
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Memories [-18]

[Penthouse, Musutafu, Japan]

As Mitsuki sucks my dick vigorously, I can't help but remember the day I harshly beat the Todoroki family by fucking and killing their sister, haaa~, it feels like it was yesterday.

[A few weeks before the start of the new school year in the U.A.]

While the night has plunged the city of Musutafu into darkness, few people are still outside, among those people is a man dressed in a black tailored suit, walking quietly, as if he is not wanted by the whole country.

This man, as you may have guessed, is our friendly black wizard, who is walking towards a traditional Japanese house plunged in silence because almost all its residents are immersed in the world of dreams.

When he arrives at the door of the house, the wizard casts his spatial invisibility spell and then enters the house and casts the detect life spell to see where the members of the Todoroki family are.

'Shoto and Natsuo are asleep, the father is not here and Fuyumi is in the kitchen.'

Quickly deciding what to do, Izuna goes to Natsuo's room, he opens the door to see him deeply asleep, drool dripping from his mouth.

With a wave of his hand, he casts a silence spell on the room so that no noise is heard outside, then with another wave of his hand, he turns the boy's sheets into chains and his pillow into a ball gag that he enchants so that the boy doesn't escape.

He then leaves the room to go to Shoto's room so that he undergoes the same thing as his brother except that this time the wizard casts a spell of paralysis on him then Izuna uses his telekinesis to make him float in the air and brings him with him in the direction of Fuyumi who is drinking a glass of water in her pajamas.

Izuna calmly stands a few meters behind her before dispelling her invisibility spell, while Shoto floats right next to him, completely helpless.

Izuna clears her throat to make her presence known to Fuyumi who calmly turns around, surely thinking it's one of her brothers but quickly becomes disillusioned when she sees Izuna standing calmly with a jovial smile while her brother is chained, gagged, and held in the air.

Before Fuyumi makes a sound, Izuna creates an ice dagger and places it under Shoto's throat while putting his finger in front of his mouth to clearly indicate to her to not make any noise, under penalty of his little brother's blood flowing.

Quickly understanding the situation, Fuyumi's tears start to rise knowing full well what is going to happen, it is no secret that the black wizard is a serial rapist and unfortunately for her, she knows that she is about to lose her virginity in the worst way.

Knowing perfectly the thoughts of the woman in front of him, Izuna's smile widens and becomes somewhat sadistic, one of the many benefits of Izuna's reputation is that the fear it instills in others keeps them from doing something stupid and sometimes knowing what the wizard wants without him even speaking.

In this case, Fuyumi quickly guesses what Izuna wants by seeing his gaze going through her body without even hiding the lust in those eyes, and by seeing her little brother at Izuna's mercy, she knows that resisting wouldn't be a good idea.

So when the sorcerer comes forward to grab her chest with his right hand without even being gentle, she can only keep quiet, endure and try to contain the moans that threaten to come out of her mouth thanks to the sorcerer's master levels of groping.

While her right hand is occupied by Fuyumi's breast which is separated only by a simple blouse, Izuna's left-hand moves inside his pants to grab those soft round buttocks and start to knead them with an expert hand and all this under the eyes filled with the rage of Shoto who can only watch helplessly to what is probably going to be the rape of his sister.

Izuna gives Fuyumi a quick pat on the butt before he walks away and magically creates a simple wooden chair. "Take off your clothes." He says in a nonchalant voice.

Fuyumi's body freezes for a few seconds upon hearing Izuna's words, who unfortunately, upon seeing her hesitation, make a hand movement, which is followed by Shoto's muffled screams of pain.

Fuyumi's tears threaten to fall as she hears Shoto in pain, while Izuna just looks at her with an indifferent look.

"Don't make me repeat myself, we don't want anything to happen to the apprentice hero when U.A.'s homecoming is only a few weeks away, do we?" He said as he undressed before sitting down on the chair he had just created and spreading his legs, a clear sign of what he wanted.

Understanding that her obedience is required for Shoto's physical integrity, Fuyumi slowly begins to remove her pajamas, unfortunately, it's a hair too slow for Izuna who reaches out his hand to Shoto to let her know that her current speed is insufficient.

Quickly understanding the message, Fuyumi quickly undresses and quickly steps forward to Izuna who puts her arms behind her head and leans her head back.

Fuyumi quickly understands what Izuna wants and gets on her knees. "Even though this is your first time doing this, I advise you to apply yourself for the sake of your brother, it would be unfortunate if he died because of your incompetence." Says Izuna in a nonchalant tone as a shiver runs down Fuyumi's spine as she takes Izuna's penis in her hand.

Izuna's dick was not erect yet so Fuyumi decides to use her hand she moves up and down to jerk the wizard's cock for a few seconds to make it hard, she stoops down to give a little lick on Izuna's meat stick before taking a deep breath and start taking it in her mouth little by little.

Despite her lack of experience, Fuyumi does the best she can to give a proper blowjob to Izuna who calmly enjoys the warm sensation of Fuyumi's mouth and her tongue running over his cock.

And to his surprise, Fuyumi seems to improve quickly. 'Either the power of desperation or she's naturally good at sucking.' He thinks as he watches Fuyumi perform her blowjob, which he finds increasingly pleasurable.

Fuyumi continues her blowjob for twenty minutes before she feels Izuna's cock start to vibrate and contract and even though she has no experience in this field, she quickly guesses what is going to happen soon, so she moves her head back to be able to finish the job with is hand, but Izuna, who has another plan grabs the top of her head to push his penis deep into the woman's throat which starts to gurgle.

Understanding what the wizard wants, Fuyumi obediently and vigorously continues to pump Izuna's stinger until she feels several loads of thick, salty liquid filling her mouth and seeing that Izuna has once again put his hand on her head to prevent her from moving her head away, she quickly understands what he wants and reluctantly swallows sperm under Izuna's mocking and satisfied gaze.

"I hope the taste of weakness and helplessness tastes good, Fuyumi~~." Said Izuna in a mocking voice as he used his alteration magic to turn the chair into a wooden table and then use his telekinesis to lift Fuyumi and place her in front of the table, those hands resting on it, her upper body forward, those legs spread wide and her big ass backward just waiting for Izuna's cock.

Izuna stands behind Fuyumi and grabs her waist with his left hand while holding his cock in his right hand and starts rubbing it against Fuyumi's virgin slit, who can't hold back those tears anymore knowing what is about to happen.

Izuna turns his gaze to the helpless Shoto who can only watch this scene with hate in his eyes, which amuses the sorcerer a lot, who decides to enrage him even more. "What a poor hero you are, you can't even save your sister from being raped, at least your father would have managed to start a fight."

Izuna's scornful and mocking voice only inflames Shoto's hate as Izuna refocuses his attention on the plump ass in front of him and even goes in gently, he pushes the entirety of his cock into Fuyumi's pussy who cries out in pain as she feels her flower being ripped away.

With both hands placed on Fuyumi's waist, Izuna doesn't even care about the blood flowing out of the young woman's vagina and begins to powerfully pound her pussy.

The sounds of flesh hitting flesh resound in the kitchen, these are accompanied by the moans of pleasure and shame of Fuyumi who enjoys despite herself, not knowing that her pleasure is because of Izuna's magic to increase her shame.

As he continues his back and forth in Fuyumi's pussy, Izuna looks at Shoto mockingly before slamming Fuyumi's ass, who shrieks with pleasure under the effect of the magic, amplifying her shame.

Meanwhile, inside Shoto's head, only one thought is present. 'I'm going to kill that man.'

Izuna, guessing Shoto's thoughts, can't help but become happier knowing that his plan is working.

After about ten minutes of intense penetration, Izuna's loads of semen finally fill Fuyumi's insides and she also enjoys the pleasure.

Not finished with the fun, Izuna switches positions and places Fuyumi in a missionary position on the table before starting to fuck her again as Fuyumi's breasts sway up and down by the powerful thrusts that penetrate her pussy, Izuna uses his telekinesis to draw his phone into those hands and starts filming Fuyumi.

Seeing the camera recorded, the young woman tries to hide her face with her arms but realizes with horror that Izuna blocks her arms on the table with his telekinesis, leaving her completely uncovered in front of the camera which films her face filled with pleasure and shame, and this, for long minutes before Izuna ejaculates once again inside her

Izuna pulls out and takes a few steps back to film the cum flowing out of Fuyumi's pussy before going back for another ride, and for a whole hour, Izuna fucks Fuyumi in various positions while taking care to film her and Shoto well.

And after an umpteenth ejaculation, this time on the face of Fuyumi who is on her knees after a blowjob, Izuna completely emptied makes a dagger of ice and with a lively gesture, slices the throat of Fuyumi who falls to the ground, these hands holding her throat to try in vain to prevent the blood from flowing, but a few seconds later, the life leaves her eyes, the whole filmed, obviously.

Izuna uses his telekinesis to float the phone in front of Shoto to capture his face overwhelmed with sadness and hatred as Izuna calmly puts his clothes back on before walking over to Shoto and, in a condescending tone, he says to him. "Look at you, all this time you couldn't do anything to save her, and you want to be a hero, pitiful, you're so weak....it's sickening."

And the next second, a portal appears and teleports Izuna out of the house, freeing Shoto from those fetters, but the boy's eyes are focused on only one thing, the lifeless body of his sister, covered in semen and bathed in her own blood.


'Haa~ I had fun this night.' I say as I cum in Mitsuki's mouth for the fifth time tonight.