
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Hundred Demons' March part 2

[Sports Festival Stadium, Musutafu, Japan]

-Eraser Head-

"What are these things?" The second the words came out of Vlad's mouth, the sick man's smile widened as his gaze fell on us.

"These, my dear Vlad, are my nomus, thanks to the doctor, I was able to study them, but unlike him, I have skills that are a little more...magical, as a result, they are more efficient, how much more? Well, this little test is here to tell me."

A test? All these deaths, All these cries of distress I hear, all this innocent bloodshed is nothing more than a damn TEST?



My gaze turns to Aizawa, who is looking at me with hatred clearly visible on his face, making me smile, knowing fully why he is angry.

"Do you have something to tell me, Aizawa?" My smile only increases his hatred as the chaos and death continue to explode outside.

"Detroit Smash."

A fist filled with anger and determination slams into a nomu in the shape of a giant minotaur with four arms, the nomu's body crashes into a wall and doesn't move, a sign that it is defeated.

All Might looks behind him to see the man, the woman, and the two children.

"Thank you All Migh...." The man's sentence is interrupted when the minotaur that All Might thought he had killed gets up and charges at the symbol of justice and lands a powerful punch that propels All Might into a wall.

As he gets up, All Might stop and feels a warm liquid on his back, he turns around and sees with horror the family he just saved flattened against the wall, their bodies crushed and broken.

An intense wave of anger rises in the heart of the symbol of justice as a fist filled with rage destroys the minotaur, yet the anger he feels at this moment does not subside as he sees the many innocent lives that have been taken.

Chaos and blood are the only things All might could see, the many monsters have already killed more than half of the civilians, some were lucky enough to escape while the rest are hiding and trying to flee.

"All these deaths, why?" His voice is shaking with rage and sadness as those eyes slowly move towards the commentator's booth where the man behind all those deaths is, but before he can make a move he is hit by a large orc-like monster with red skin and a huge belly, his massive body makes him look rather small.

The orc looks at him mockingly before quickly swinging his fist behind him, killing a hero who tried to surprise him, despite the anger of seeing another colleague die, All Might doesn't rush and starts thinking about what he just saw.

'He is strong and fast despite his size, and he may be hiding other abilities.'

After having his analysis, All Might puts himself in a fighting position before rushing straight ahead to meet the orc who also jumped forward, his fist clenched and striking forward to meet the firs of the Hero n°1 and so, after a powerful shock wave, the fight started.


Meanwhile, many heroes are trying their best to contain the many flying monsters that are trying to get out of the stadium and into the city, unfortunately, few heroes can fly or attack from a distance and as if that wasn't enough, their numbers are quickly diminished by a black blur that appears to be an extremely thin and very tall creature, possessing a pair of bat wings, having four long arms with sharp claws, its face is featureless, except for those ten eyes that can see at 360 degrees.

The flying monster effectively eliminates professional heroes until it is forced to dodge several red projectiles that prevent it from killing another hero.

"Well here's a fine mess, I wonder how U.A. is going to feel about it with the reporters."

The monster's gaze turns to the #3 hero, Wing Hero: Hawks, but instead of his usual carefree look is a deadly serious face as he thinks of the many innocent victims and worst of all, the innocent children and this mere thought make the winged hero's blood boil.

Realizing that the monster in front of him is not intelligent, Hawks hardens two of those feathers to use as bladed weapons before quickly moving towards the monster, but is surprised when the winged monster quickly dodges Hawks' attack by gaining height before diving directly towards the hero, those claws ready to tear him apart.

Hawks deftly dodges the clawed blows before stepping back while thinking of a plan. 'Looks like this is going to take a little while.'

He thinks before attempting another attack.


"We should be out there fighting, not out here hiding like fucking cowards." Katsuki Bakugo ruminates angrily as he and the students of Class 1-A and 1-B were led back to the locker room, but even there they could hear the sound of fighting and cries for help.

"If even professional heroes are having trouble handling this situation, what do you think you can do?" Said Shoto irritated by his classmate's complaints. "Say that again, bastard."

While the two are arguing, in the corner of the locker room stands young Izuku, looking intently at his fist. 'Kacchan is right, I should be out there fighting to save these people, but am I capable of it? Every time I've faced that man, I've never been able to do anything, and every time there's been deaths, will it be different this time?"

As he lowers his fist to try and stand up, Izuku is surprised and worried that he can't and worse, he notices that his body shakes at the mere thought of facing the wizard.

With a bitter smile and watery eyes, Izuku lowers his head in shame, disappointed in himself.

'Am I really worthy of being his successor?"


"Vanishing Fist." Engulfed in flames, Endeavor's fist slams into a monster that ends up charred as hero #2 finally reaches his destination, and with one punch, he destroys the glass of the commentator's booth to see those two colleagues lying on the floor, but still alive.

He quickly notices the wizard standing next to them, he holds in his hand a small bottle filled with a green liquid with an eye inside, he looks at the two heroes on the ground to notice that blood flows from one of the eyes of Eraser Head.

Izuna, having already sensed the presence of hero #2, calmly puts the vial away before turning her gaze to him with a small smile. "Well, I thought I could get through this without a fight, looks like I missed."

Endeavor's fury peaks when he sees the smile on his daughter's murderer's face as he speaks in a deep, and angry voice. "You've committed your last misdeed you monster, I'm going to stop you right here and now."

Izuna's smile widens as her ice magic covers both hands.

"Well, I hope you can live up to those words, my little number two."