
The birth of mafia queen

What happens ,when a 20 year old college girl discovers that she is the future queen of mafiaworld...

Suman_Bhat · Urban
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3 Chs

Me the mafia queen

"Daddy, please don't say these type of thing. You will live a long life", Samantha said." I wish,it can be true", Ramesh uncle said with sorrow. " what do mean by that?,Samantha asked."Your father is suffering from cancer and it can't be cured", Ramesh uncle said. Samantha gets shocked and grabbes her father's hand and says" why God?,why? How can you do this?. Mr.Mittal consoled Samantha and said," Samantha don't be sad. You have to accept this like I did.I want to spend some time with you and in my last time I want you to stay with me".

" Harsh has only six months left and he wants to stay with you Samantha", Ramesh uncle said."okay dad, I will stay".Samantha said.

After hearing Samantha's decision everybody became happy. " Ramesh uncle, decorated the whole house like a bride, send invitations to everyone. Tonight there will be a grand celebration for my lovely daughter.",Mr.mittal ordered with happiness. " Okay,Harsh everything will be done according to your order",Ramesh uncle said.

Ramesh uncle gives instructions to everyone about the party in the house.

" Party! Wow but, it is not necessary dad",Samantha said. "No,Samantha. You have meet everyone because you are the future mafia queen.",Mr.mittal Said with joy.

Samantha get shocked and said," 'mafia queen' and me!". " Yes,Samantha you. To night I will announce that you will be the next queen.",Mr.mittal Said. " Harsh, I am also thinking about it.",Ramesh uncle said.

"No, I don't want become any type of queen or whatever. I am only twenty years old college girl. How can you thought this? So, please stop this nonsense.",Samantha said with anger.

" No, Samantha.You are my only daughter. If you don't become the queen then who will?",Mr.mittal Said with anger.

Samantha and Mr.mittal started arguing and suddenly Mr.mittal fainted. Ramesh uncle immediately called the doctor.

Doctor did some checkups.

"Is everything okay doctor?", Samantha asked. " yes, everything is okay. Right now, he is resting. His stress level has increased. You all know that Mr.mittal is not in a good condition. So,Don't give him any type of stress. It can be harmful for him. You all have to take good care of him",doctor said and then he leaved.

" Samantha, it's okay if you don't want to become the queen. I will convince Harsh, you don't have to worry. Even though, our enemies are waiting for this type of chance to get our power but I will convince him. So, please don't worry.",Ramesh uncle said

Suddenly, a servent came and tells that Mr.mittal is conscious and is asking for Samantha. Samantha rushed to Mr.mittal 's room. " are you okay dad?",Samantha asked. " yes! Yes! I am totally fine".Mr. Mittal replied.

Ramesh uncle entered in the room and said," Thank God! Harsh is fine. Now, you have take some rest. So, I will cancel the party".

" yes, we should do. Samantha is not interested. So, we should cancel the party.", Mr.mittal Said. Ramesh uncle Is about to leave the room then suddenly Samantha stopped him and said," we don't have to cancel the party. I am ready to become the queen or whatever". Samantha leaves the room and then Mr.mittal and Ramesh uncle looked at each other and smiled.