
The Billionaire She loved ' The heart breaker

Drake Andreas had always wanted Lisa Grey. But she was his best friend's sister..... too young, and innocent. she is definitely off-limits. Lisa had been in love with Drake for as long as she could remember, And now, in just forty-eight hours, her Greek handsome devil was getting married to another woman, a beautiful model, her cousin. But when her cousin left him stranded at the altar Lisa was there to pick up the pieces. she knew Drake had always thought of her as a little sister, but this night he needed her. And she had never stopped looking forward to having him. In one night of unforgettable passion, their lives were inextricably joined. This led to her bitter circumstances in her marriage with Drake, He had been flagrantly unfaithful to her, she gave up her love for him and divorced him. Five years later, Drake comes back dramatically into her life. An accident leads to his lost memory and was asking for her, under the impression that she was still his wife.

Anosike_nneamaka_8591 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

where's my beautiful bride

Drake had been working throughout the whole night till 4 am when he finally got the best design for the project he had at hand, his wedding is fast approaching and he had to finalize the project with the SUV company for the contract will be signed today.

His parent was happy that he had finally found a girl to marry. at thirty-four, Drake always avoid his parent's call to have dinner with them, he had already known the reason, either they brought a girl for him or they asked him to introduce his fiancee to them and the outcome is always bad for he hadn't brought anyone home to them. his mother was afraid he'll end up alone in his old age if he continue rejecting all the girls she had been bringing over to the house any time he was invited over for dinner.

Now the whole thing had been over, his wedding is all over the whole media, all magazines carry the wedding news. they'd give every detail right from their first date, the engagement, till now. Drake didn't give a damn about that, it had already been part of him, he is always on television any time he signed a contract or closed a deal with a company, sometimes he had been seen with some Hollywood actress and celebrities, gossip magazine refer him as the heart breaker, some the handsome Devil, he flirts with many beautiful women, but he didn't marry any of them, when Jessica come on the line, they thought she would end like other, surprisingly she captures The handsome Devil heart and the is next forty-eight hours, they are going to husband and wife. It had been the talk of the town and everybody is preparing, he can't even wait to get over it.

before he met Jessica at his best friend's house Devin, he'd flirt, but girls don't have a hold on him, though he's always busy with work, sometimes he takes Lisa out, she'd had grown into an attractive young woman, he like her, right from the first he followed Devin to his house, the little girl had been so sweet, he like her and always been there for her. he wouldn't love her, she's off-limits. and their age gap, she had to find someone of her age, he tries had to control his feelings towards her, to be brotherly love, and nothing more. after she graduated from college, she grew to be more beautiful than ever, he'd take her out some time for dinner. not that the relationship had ever develop into much of a romance, after several months of dating with the inevitable good-night kisses and a few sessions of making out, he couldn't bring me to make love to her without doing it a proper way, he can control his feelings for her either. Devin had warned him his baby sister is off limit, but he love her, he was certain she loves him too, he wouldn't want to hurt her, he had it in mind to stop before she lost her heart to him, Without knowing she had already done it long ago.

Drake started to avoid Lisa's calls, giving her excuses, Devin is like a brother to him, didn't want to spoil the beautiful relationship he had with Devin since when they were kids.

when Jessica comes back from use, Drake realizes she's the kind of woman he needs to make him forget his feelings for Lisa . she was everything ever he wanted in a woman, beautiful, learned, and sophisticated. they dated and fell in love, he proposed to her and she accepted. they celebrate their engagement party and he gave her a diamond ring, after which announced their wedding date. they've had been planning it and now in forty-eight hours, they will be man and wife. Drake had already told her to resign from her career promised to give her anything she wants including buying a beach house for her.

when she told him about her new contract, he made his opinion clear. Drake was aware of her selfish attitude and self-center character, he ignore it, spoiled her with expensive gifts, and over-pampered her, all he wanted was for her to be my wife.

his family is waiting for him for them to go rehearsal together, his driver dropped him at the family house where they're already waiting for me, his sisters with their husbands, his brother, his friend, and his parents and they went together.

when they reached the church and start working down the aisle, he heard his name and he turned to know who was calling hoping is his beautiful bride, after their hot make-out this afternoon, he can't wait to have her again . he looked, it was his dearest Lisa.

"Hi, honey," he said and caught her in a brotherly hug.

"Where's my beautiful bride? Don't tell me she's even going to be late for her wedding rehearsal?" he laughed and let go of her.

"Uh Jessica is not here, Please, Drake, could I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, he said mågnanimously, "What's the problem? "

"I mean I'd like to speak to you alone. Will you follow me, please? She turned and walked off, he notice desperation and distress in her voice and he followed her hoping nothing bad had happened. She led him through the side door into the office and they almost bumped into Father John, the tall middle-aged priest who was coming from the opposite direction. "What's the hurry, Lisa?" he

said with a chuckle, "Not running off with the bride-groom, are you? He held out a hand to drake. You look happy, Drake. Can't imagine why," he teased, and we both laughed.

"Please, Father, I must talk to drake May we use the office. she said.

"Of course, my dear, the light's on. Take all the time you want."

Lisa nodded and murmured, "will you wait here?"

I'll be here," he said gently,

Drake's expression had changed to one of concern

"Lisa, what's the matter? where's Jessica? Are you trying to tell me she's been in an accident..."

"No! Oh no, nothing like that. Jessica fine, but please, I must talk to you."

he relaxed, nodded, and dropped his

hand as she walked toward the church office.

he closed the door behind me and looked around the austerely furnished room. There were no thick carpets on the floors or heavy drapes at the windows as in his own office, but this one had a warm, homey atmosphere that no business office would ever have.

his gaze at Lisa. She was standing in the middle of the room, her face tilted upward to look at him. Her shoulders were hunched, and her fists were


Drake smiled. She was such an intense little thing. always had been, even as a child. Something had happened to upset her, but what? Something to do

with Jessica he was almost sure. Probably Jessica had been held up at the hairdresser's, or spent too much time

shopping, and had sent Lisa to make her excuses for being late. he was well acquainted with my fiancée's unfortunate streak of selfishness, but it didn't keep him from burning for her night and day. Still, he wasn't going to let her take advantage of Lisa's compassionate nature. After their honeymoon in the Caribbean, I'd talk to her about that.

drake shifted restlessly. Ah yes, the honeymoon, would have to be altered, because he intended for them to spend the next month in bed with no

thinking and little talking. Jessica could make a man forget everything but...

"Drake, are you listening to me?"

he blinked and grinned sheepishly, and Lisa knew he hadn't heard a word she'd said. Fortunately, it had only been a couple of introductory sentences, and

they had been awkward.