most trainers do".

"Actually I understand this sort of training," said Yui "since this does bring out the strength of Pokémon. But I must admit I find the whip a little bit too much".

A.J. was happy that Yui appreciate his ways and shake hands with her to show that he had found a friend in Yui. Just then an alarm clock went off in A.J.'s tent and A.J. told all his Pokémon to take a break.

While Sandshrew was having a breather, a bag from out of nowhere grabbed Sandshrew. It was Meowth and Team Rocket who had watched Sandshrew's battling and wanted it to give to their boss.

Meanwhile A.J. and Yui were discussing about battle strategies when A.J. notice that Sandshrew was gone. "Where's Sandshrew?" he asked. "Maybe it went outside for a breather" suggested Brock.

They were about to go have a check, when they heard screams from outside. They ran out immediately and saw Sandshrew escaping from Team Rocket. Sandshrew had used Scratch to get out the bag and had Tackle Team Rocket to get away from them. "Hey what's the big idea!?" shouted A.J furious. "It's Team Rocket!" Said Yui angrly "they are stealing other people's Pokémon again."

"Oh yeah?" said A.J with a frown "well they aren't taking my Pokémon. Come on Sandshrew let's battle these guys." "If it's a fight you want," said Jessie sneer "we'll give you one". Jessie and James sent out Ekans, Koffing and Meowth joined in too. Jessie said "Ekans to bite it!" and James said "Koffing to sludge it!" and Meowth yell "Taste this fury swipes!".

Sandshrew rolled up into a ball and dodged Ekans and Koffing easily and became like a toy to Meowth. "Meowth this is not the time to play!" shouted Jessie. Meowth snapped out of it and tried to bite down on Sandshrew, but sandshrew's hard body broke Meowth's teeth. "Use Fissure!" shouted A.J. Sandshrew made the ground shake and hit Ekans, Koffing and Meowth really hard. Making Meowth terrified "I forfeit the match!" He, Ekans and Koffing ran away together.

"Come back here!" shouted Jessie and James together, running after him. A.J. had won the match and the 99 the on sign changed to 100, which meant A.J. had finally beaten 100 trainers.

A.J. thanked the group for all of their help. "What will you do now?" asked Yui. "Well now I am going to collect gym badges" replied A.J. "I hope to battle you again one day Yui". He and Yui shook hands at each other. "I cannot wait for that" replied Yui with a gentle smile. A.J. blush seeing Yui's smile but snap out when he felt Yin and Yang glaring him to death.

Yui, Misty and Brock bid farewell to A.J. and went on their way.