

A story of a billionaire and his friend, whose names are Henry and Kelvin, they both develop feelings for Amanda, a stunning woman who marries Kelvin due to his wealth. However, Amanda is unable to conceive with Kelvin in which she ended up having a one night stand with Henry, resulting in her pregnancy. When Kelvin discovers he is not the biological father of the child, he seeks revenge. Little does he know that his best friend, Henry, is the one responsible for his wife's pregnancy. What will happen next if Kelvin uncover the truth and exact his revenge?. And what action will kelvin take to get back his revenge?.

Healingpen · Urban
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9 Chs

Unveiling the Masquerade

The morning sun was just beginning to peek through the curtains when Kelvin, with a furrowed brow and a heart heavy with confusion, made his way to Henry's place. He needed a friend, a confidant, someone who could help him untangle the web of deception that had been spun around him.

As he knocked on Henry's door, the weight of the previous day's revelations hung over him like a dark cloud. The door swung open, and there stood Henry, his face breaking into a grin at the sight of his old friend.

"Kelvin! What brings you here so early?" Henry asked, stepping aside to let him in.Kelvin took a deep breath, the words tumbling out in a rush.

"It's Amanda. She wasn't kidnapped. The whole thing... it was a setup, a charade to push us together. Can you believe it?"Henry's eyes widened, and a chuckle escaped his lips before he could stop it.

"Wait, so this was all what? A birthday surprise gone wrong?"Kelvin's expression hardened, and he shook his head. "It's no laughing matter, Henry.

This is about a business deal worth billions. My father... he's orchestrating a contract marriage to secure a merger. He needs me to marry Amanda for it to work."The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation settled between them.

Henry's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. "So, it's all just a transaction to them? A contract marriage?"

"Yes," Kelvin replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "And I'm at a crossroads here."Henry moved to sit beside Kelvin, his demeanor serious.

"Alright, let's think this through. You're being pushed into a marriage for the sake of a business deal. That's a heavy burden to carry."Kelvin nodded, his eyes searching Henry's for some semblance of an answer.

"What do I do, Henry? I have my life, my dreams... and then there's Amanda. She's caught up in this too."Henry placed a hand on Kelvin's shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze.

"You need to consider what you want, Kelvin. Not your father, not the company, but you. What does Kelvin want?"Kelvin's gaze drifted to the floor, his mind racing. "I... I don't know anymore."

"Start there, then. Figure out what you want, and the rest will follow. You can't live your life according to someone else's script," Henry advised, his voice firm yet gentle.Kelvin looked up, a spark of determination in his eyes.

"You're right. I need to decide for myself. But what about Amanda? What if she's just as trapped as I am?""That's a conversation you need to have with her.

Be honest, be open, and see where she stands. Maybe she's just as eager to break free from this as you are," Henry suggested.Kelvin stood up, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

"I'll talk to her. I need to know where we both stand in all of this."Henry nodded, a proud smile on his face.

"There you go. Just remember, whatever decision you make, make sure it's one you can live with."With a firm handshake and a grateful look, Kelvin left Henry's place, his mind buzzing with thoughts and possibilities.

He was going to confront Amanda, lay everything out on the table, and together, they would decide their fate.

As the conversation ends between them, Kelvin is on his way to meet Amanda, his heart pounding with anticipation.

What will her reaction be? Will she be an ally or another obstacle in his path to freedom?

The evening air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers as Kelvin took out his phone, his fingers hovering over the screen with a mix of anticipation and nerves.

He dialed Amanda's number, the ringing tone echoing his heartbeat.

"Hey, Amanda," Kelvin's voice was steady, but his hand betrayed a slight tremor.

"Could you meet me for dinner? There's a place downtown that's quiet and perfect for a conversation."Amanda's voice bubbled with excitement on the other end.

"I'd love to, Kelvin! Give me an hour, and I'll be there. Can't wait!"She hung up, her heart racing as she slipped into her favorite dress, a deep blue that made her eyes sparkle.

She glanced at herself in the mirror, her reflection brimming with a mix of hope and anxiety.

The eatery was a quaint little place, with soft lighting and a gentle hum of chatter.

Kelvin stood as Amanda entered, her presence lighting up the room. He guided her to their table, pulling out a chair for her with a smile.

"So, Amanda," Kelvin began, his eyes searching hers.

"I wanted to talk about the situation we're in. How do you feel about entering a contract marriage with me?"Amanda's heart skipped a beat. She had anticipated many things, but this proposal was not one of them. She sighed, her voice a soft whisper.

"If it makes you happy, Kelvin, I'm ready to do it."The way she looked at him then, with eyes that shimmered with unspoken emotions, made Kelvin's resolve waver. But he quickly composed himself.

"Amanda, this is strictly business," he said firmly.

"You can't agree to this just to make me happy. What about you? What do you want?"Her eyes, which had been filled with a romantic glow, dimmed slightly.

"But Kelvin, I—"He cut her off, his tone sharper than he intended.

"And don't think you can sway me with those... those seductive glances. This isn't about love. I barely know you, and love isn't part of the equation."Amanda's face fell, her excitement turning to confusion and then to hurt.

Kelvin, realizing he might have been too harsh, reached out, but she pulled away.

"I need to think about this," he said abruptly, standing up. "Excuse me."As he walked away, Amanda sat there, the remnants of her joy slowly turning into a deep, emotional ache.

Amanda was left alone at the table, her mind racing with questions. Did she misread the signals? Was there more to Kelvin's proposal than just business? And most importantly, could she really marry someone who claimed to be immune to her charms?

The restaurant's ambiance faded into the background as Amanda pondered her next move, her mind pausing on the brink of her decision, leaving her to wonder: What will happen next?