
The Billionaire Run-Away husband (MxM)

(WARNING: MATURE LGBT+ CONTENT Evan Knight Has been married to his angel for two years but has known him since he was twenty years old and what his husband doesn't know is that he has been keeping a secret from him, the secret that has to explain why his Love has so many personal body guard who he hired to watch over him and protect him with there lives. After hiding his other company from his husband and the dangers that comes for being a Mafia boss he Is ready to put a pause on his marriage in order to protect his little angel, his Love. Robin Knight Has been living a happy married life for the past two years with his husband Evan who is always away on a business trip but when he is home he always make sure that he knows that he loves him.Robin always dedicate his life to his restaurant when his husband is not around. He always wanted to open a restaurant after finishing culinary school and with the help of his billionaire husband, his dream of owning a restaurant became real but one day his perfect married life was destroyed by the husband he loved and treasured. 'I was so stupid to think that someone like him could love me. He was sitting in the private jet of his husband on his way to France.I mean come on he has everything and he spend most of the time in business trips, but how was I sure that he was not cheating on me. ________________________ This Book is about A mafia boss who is hiding his empire from his Husband in order to protect him and keep him safe but what happened when his biggest rival and his enemy get their hands on the one he has been trying to protect. NOTICE: This is a gay Novel and it includes gay sexual content if you don't like to read this kinds of books please avoid reading it.

Ryder6641 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Surprise

"I don't understand"He asked not believing what he was hearing from his husband.

"What don't you fucking understand! I said I don't want you for a husband"he screamed at him as he was getting out of the bed after making love.

He was sore all over after there make out session but he didn't care his voice came out as a rough whisper "why". He couldn't help but wonder why.

The one thing he feared from the the start of their relationship was actually happening.The moment of realisation hit him really hard for the moment he looked like he was not breathing his eyes welled up with tears.

He felt having difficulty in breathing inside he was heartbroken to pieces. The only person he ever loved and the very person who he trusted and call him his home didn't want him.

His husband looked at him for a second when he notice him not making any sound.

For a moment he let him self cry wondering if it was something that he has done to make his husband broke off there happily married life.

He wondered why was he possessive If he didn't love him .

What changed his mind.Because ten hours ago everything was perfect as it could ever be.

"Why would you want a divorce we are doing fine"He asked staring at his husband.

"I want you to know its not you it's me am not happy in this marriage" He said suddenly while getting himself a cup of whiskey_ I was surprised and dumbfounded.I felt like my heart has been ripped out.

How can a man who claim to say he loved me say such a thing to say I was hurting was an understatement."What"I asked him my voice sounding like it was trembling but I didn't care.

He didn't answer my question to why he wants us to get a divorce instead he just - "Tomorrow I will bring the papers for you to sign..."He was about to continue talking until he heard his husband loud sobbing he turned around and saw him shaking.

At that moment his heart soften he wanted to just go and give him a hug to tell him he was joking or it was a prank but he knew that will be far from the truth.

You see! what you don't know about Evan Knight plan is;he is a Mafia boss the most feared in all of the United kingdom he is rich and he has everything you can think of but the one thing he has tried to protect was his Lovely Husband who he is obsessed and madly in love with; no one can take what is his he will kill anyone who ever lay as hand on his husband.

He has been planning this for three months after he notice the people that were stalking his beautiful husband Robin Knight for a while now, Robin doesn't know anything about the people who follows him he is just a care free spirit who see good in everyone.

His plan is to catch those people and find out who is sending them and why.

The best plan he has come up with so far is to get his husband to sign fake divorce papers and then send him to live in France to their mansion were he can wait and live there for a the time being while he take care of the problem, but the plan is turning out to be difficult since he can't live without his beautiful husband for a day let alone for how long the problem is going to drag on. He can't keep his hand to him self when it comes to him.

Now he is stake in telling his husband the true reason that he is the Mafia boss and why they are signing the fake divorce papers.

"Baby Stop crying" He took a breath debating to tell him or not to tell him.

"How can you do this, you said you will never leave me did I do something wrong I swear I will change" He said feeling like his life is over all his life ever since he turned eighteen and started dating Evan his life changed he invested in him and didn't have to worry about anything now the thought of a divorce made him think he is going to live in the streets that thought alone made him cry out so hard.

"Love you need to stop crying and listen to me.All this crying is breaking my heart, I can't see you like this "He said in his ear with a deep voice so Robin raised his head and looked into the eyes of his Love.

Then suddenly Robin wiped away his tear and kissed his husband Evan, but then the innocent kiss suddenly turned into something erotic and needy Robin tried to push his husband away and to break free but his husband possessiveness only increased he wouldn't budge one bit.

His husband Evan took it further living Robin with bruised lips and went to his neck to live a lot of hicks.

"Stop"He said laughing he couldn't take it anymore he was laughing so hard that his eyes started to water.

"Evan I said stop,stop it" Still laughing on his husband behaviour but still nothing happened then he said "i need to pack am going with Alec to a club after that "the words that makes his husband jealousy and he growl at Robin dangerously as a warning.

"Don't even think about it your a married man and if I see you there I will tie you to the bed and you know what I will do to you"He said to him with a smirk plastered on his face.

Robin know how Evan can be he can be dangerous sometimes, possessive at some point also sweet at the same time but he never did anything bad to him he has always treated him like a queen he is.

"If you don't am going to find a replacement for you since we are going to get a divorce anyway"Then his husband turned and looked and him with lust, love, possessive in his eyes like he always does.

But what Robin didn't know was that although Evan wanted a separation from him he was not going to let him go like other people do when they divorce because in the mind of Evan he knew their marriage was still real and they were not divorced and it's one of the things mafia bosses have in common is that they are always possessive and protective of there other half they never let go once they fall in love.

They went for another round of intense sex with his husband without stopping; forgetting all about the divorce.

Thank you for reading my story.

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