
The Billionaire Secret

A penniless has turned into a “super-rich second generation”, “overbearing president”, “god-level rich man” and The Amazing Son in Law in the blink of an eye. Of course, this is something unbelievable. Incidents like this do not happen even once in a blue moon. Would they believe such turn of tables for their son in law? How would they repent their past behavior? Are they going to be forgiven? The family that has treated the amazing son-in-law like an animal so far is at his mercy. What is he going to do with this cruel and greedy family of in-laws? What will happen to the non-consummated marriage of the last three years? Will he let his wife go? What about his own family members? Would they let him have his cake and eat it? They would definitely not like the division of wealth. Would they come after him?

LordLeaf · Eastern
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175 Chs

Chapter 77

After lunch, the Old Master, Dave, was already dressed neatly and urged Marven to say, "Marven, hurry up and get ready. Drive-in our new car and follow me to Antique Street. There is a new Wang Dynasty official kiln vase in a store. , I want to see it."

Marven couldn't help but persuade: "Dad, you're starting to play antiques again now? We don't have much money at home. Is it not a bit too extravagant to buy antiques?"

Dave has no ability to make money, but he has a lot of dreams of getting rich. He likes to go shopping in the antique street when he has nothing to do. He wants to pick up a leak in his dreams, but in the past few years, he has basically been cheated.

It stopped for a while before, but he didn't expect that not only did it not completely stop, but it was revived.

Seeing that Marven even dared to point to him, Dave coldly snorted and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense, just send me over."

Marven had no choice but to go against him, so he had to drive Dave to Antique Street.

Wrestvel is a famous historical city. It is located on the antique street outside the scenic spot. It is also well-known in China. Antique dealers and shoppers from all over the country gather here.

The local tourism department also took advantage of the trend and spent a lot of money to renovate the Antique Street and turn it into a tourist attraction.

When he arrived at Antique Street, Dave came to the door of an antique shop and explained to the receptionist that he had an appointment. It was convenient to invite two people to the VIP room at the back to see the goods.

Marven was about to follow in, but Dave turned back and said, "Don't follow in. You can't understand it even if you come in. Wait for me at the door of the VIP room!"

Marven nodded: "I know Dad!"

With his hands on his back, Dave followed the reception staff into the VIP room, and Marven sat down in the lounge area.

A few minutes later, Marven suddenly heard a crisp sound coming from the VIP room.

Later, Marven saw his old father-in-law coming out in a panic.

He still muttered: "It's over, it's over! This is over!"

Marven hurriedly walked to the front and looked behind Dave. He saw that a tall and thin ceramic bottle had fallen into two on the ground, and there were still many small ceramic fragments on the ground.

Through the fragments, we can vaguely see that the one that was broken should be a Wang Dynasty jade pot spring bottle.

He had been in the Ye family since he was a child, and he was also very knowledgeable. You can tell at a glance that this bottle is a genuine antique, and it is not a big problem to sell it up to several million in the market.

It seems that Dave has caused a major disaster this time.

In the VIP room, a middle-aged man said with a dark face: "Mr. Xiao, our jade pot spring bottle at least cost five million. Now you have broken it, you must pay the price!"

This person is Liangyun, the manager of Jiqingtang.

Dave pulled Marven over, and said in a panic: "This is my rich son-in-law, do you know how much he has? Don't say just five million, even fifty million is nothing! It's nothing for him to pay at once. Talk to him! I have something to do, let's go now!"

After that, Dave pushed Marven in, turned his head, and ran out.

Marven looked dumbfounded, this Old Master is too shameless, this is a clear plan to let him be a scapegoat!

Liangyun looked at Marven and asked coldly, "This gentleman, a total of 5.38 million is due, are you swiping your card or transferring money?"

Marven spread his hands: "I have no money."

He was not unable to afford it but wanted to teach the Old Master a lesson so that he would not be able to come to Antique Street every day.

"No money?" Liangyun gritted his teeth: "You smashed our most precious thing, do you think you can leave without money, just by hiding your assets?"

Marven said helplessly: "I didn't want to hide anything, but I really don't have any money. Besides, I didn't smash your bottle. Why should you make me pay?"