
Intermission - Silvestri Family

"Sir Driver, can you be a bit faster? Our boy's game should've started already!" A beautiful, blonde woman scowled unhappily as she kept checking the time on her watch.

"Ma'am, this is our fastest legal speed. A bit faster than that will land me in trouble, you know?" The taxi driver replied in perfect English, something rare to be found in a taxi driver in Japan.

The man in the front seat just snorted amusedly at his wife's antics. "Let him do his job, Maria. And it is not like we will miss Yuki's game a lot here. It has only been 45 minutes since it started. I am sure we will still be able to watch the second set."

"Yes, Mom. Yuki-nii will not go anywhere!" A teenage girl who sat next to her mother nodded.