
Chapter 11: The Return of the Rightful King

El arrived at the massive fortress outside Elder Tree, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity coursing through him. As he stepped off the carriage, he was met with the imposing presence of Tikbalang guards, one of whom held an arrow ready to shoot.

"Show your hands!" the Tikbalang barked.

El, trying to remain calm, raised his hands in surrender. "Don't shoot! I mean no harm," he replied. "I'm Elysian, and I need to speak with King Thorian."

The Tikbalang lowered his weapon, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Elysian, you say?" he mumbled. "Hold on."

A brief moment passed, and it was clear the Tikbalang was communicating with someone within the fortress. Soon, a decision was made. "The King has returned!" the Tikbalang announced to his comrades, and the tension in the air seemed to dissipate.

El was ushered through the fortress gates, where guards paid him respects, bowing their heads as he passed. He was led to the heart of the fortress, where King Thorian, now donned in his royal guard's armor, stood waiting.

"El, my dear boy!" Thorian exclaimed with a mixture of relief and joy. He rushed forward, embracing El as if he were a son. "I apologize for hiding the truth from you for so long. Please have me at your mercy. I will tell you everything in the King's quarters."

Still bewildered by the unfolding events, El followed Thorian to the grand chamber reserved for the king. As they entered, Thorian turned to him with a sincere expression. "I am sorry, dear cousin," Thorian began, his voice filled with regret. "I only hid the truth from you to protect you. Bakunawa was defeated, but your father asked me to keep you hidden from the world to shield you from Bakunawa's presence."

Tears welled up in El's eyes as he gazed upon Lyria's face. He had spent his entire life believing that she and Sirius were his loving parents, and the revelation was almost too much to bear. "I never knew," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Lyria stepped forward, her eyes filled with warmth and love. "Know that I always loved you like a son, Elysian," she assured, her voice steady and comforting. "So did Sirius," she added with a reassuring smile.

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, El couldn't help but embrace Lyria tightly. It was a long-awaited reunion, one that mended the broken pieces of his heart. As they held each other, the years of separation seemed to melt away.

Once the emotions had settled, El turned to King Thorian, his newfound cousin and the rightful king of Biringan. He knew that his destiny was intertwined with the throne, but he also had a deep respect for the current ruler.

"Your highness," El began with determination, "I still have no plans of taking the throne from you. If you are willing, will you train me? I want to serve you as your personal scout and protector. I promise that I will ascend to the throne when I am prepared." El's request was filled with sincerity and humility.

King Thorian, a wise and kind ruler, nodded in agreement. "As you wish, my son," he replied with a warm smile.

El personally approached King Thorian with a request to dispatch scouts and rescuers to the cave where the stranded students were taking refuge. He believed that while Tala had trained capable students, the current situation warranted their evacuation to the fortress, where they could be safely reunited with their families. El also emphasized the need to take action against the commander of Bakunawa, a formidable wizard named Serpentine.

King Thorian listened attentively to El's proposal and agreed with his assessment. Scouts were immediately dispatched, along with a team of liberators headed for the Elder Tree. The kingdom was indeed fighting on two fronts, but the urgency of the situation demanded such actions.

However, El didn't stop there. He expressed his desire to lead covert operations, fighting in the shadows to deal with threats like Serpentine. Some of the counselors voiced doubts about whether a newcomer like El could truly save them.

"In times of crisis, we must be open to unconventional solutions," El argued. "I may be a novice in this, but I am sure that Sirius, who fought alongside King Thorian, and my late father, King Aelus, have taught me well."

One counselor raised concerns about the potential danger to El, but Thorian intervened. "Elysian has shown remarkable courage and resourcefulness," he said. "I believe in his abilities, and we must support him in this endeavor. The counselors, recognizing the wisdom in the king's words, began to rally behind El's plan.

El, accompanied by Jaku and Kentor, hurried towards the cave where the stranded students were taking refuge. As they approached, Kentor noticed an enemy camp nearby. The camp was filled with prisoners taken from other towns, and it was clear that Bakunawa's forces were holding them captive.

Kentor cautioned, "Enemy camp ahead, Your Highness. It might be best to find another route to avoid any unnecessary confrontations."

Jaku, the King's bodyguard, said, "Your safety is our top priority, Your Highness. We should consider a more discreet approach."

However, El was resolute. He couldn't leave these innocent people behind, especially when they were in dire need of rescue. "No, we can't leave these people behind," he insisted firmly. "We must press forward and find a way to free them. Every life matters."

El and his companions and the newly liberated prisoners launched a swift and daring attack on the enemy camp. Swords clashed, spells flew, and a fierce battle ensued. Kentor's commanding voice rang out as he rallied the newly freed captives to join the fight.

"Grab swords and fight with us!" Kentor shouted, and the captives, now armed and inspired, joined El and his companions in the battle against their oppressors. Together, they fought with unwavering determination and courage.

The enemy camp was soon overwhelmed, and victory was won. Amid the chaos and confusion, one of the citizens approached, curiosity in their eyes. "Who are you?" they asked, their voice trembling with gratitude and awe.

Jaku, always the enigmatic figure, offered a cryptic reply, "Your hero from the shadows." With that, he, El, and Kentor vanished, leaving behind a group of grateful citizens. 

As the three scouts approached the cave entrance, Lucian's sharp eyes caught their presence, and he quickly alerted the others. Geralt and the rest of the students prepared themselves for a potential confrontation, their guards up and wands at the ready.

Just as they were about to take defensive action, a familiar voice rang out, breaking through the tension. "Don't attack! It is I," El announced, raising his hood and showing his open hands to signify he meant no harm.

Upon hearing El's voice, Raven's heart leaped with joy and relief. She rushed forward and hugged him tightly, her emotions spilling over. "You had me worried," she cried, her punch to El's chest filled with relief and frustration.

El gently lifted her face, his smile warm and reassuring. "I'm okay," he reassured her, his eyes locked. Raven's worry began to melt away, replaced by a sense of happiness and warmth.

Thai, who had maintained his composure throughout the ordeal, couldn't help but smile. He had held onto the belief that El was alive, and seeing his friend safe and sound was a relief beyond words.

El looked around at the transformed cave, amazed by the work the students had done in just one week. "Wow, you did this place up really nicely!" he exclaimed, impressed by the changes that had taken place during his absence.

Skyler, who had taken charge of the cave's transformation, beamed with pride at El's compliment. "Thanks, El. We wanted to make sure it was comfortable and safe for everyone."

Tabitha, in her usual playful manner, couldn't resist teasing El. She gave him a tight hug and joked, "My prince charming has come back!" El laughed and hugged her back, appreciating the lighthearted moment.

However, Raven couldn't help but feel jealous of Tabitha's teasing. She had been worried sick about El during his absence and had even cried for him, and now she felt like Tabitha was getting too close for comfort.

El, ever the caring friend, didn't forget about Thai. He turned to his loyal friend and embraced him tightly. "Thai!" he exclaimed, showing how much he had missed him during his time away. "You missed tons of adventure!" El exclaimed. 

Thailos returned El's embrace with a warm smile. "I missed you too, El," he replied. "And yeah, it sounds like I missed quite a bit. We'll have to catch up on all the adventures and stories."

El gathered the team leaders, including Lucian, Geralt, and Professor Ganahad, in the newly made war room with a massive map table. "The King has established a fortress in the North. Some towns have been affected by the attacks, and my scouts and I managed to liberate a nearby camp," El explained. "Unfortunately, the Enchanted Tree has fallen," Geralt added. "I went to investigate, and it has been cut down."

Lucian, his tone laced with skepticism, questioned, "Why should we believe El? He can't just come back from the dead. Geralt saw you getting attacked by Manangals and Pantianacs. You can't be that lucky."

Kentor, fiercely loyal to El, couldn't hold back and retorted, "Don't you dare speak to him like that!" El intervened and placed the Malakas Blade on the table. Recognizing the significance, Galahad exclaimed, "You're the child of the prophecy!"

"You must have stolen that!" Lucian accused, suspicion still clouding his mind. El, a bit hurt by Lucian's continuous distrust, questioned, "Lucian, why do you hate me so much?"

Not backing down, Lucian challenged El with determination, "Well, bah! Duel me! I want you to prove that you are who you are."

"Very well," Professor Galahad intervened, creating a large void spell as an arena. El and Lucian stood ready to fight. Just before Galahad could signal the start of the duel, Lucian charged at El, knocking him off his feet.

In a surge of frustration, El stood back up and, fueled by his emotions, shattered Lucian's shield. "Yield, Lucian. This is childish!" he declared.

"You just got lucky once again, Elysian!" Lucian exclaimed, still reluctant to fully trust El.

Trying to rally the students, El pleaded, "Please, fellow students! Listen to me! We have to travel far north and reach the fortress. My scouts will continue to fight Bakunawa."

"I'll fight with you!" Thailos declared, showing his support for El's cause.

"I agree with the young boy," Galahad spoke, offering his support as well.

"I'll just stay here!" Skylar suggested. "The cave would be a better place for us as a fort."

With their decisions made, the group divided into their respective teams. Skylar's group, along with Geralt and Kara, remained in the cave, determined to fortify their position and provide support from within. They knew that defending the cave could be crucial if things took a turn for the worse.

Raven and Thailos chose to stand by El and his companions. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as they ventured toward the fortress and joined the efforts to resist Bakunawa's forces.

The rest of the group, resolved to assist in any way they could, made their way back to the fortress. Hope burned in their hearts, knowing that their combined strength and determination might eventually bring back some semblance of normalcy to their world.

"Hey, wise man!" Tabitha called out to Thai as they prepared to part ways. Her voice carried a mix of concern and playfulness. "Promise me you won't go getting yourself killed, alright?" she said with a wink and a smile. Then, she leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek before hurrying off to rejoin the group heading back to the fortress.