
Stupid Provocation

When all the players – including the Thunder's – went back to the bench, the first thing Shou did was smack Tondo's head hard to get his point. "What the hell, Tondo?!" Shou hissed furiously at the middle blocker. "Why in the hell did you decide to be a lunatic and provoke the fans?! You will not be able to go home in one piece, for God's sake!"

"Ouch! Sorry, sorry! That's my fault!" Tondo apologized quickly, didn't want to be at the end of Shou's ire. The blocker gulped nervously when he saw the coach was looking at him with a blank face. "I cannot help it, though! They acted so domineering and arrogant that I wanted to shove those words back into their mouth! They deserve it!" He said, trying his best to justify his action.

Well… Except… It only made things worse.