
The billionaires runaway wife

"When She Was Gone" tells the story of James and Clara, a wealthy couple whose seemingly idyllic life is shattered when Clara disappears without a trace.

Angela_Nwodo · Urban
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6 Chs

Hiding in plain sight

James was growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of information on Clara's whereabouts. He had hired the best private investigators money could buy, but still, there was no sign of his wife.

"She's vanished into thin air," he muttered to himself, his fists clenched in rage.

His assistant, Roger, approached him cautiously, his face pale with worry.

"Sir," he said. "There's been a development. We've received a tip that Clara is staying in a hotel in a small town several hours away.

James turned to face Roger, his eyes cold and dangerous.

A hotel?" James said, his voice low and dangerous. "And what do we know about the town?"

Roger hesitated, his face tense with anxiety. "It's a small town, sir," he said. It seems like the perfect place for her to hide."

James nodded, his mind racing with possibilities.

"We need to get to that town," he said, his voice firm. "We need to find Clara, and we need to bring her home."

Roger nodded, his face serious. "I'll make the arrangements, sir.

Roger wasted no time in organizing a team of security guards and private investigators to head to the small town where Clara was reportedly hiding. The group set off in the dead of night, their eyes scanning the road for any signs of trouble.

Back in the penthouse, James paced back and forth, his mind racing with worry and frustration. He couldn't believe that Clara had disappeared, that she had left him without any explanation.

He poured himself a drink, his hand shaking as he brought the glass to his lips.

"I won't let her get away with this," he muttered to himself.

As the sun rose over the horizon, the team of investigators and security guards arrived in the small town where Clara was thought to be hiding. They split up into two groups and began to search the town, questioning locals and checking out all the hotels and motels.

Back in the penthouse, James' frustration and anger were growing by the hour. He paced back and forth, his eyes narrowed with determination.

"She's got to be hiding somewhere," he muttered to himself. "She can't have disappeared completely."

The team of investigators searched the small town for hours, but there was still no sign of Clara. They combed through the hotels and motels, asking questions and showing Clara's picture, but nobody seemed to have any information.

Just when they were about to give up, one of the investigators spotted a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Clara entering a small coffee shop.

He rushed over, his heart pounding with excitement.

But as he approached, he realized that the woman was not Clara after all.

The team returned to the penthouse, their faces etched with disappointment.

James was furious when he heard the news that the team had failed to find Clara.

"Unacceptable!" he roared, slamming his fist on the table. "I'm paying you good money to find my wife, and all you've done is come up empty-handed."

The lead investigator, a man named John, bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry, sir," he said. "We did our best, but Clara seems to have disappeared without a trace."

James glared at him, his face twisted with anger.

"I don't want excuses," he said.

John knew better than to argue with James. He could see that the billionaire was in no mood for excuses or explanations.

"What do you suggest we do next, sir?" John asked, his voice respectful and measured.

James considered for a moment, his eyes narrowed in thought.

"I want you to make the reward public, put it in different blogs," he said finally. "A reward for anyone who can provide information that leads to Clara's whereabouts. A million dollars, no questions asked."

John nodded. "Yes, sir. I'll get started on that immediately."

With the reward now out in the public domain, the race to find Clara intensified. The investigators continued their search, scouring every corner of the small town and the surrounding areas.

But still, there was no sign of Clara. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace of her whereabouts., James grew increasingly desperate and angry. He began to suspect that Clara had help, that someone had aided her in her disappearance.

"She didn't do this alone," he muttered to himself. "She had help.

James' suspicions were not unfounded. As the days passed, it became clear that Clara had indeed had help in her disappearance.

A security guard at one of the hotels in the small town where Clara was last seen recalled seeing her with a female companion.

The security guard provided a detailed description of the companion, and a sketch artist was brought in to help create an image of the woman.

The sketch was circulated among the investigators, and soon they had a name to go with the face: Jessica, Clara's best friend.

It seemed that the investigation was finally starting to make progress.

The discovery of Clara's companion, Jessica, opened up a whole new line of inquiry for the investigators. They began to trace Jessica's movements, following her trail from the penthouse to the small town where Clara had disappeared.

Through surveillance footage and interviews with witnesses, they were able to piece together a timeline of Jessica's movements. It seemed that she had been planning Clara's escape for weeks, buying tickets for the train and helping Clara disappear without a trace.

Back in the penthouse, James was filled with a renewed sense of determination.

set out to find Jessica and, by extension, Clara. They checked every bus station, train station, and airport within a hundred-mile radius, but there was still no sign of either woman.

Then, one of the investigators stumbled upon a lead. He received an anonymous tip that Jessica had recently rented a cabin, not far from the small town where Clara had disappeared.

The team descended on the cabin, but once again, there was no sign of either woman.