
Chapter 9: Unexpected Unity

Thailos's voice echoed through the cave, commanding the attention of all the students who had sought refuge within. His words carried a sense of authority and reassurance, helping to calm the anxious hearts of those gathered.

"Father instructed me that we should all wait up here tomorrow and slowly go towards the Enchanted Tree," Thailos continued, his confidence unwavering. "I am pretty sure that the King has vacated the Capitol, and your families are safe."

His words were met with a collective sigh of relief, the tension in the cave lessening with the prospect of their loved ones being out of harm's way. Thailos had taken on a leadership role, and the students sought guidance in these uncertain times.

"We need to stick together and support each other," Thailos emphasized, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his fellow students. "We may be from different teams, but right now, we're all in this together. We'll make it through this."

The suggestion to put someone in charge sparked a debate among the students, each with their concerns and opinions.

"Who made you in charge?" Geralt challenged Thai, his skepticism is evident in his tone.

Thai quickly clarified, "Uhm, no one and I am not trying to be in charge. I'm just trying to offer a plan."

Lucian, however, had a different idea. "Bah! We should all vote for this!" he proposed, seemingly open to a more democratic approach. But then, his distrust of specific teams became apparent. "I don't think I can trust your team!" he added, giving El, a pointed glare.

Amidst the growing tension, Thailos made an effort to defuse the situation and find a solution that everyone could agree on.

"Come on, man! Now isn't the time to compete," Thailos urged, addressing Geralt. "If you want a leader? Fine, I choose Mychal; he is the student president."

Mychal, despite his injuries, rose to his feet and attempted to ease the tension in the group. "Actually, I agree with Thailos," he said. "Sir Ganahad gave him instructions, so I would follow them."

But not everyone was on board with this idea. Geralt, still eager to assert himself, proposed a different solution. "Nope! I suggest we settle this with a duel!" he added, seemingly determined to resolve the issue through violence.

Tabitha, however, questioned this approach. "Violence won't solve anything," she interjected. "We're all in distress, and fighting among ourselves won't help. Let's think rationally and make a decision together."

As the debate continued, Skylar, the leader of the Duwende group, offered his perspective. "I think Thailos should lead us," he stated. "His team really helped us get to here, so I think he knows what he's doing."

Skylar's endorsement of Thailos garnered some support from the group, but it was clear that Geralt and Lucian were not pleased with the idea. Their animosity toward Thailos's team was apparent, and they seemed frustrated by the discussion's direction.

To find a compromise and appease Lucian and Geralt, Thailos proposed a new plan. "I think this would be much better," he began. "We should separate this group into two teams. I would propose that Lucian can lead one group, and the others can form another. This way, we can provide support and backup if the Pantianac ambushes one group. This would also help minimize the risk and damage. If one team is outnumbered, the other team can retreat to the Enchanted Tree. Would that be acceptable to you, Your Highness?" Thailos added a touch of mockery to his words.

"Fair enough," Lucian agreed, realizing the practicality of the proposal. The group seemed to be coming to a consensus, and a plan began taking shape.

As the teams divided themselves into two, with Tabitha joining Thailos and Raven choosing to team up with Lucian, it was evident that tensions and dynamics within the group were complex. El, however, decided to remain alone to assist the teachers and support both teams from a distance, a wise decision given the circumstances.

Geralt also expressed his intention to support both teams, indicating that despite their differences, there was an understanding of the need for unity and cooperation in the face of the ongoing crisis. With the group now divided and each member contributing in their way, they set out on their respective paths, navigating the challenges of the Enchanted Forest and the uncertainty of the situation that had befallen their kingdom.

In the depths of the night, while most of the students rested, El and Geralt remained vigilant, their senses attuned to the slightest disturbances in the surroundings. They could hear the ominous march of the enemy forces approaching, a foreboding sign of the dangers that lurked nearby. El clutched his sword tightly, prepared to defend the group at a moment's notice, while Geralt had his spells ready, ready to unleash their power if needed.

"The enemy is getting closer," El whispered to Geralt, his voice barely audible. "We need to be ready for anything."

Geralt nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the darkness. "Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down."

The tension in the air was palpable as the enemy forces drew closer, passing dangerously close to the group's hiding spot. It was nerve-wracking, but thankfully, the enemies continued on their path without detecting the students' presence.

Once the threat had passed, El and Geralt decided it was time to wake the others and have an early huddle to discuss their next action. El explained the situation and voiced his concerns about staying out in the open. Given the enemy's movements toward the Enchanted Tree, he believed it was safer to remain hidden for the time being.

"We should find a different route," Geralt suggested, addressing the group as they huddled together.

"I agree," El added, his eyes focused on the safety of their companions. "We've seen enemies marching toward the Enchanted Tree. It's best to stay here and reassess our situation in the morning."

The group listened intently, their expressions a mix of concern and determination as they faced the challenges of the Enchanted Forest together.

Skylar's suggestion brought a glimmer of hope to the group. A refuge built with magic and metalwork in the cave could provide them with a secure hiding place, shielding them from the dangers of the Enchanted Forest. El admired the ingenuity of the plan and nodded in agreement.

"Your blueprint sounds promising," El said, genuinely impressed. "It would give us a strong defensive position and a safe place to regroup."

Geralt's proposal to scout the area was met with agreement from both El and Lucian. El recognized the importance of gathering information about their surroundings, especially considering the ever-present threat of the Pantianacs.

"I'll join you on the scouting mission," El offered, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

On the other hand, Lucian seemed torn between fear and the desire to prove himself. "I think I should stay here and keep an eye on Thailos," he stated, hinting at insecurity.

El and Geralt ventured out of the cave, disappearing into the surrounding darkness. The sudden departure left Raven feeling anxious and concerned, her thoughts consumed by worry for El. She couldn't help but express her unease, but Thailos offered a comforting presence, holding her hand to reassure her.

"He's tough, he'll be back," Thailos assured her, trying to alleviate her fears. Raven, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, admitted another layer of concern. "I'm not worried for him, brat," she confessed softly. "He just didn't get to say goodbye, though," she added, her words tinged with a hint of longing.

El and Geralt retraced their steps, cautious and vigilant as they returned to the area they had scouted before the enemy attack. Their keen eyes spotted a figure lying on the ground, and El's voice carried a mix of shock and concern as he called out to Geralt.

"I see someone lying down here!" El exclaimed, prompting Geralt to halt beside him and examine the fallen figure. To their surprise, it was none other than Professor Galahad, the elderly teacher who had played a pivotal role in their preparations.

"It's Sir Galahad!" El exclaimed, recognizing the wounded professor. Galahad's condition was dire, his injuries severe, but Geralt, a master mage, wasted no time in offering a healing enchantment to alleviate the professor's suffering. With the magic's soothing touch, the professor stirred, slowly opening his eyes to the concerned faces of the two students.

"Is everyone safe?" Galahad inquired with a raspy voice, his concern for the students evident. El, providing a reassuring response, informed the professor about the refuge they had established in the cave, Skyler and the others constructing a fortress, and the ominous news of the enemy forces heading toward the Enchanted Tree.

"We should stay there for a while. I think it isn't safe indeed to proceed to the enchanted tree. Galahad proposed. 

As the trio made their way back to the cave, they were suddenly confronted by the menacing presence of a Mananangal. The creature's grotesque form illuminated by the moonlight posed a grave threat to their safety.

"I think we must part ways," El suggested, his voice tinged with urgency. Geralt, understanding the need for diversion, nodded in agreement. With Professor Galahad in tow, Geralt headed toward the cave, prioritizing the safety of the wounded professor.

El, on the other hand, took off in the opposite direction, drawing the attention of the Pantianacs away from his companions. The creatures, driven by their predatory instincts, gave chase to El, leaving Geralt and Professor Galahad with a chance to reach the cave without further interference.

El's valiant effort to divert the attention of the Pantianacs had come at a heavy price. As he ran through the dense forest, firing off fireballs and spells to fend off his pursuers, a decisive blow struck him in the head. The impact was brutal, causing him to collapse, his vision blurred, and his consciousness slipping away.

Despite the pain and disorientation, El summoned his remaining strength, attempting to fight off his assailants. With his sword in hand, he swung it wildly and cast spells in desperation. But the odds were against him, and the enemy's Kapre overpowered him using their immense strength and numbers.

In the end, El's resilience was not enough to escape capture. With blood on his forehead and a heavy heart, he was seized by the enemy, his fate now hanging in the balance.

"He is a tough guy," remarked the Mananangal, her voice laced with a hint of grudging respect.

The Kapre, however, wasn't as quick to make a decision. "I think we should kill him!" suggested one of his companions.

But the Kapre, recognizing the potential value that El held, countered, "No, he could be of use. We need the King's location. This one might have the answers we seek."

They bound the unconscious El securely and carried him further into the dense forest, their conversation fading into the shadows as they moved deeper into the heart of the enchanted woods. The young wizard's future remained uncertain, and the fate of the Kingdom hung in the balance.