
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A little story

The doors of U.A. collapse under the power of the nomu, allowing Izuna to enter calmly in the school, ordering his nomu to surround the academy as he enters, the nomu already have their tasks, Izuna doesn't glance at them and moves through the corridors, killing the poor innocents who have the misfortune to cross his path, their souls joining the others in his magic circle placed all over the surface of the school in anticipation of this moment.

You can hear the sound of flesh being torn, of walls being destroyed, of poor students crying out in despair as their dreams of becoming heroes are shattered along with their lives. 'Mmmm, how delicious.' Izuna thinks with a big smile

As the death toll rises, Izuna continues on his way until he comes to a door leading to the man he's looking for, well, man isn't the word he'd use to describe this being, he opens the door to find himself face to face with the director of the U.A. academy who's staring at the ground with a grim face, his little fists clenched so tightly that you can see blood staining his white fur.

"Would you look at that, the smartest rodent in the world?" Says Izuna with a voice dripping with mockery as he approaches him, he sits down on a chair opposite him as he looks at him.

Nezu finally raises his eyes to look straight into the sorcerer's, those eyes a mixture of anger, disappointment, sadness, and guilt. 'Aww, the rat thinks this is all his fault, well, technically yes, but not in the way he thinks.' Izuna thinks mockingly.

"Izu..." "I'll tell you a story, little creature."

Izuna cuts him off nonchalantly and settles comfortably in the chair.

"Once upon a time, there was a street child, abandoned by all, forced to lie, steal and cheat to survive, the child saw no future in which he could be happy, until one day, someone reached out to him, offering him what the boy never thought he'd have, love.

The person took care of the boy, making him his son and giving him all the love the boy could dream of, but it all came to an end when the boy discovered his gift."

Nezu's eyes drop to the floor with guilt as Izuna continues to speak.

"Evolution, the ability to transcend these human limits to reach unprecedented levels, when the child found out, he was overjoyed and immediately told his father who was delighted for him.

Unfortunately, the happiness soon came to an end." He says in a falsely somber voice, while he can see tears threatening to fall from the rodent's eyes.

"Izuna, please." "Quiet, I haven't finished, where was I? ....Ha, yes."

"So, as I was saying, happiness soon came to an end when the Japanese government learned about the boy's Quirk and soon other governments heard about the boy, then others, then others, and soon a decision was made, the child had to be locked up and studied, so humanity could have a chance to evolve.

So the governments pressured the boy's father to study him for "the greater good", at first the father refused, knowing what might happen to his son, but soon the governments threatened him in various ways, one of which involved his position as director.

The father now had to choose between his position as guardian of the future generation of heroes or his child, needless to say, which he chose, didn't he." Izuna's big smile only drives the dagger into Nezu's heart, already bruised by his son's words.

"Before the child could understand what was happening, he was taken away, and his ass was locked up in a top-secret laboratory, at first the child was scared, terrified even, but soon the people in charge of the project managed to manipulate him into believing that it was for the good of the world, that he would save billions of lives, that he would be a hero."

Izuna pauses for a long moment, looking into his father's eyes with a look of disgust and contempt. "That his father would be proud of him." He says scornfully as guilt floods Nezu's eyes.

"Being a naive fool with a hero complex, the child endured the tortures the scientists called "examination" and god only knows how much he suffered, but he endured for years for the people, for the world, for his father." As Izuna's words are spoken, Nezu's heart seems to wither and destroy itself, but suddenly confusion appears on his face as he hears his son's next words.

"Then one day he heard a voice in his head, at first he thought he was going crazy because of the experiments, but soon he realized that the voice was not a figment of his imagination, no this voice belonged to a person." Total confusion grips Nezu as he listens to Izuna's words, while he continues to speak without concern for the rat.

"The voice didn't remember what it was called, or why it ended up in the broken boy's head, but soon the two became close, close enough for the boy to talk to it about those deepest thoughts.

Time passed, and the boy and the voice became friends, so much so that the boy began to give himself over to the voice, sharing those darkest thoughts, not least that his father had abandoned him." Says Izuna as his smile slowly begins to turn toothy.

The voice, as a good friend, assured him that his father has not abandoned him and is doing all he can to free him, the voice even assured him that if he manages to get out of there, his father will protect him from the people who hurt him.

Hearing this, the child regained hope but soon lost it as he remembered one thing, he couldn't use his Quirk, the scientists had made sure he didn't know how to use it, fortunately, the voice had a solution, to let him control his body, because he knew how to use his Quirk." Nezu's eyebrows furrow at Izuna's story as the pieces of the puzzle gradually begin to come together.

"Of course, the child was afraid at first, but the voice reassured him that this was the only way to see his father again and who was undoubtedly worried sick about him, and then, he reassured him that he would give him back his body when they were outside and that he meant him no harm, because after all.

They were friends."

A dark laugh escaped Izuna's lips as Nezu's eyes widened in horror as he realized what Izuna...no, the man in front of him, was getting at.

In a trembling voice, the rodent spoke. "W-who are y-you?"

"NOT.YOUR.SON, HAHAHAHAHAHA." A crazy and happy laugh floods the room as Nezu's body shakes in disbelief.

"You should have been there when your idiot son, realized he wasn't getting his body back....unfortunately." "Izuna's" cheerful tone disappeared, to be replaced by frustration and anger.

"By taking possession of his body, our memories more or less merged, allowing him access to my memories and therefore to all that will happen in the future, which gave him hope and therefore energy to resist complete possession, preventing me from accessing his Quirk completely freely.

Understanding that I had to break him for my plan of the Tree of Eden, I made sure I got stronger to fuck up the cannon and shatter his hopes by spreading death and destruction, unfortunately, it was never enough, because one person gave him hope and energy to resist me, the person he always believed in, you.

Honestly, all it took was for your name to be mentioned for that little shit to have a surge of will and energy to resist me, which meant that your mere presence pissed me off, even more so after your speech following the U.S.J. incident."

"Izuna" still remembers the moment when he'd almost succeeded in breaking his roommate, then seeing his work destroyed by a simple speech that had restored the little bastard's strength, it had pissed him off so much that he'd thrown his TV out the window.

"Realizing I had to pull out all the stops, I perfected what's happening now, the ultimate in destruction and death, war and your death."

Without warning, "Izuna" grabs the edge of the desk and sends it flying against the wall before putting his right hand around Nezu's neck, holding him aloft as he gently squeezes his neck, preventing the rodent from breathing.

"Yes, look at me, I want him to see life slowly leave your eyes." Says "Izuna", those eyes show blatant sadism as he can feel the resistance of the other soul in that body begin to disappear, a sign that his plan is working.

The smile on the sorcerer's face widens as life leaves the two people standing in the way of his dream, his destiny, and his revenge.

Then, finally, nothing, Nezu's lifeless body falls to the ground while his son's soul is extinguished.

Leaving only one person.