
The birth and rise of an Ancient God

Hadex_Olasunkanmi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Punishment

It was the next day, the three boys got prepared to leave for school. They all got their lunch packed in their box and set off until their father called them back " Hold on there. " He called. They all answered him and approached him, " Now listen, you are off to school again, I don't want to get any call from your principal today , Okay ( He turned to Hadex) especially you Hadex, I don't want to hear you got another detention again today because you got a lot of detention last week and you almost got suspended." The old man explained.


Hadex looked away and said " I didn't do anything bad, the principal just like putting me in detention, I mean that man is watching me everytime." " That's because I told him too, I told him to deal with you if you try to cause any trouble." The old man said. " Hmph there is no way he can beat me " Hadex replied. " Ohh we'll see, the principal was my former student,you will see how hard I trained him." The old man said. Hadex and the rest were shocked to hear that and Klaus asked " Wait, principal Makarov was one of your student " " Whoa this is shocking." Kratos said. Hadex still looked shocked and the old man told him " Now let's see how you will be able to beat him. " Hadex looked relieved and said " No need, Now that I have a new super power, gonna beat the hell out of him. "


The old man looked at him with an angry look and said " So you are planning on destroying the school and killing your principal ( He sighed and said ) I can't wait to get that power away from you " . The bus that takes the boys to school arrived and horned. Klaus noticed and said " Looks like the bus is here well we better start going " He said as the three boys waved goodbyes at their father and left for school.


On the way to school, The boys were sitted at the back sit because they were the only ones who were late and didn't get to sit at the front roll or middle roll. The boys chatted for a while until some random boys showed up, they were five in numbers and they were of course bullies. The one that led them approached to the boys and said " Well well well ,if it isn't Dumdex ( Hadex ) ,Penuas ( Klaus) ,and Katpoo (Kratos) you losers appeared to be late again huh. " Klaus smiled at them and stood up, He looked at them and said " Wow Tim ( The leader of the bullies) ,I knew you were six years old and yet you don't know how to call out names yet, it must be really hard for you."


Everyone in the bus started laughing at the bullies, the bullies got angry and Tim said " You brat, you've done it now, * Tim right hand became hardened like a rock and changed its colour to brown* You dead Klaus" He shouted as he tried to punch Klaus. Klaus dodged the punch and the wind pressure of the punch destroyed the back roll, Kratos was surprised to see that strength and said " whao that was close." Klaus was about to attack when he remembered that his father told him not to fight. Klaus let out a huge sigh and said " Look Tim I don't want to fight, forgive me for all I said and let's move on"


Tim and the others were surprised as he said " What are you talking about, after insulting me in front of everyone you think you can just apologize and I will let it slide, looks like you have a big mouth there. Don't worry I will make sure it's stops running with my fist. " He said as he tried to punch him again. This time Hadex stood up and caught the punch with is hand , " That's it am done being silent, if you know you want to pick a fight then come at me " Hadex said as he let go of Tim hand.


Tim looked at Hadex and said " Really, we know if you start a fight you might get suspended by the principal " Hadex smiled and said " well the principal's not here " Tim and the others looked angry and got ready to fight, One of the student that was at the front role told the bus driver to stop them ,But the driver concentrated on driving. In less than three minutes, Hadex was standing on a pile of bullies. " HAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK WHO'S UNDER MY FEET " Hadex laughed as he stepped on Tim's face,the bus stopped and the door opened


All the students were shocked to see the first person that approached them as the person entered the bus , Hadex was still standing on the bullies but he's back was turned so he could not see the person. Klaus and Kratos were both surprised and signed Hadex to get off them, Hadex looked around and saw everyone was silent so as Klaus and Kratos as he asked " What's wrong " . Klaus pointed to to Hadex to look back, Hadex was curious and decided to look back, when he saw a man wearing a black suit and red tie.


Hadex was scared and said " Good morning Principal " Hadex voice was trembling.It was the Principal as he said with a loud and angry voice " TO MY OFFICE NOW HADEX " after a while, Klaus and Kratos were waiting in class for Hadex to return , While in the Principal office, Hadex was getting scolded by the Principal " This is the twentieth times that you have been caught fighting in my school and you know I said I was going to suspend you " The Principal said. Hadex was excited to hear that thinking maybe the Principal will suspend him , " So are you going to suspend me " Hadex asked with a smile on his face. " No " The Principal replied with a smile on his face.


" But you said you were going to suspend me, what changed your mind " Hadex asked, " Well me and Sensei ( Their father) talked a it and he somehow figured you would want to be suspended so instead of suspending you i will just deal with you " The Principal replied. Hadex was confused on what was going on and asked " But what if I do something extremely bad this time even something worst than fighting, will I get suspended " The Principal smiled and replied " Then I will discipline you over and over again till you stop "


Hadex laughed at the Principal and said to him " Haha do you even think you can touch me not to talk about punishing me " , " Of course I can " The Principal replied. Hadex stood from the chair and pointed to the Principal" Fine am gonna see what you got by coming at you with full power " Hadex said as he dashed to the Principal, He was about to punch the Principal until he suddenly fainted. The Principal looked at him on the floor and said " Hmmm do you really think you can beat me , I was one of best seniors in Sensei's school " He carried Hadex and said " Now time to get to the punishment "


The Principal opened his office door and stepped out, From the class Klaus had sensed that the Principal had stepped out, Klaus and Kratos quickly rushed to go see Hadex until they found him being tied up like a prisoner by the Principal. Klaus looked confused and asked " Uhmm what's going on " , The Principal looked at Klaus and replied " Ohh don't mind me, I am just going to punish this boy " Klaus was worried and asked " Uhmm what are you going to do to him " Klaus asked. " Am going to disgrace him in front of the whole school " The Principal replied, " Why in front of the whole school , it was not is fault he was just trying to stop me from fighting." " I know it was Sensei who told me to do that to him anytime he commits an offense " The principal explained


Klaus felt bad for Hadex and followed the Principal to the school field, The Principal took a chair and sat down while leaving Hadex in the middle of the field. " Okay Hadex I want you to do a thousand up down " The Principal said. Everyone in their classes came out to watch Hadex while some looked out the window, The bullies that attacked Klaus aslo stepped out to watch as they laughing at Hadex. " Why should I do that " Hadex asked, " You have committed two offense in just some few hours " The Principal replied. Everyone were surprised to hear that as they paid close attention, Klaus was confused and thought how he had committed two offense. " What was my offense " Hadex asked.


" Well I'll tell you , for attacking four students in the bus earlier to school today not only did you beat them up but you still stepped on them acting like you were the boss " The Principal explained, " Well I am the boss " Hadex said , " He's not taking this seriously is he " Klaus thought with a dull expression. " And your second offense was attacking me, Your handsome most deligent hardworking Principal " The Principal explained. No one was surprised as one person from the crowd said " Hmmp he's not even handsome" Another person said " He's not even doing is work properly " And the last person said " Deligent, I don't think so, he's always busy reading those hentai manga he really is a pervert".


Hadex was smiling at the Principal as he told him " Well well well looks like your secret was just revealed " Hadex laughed , The Principal got angry and shouted " IF I HEAR A WORD FROM YOU ALL THEN TOU WILL BE JOINING HADEX ON HIS PUNISHMENT * he faced Hadex * AND HADEX THIS TIME I AM GOING TO MAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT SERIOUS " He said , " Bring it on " Hadex smiled. " Hmmp you feel really energetic to receive your punishment, okay * the principal formed a seal that created a huge beast that looked like a build man with a bull head and it was holding a giant hammer * Now let's see if you can survive this " The Principal said. Hadex broke the chains that were tied on him and got ready to fight. " If you can defeat this beast then you won't have to wash the whole toilet in this school building " The principal explained


" Wait my seriously punishment was going to wash the whole toilet " Hadex asked " Yes but I just felt bored and wanted some entertainment " The Principal replied. " I have to defeat this thing with all I got " Hadex thought to himself. The beast started to approach Hadex with it's giant hammer and slammed it on Hadex, Hadex dodged it , but the wind pressure blew him away. Klaus went to the Principal and told him " Sir you have to stop that thing will kill Hadex and destroy this entire school " " Nah don't worry about it , this school is set on auto repair by some of the teachers of the school and if Hadex seems to be in trouble i will stop the match "


" Huh , it's being repaired by the teachers* Klaus noticed the place the beast had slammed with is hammer had quickly been rebuilt in an instant * Huh hold on won't that take lots of energy from the teachers, what kind of Principal is this " Klaus thought. Kratos dragged Klaus and whispered to him " Hey do you think Hadex won't use that BAGUYAN transformation here " Klaus was shocked and looked at Hadex " You are right how can forget " Klaus replied. " Hadex what ever happens do not use that transformation " Klaus thought to himself.


Hadex kept going front and back trying to dodge the beast attacks, *Gasping for breath* Hadex was definitely getting tired because the beast would not even let him rest for a while. " Men this is getting hard has I thought, i can't even find an opening to hit it " Hadex thought. The beast got angry and slammed it's hammer again to the ground twice and the ruins of the ground created two clone of it, Hadex was shocked and shouted " ARE YOU KIDDING ME. "

Klaus was surprised to see a beast created a clone, " This is bad * he faced the Principal* you have to stop this " Klaus said . The Principal ignored Klaus and faced the fight.


Hadex kept dodging all the attacks, he was almost out of breath because three beasts are too much for him to handle. " That's it I just have to attack even without an opening " Hadex thought as he went after the original beast. A clone of the beast stood in front of it and gave Hadex a huge blow, Hadex blocked it with is hand but it damaged Hadex arm. Hadex shifted back as he's hand were hurting him " Men I won't be able to land a serious hit this time " Hadex said . Hadex let out a huge sigh and said " Fine then this time I'm going to give all got " He said as he dashed forward to them, the clones were aslo heading to him " I don't have enough energy and i can't use BAGUYAN here then i will just go all out even if it means passing out " Hadex thought. One of the beast was about to slam Hadex has Hadex dodged it and went for it's head.


" Pass little energy into the fist and -- * he made a long pause as he gave clone a serious hit on it's head * FURY FIST" He shouted. The first clone of the beast turned to pieces of stone as Hadex landed on his feet. " One down two more to go. " Hadex said. The second beast dashed to Hadex, Hadex dodged its fist and gave it a serious fury fist. Hadex looked at the original beast as he headed for it, The beast got angry and slammed his hammer on Hadex. Hadex dodged it and went for it's head, this time he charged his fist against it and gave it a blow. The head was stronger than the others and it couldn't break, " Men he's head is really strong, then I guess I have to use all my energy on this one " Hadex thought as he charged all his energy into his right fist as he striked it's head.


" FURY FIST - * he's hand became really hot and red * ATOMIC STRIKE" Hadex shouted as he gave the beast that dangerously serious punch , the punch destroyed the beast and destroy the whole field. Everyone could not see clearly because of the wind pressure from he's punch as the wind settled down, they saw Hadex standing with is right arm being broken completely as he was gasping for breath. " Woah he defeated that beast" A student among the crowd said. " Awesome" The students were rejoicing. " Are you kidding, he had this much strength if he had used that against me I would have been- " Tim said as he paused fearing Hadex strength.


" He did it " Kratos said, " Nice one Hadex " Klaus said. The Principal looked at Hadex as he smiled and thought to himself " Looks like Sensei was right he had gotten physically stronger" . After some while, all the ruins from the field started to rebuild and they were all normal. The beast aslo got rebuilt along with it's clone as they surrounded Hadex, Hadex looked at them and everyone were surprised to see the beast back " Are you kidding me " Kratos said, " You can't be serious" Klaus said with a serious look. " Huh didn't I beat this thing" Hadex said. All the three beasts raised their hammer as they were about to hit Hadex, this time Hadex couldn't move at all because he was already weak.