

A story of a billionaire and his friend, whose names are Henry and Kelvin, they both develop feelings for Amanda, a stunning woman who marries Kelvin due to his wealth. However, Amanda is unable to conceive with Kelvin in which she ended up having a one night stand with Henry, resulting in her pregnancy. When Kelvin discovers he is not the biological father of the child, he seeks revenge. Little does he know that his best friend, Henry, is the one responsible for his wife's pregnancy. What will happen next if Kelvin uncover the truth and exact his revenge?. And what action will kelvin take to get back his revenge?.

Healingpen · Urban
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9 Chs

The Unseen Threads

The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the city as Mr. Wilson, a man with a plan, picked up his phone. His fingers, slightly trembling with anticipation, dialed Mr. Anderson's number.

The phone rang twice before a deep, calm voice answered."Mr. Anderson, it's Wilson. We need to talk about Kelvin and Amanda," Mr. Wilson said, his voice urgent but hushed.

"Ah, Wilson. Yes, I've been expecting your call. What's the situation?" Mr. Anderson replied, his tone serious yet intrigued.Wilson paced back and forth, the wheels in his mind turning. "I've set a plan in motion.

One of my men sent John a message, a fake distress signal from Amanda. It's a test, to see if Kelvin will bite."Anderson's voice was laced with skepticism. "You think a phony kidnapping will reveal Kelvin's true feelings?""It's more than that," Wilson insisted.

"It's about triggering his protective instincts. If he loves her, he'll show it. He'll come running."There was a pause, and then Anderson chuckled.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Wilson. But I'm intrigued. Let's see if your little ruse works."The line went mute, and Wilson was left alone with his thoughts. He hoped the seeds of his plan would bear fruit.

Mr. Anderson chuckled, "That's quite the scheme, Wilson. But do you think he'll fall for it?"Before he could reply, the sound of frantic footsteps echoed in the background.

Kelvin burst into the room, his face flushed with panic."Dad! Dad, it's Amanda—she's gone! I can't find her anywhere!" Kelvin's voice was thick with worry, his eyes darting around as if he could spot her in the corners of the room.

Mr. Anderson's hand tightened around the phone. "Son, son, calm down. Nothing's going to happen to her," he tried to soothe his son, but Kelvin was having none of it."No, you don't understand! She's vanished, and she's supposed to help me with the business plan.

She promised!" Kelvin's desperation was palpable, his breaths coming in short gasps.

Mr. Wilson, still on the line, listened intently, a knowing smile spreading across his face.Mr. Anderson put the phone aside and faced his son, his expression serious.

"Kelvin, I thought you said you didn't have feelings for Amanda. Why this sudden concern?"Kelvin paced back and forth, his hands running through his hair.

"It's not about love, Dad! It's the business. Without her, the whole plan could fall apart."The conversation between father and son continued, with Mr. Anderson trying to piece together his son's true feelings, while Kelvin vehemently denied any emotional attachment to Amanda.

As the night wore on, the mystery of Amanda's disappearance deepened. Kelvin couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, and Mr. Anderson couldn't help but wonder if this was more than just business for his son.

Kelvin received another message, this one more ominous than the last. The screen of his phone lit up the dark room, and as he read the words, his face drained of color.

"Kelvin, what is it? What does the message say?" Mr. Anderson asked, concerned about lacing his voice. Kelvin looked up, fear in his eyes.

"It's from Amanda," he whispered. "She says she's in danger and..."The line went dead, leaving a heavy silence in the room.

Mr. Anderson reached for the phone, but before he could ask Mr. Wilson if he knew anything, Kelvin's voice cut through the tension.

"Dad, we have to find her. Now."

The two standing in the dim light, the question hanging in the air: Was this all just a ploy, or was Amanda truly in peril?

The Anderson living room was filled with tension, the air thick with unspoken worries. Kelvin paced back and forth, his hands clenched into fists.

"Dad, we need to call the police. It's been hours and there's no word from Amanda. This isn't like her!"Mr. Anderson, a man with a face carved from years of stern business dealings, shook his head firmly.

"Kelvin, my boy, there's no need for that. Amanda is a smart girl. She'll turn up. You know how these young people are, always off on some adventure."

"But Dad, what if something has happened to her?" Kelvin's voice cracked with a mixture of fear and frustration.Mr. Anderson sighed, his expression softening for a moment.

"Son, I understand you're worried, but involving the police will just blow this out of proportion. Let's give it a little more time."Kelvin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew his father was a private man, preferring to handle matters within the family, but this was different. This was serious.

Unable to sit still, Kelvin made a decision. "I can't just wait around doing nothing. I'm going to look for her."Mr. Anderson raised an eyebrow.

"And where will you start? You have no leads, no idea where she might be.""I don't know, but I can't just sit here!" Kelvin's voice was desperate now, his need to act overpowering his reason.

Without another word, Kelvin grabbed the keys to his father's sleek, black car. The engine roared to life as he sped out of the compound, the house disappearing behind him.

The city lights blurred past as Kelvin drove aimlessly, his mind racing. Where could Amanda be? He barely knows her but now he is more interested in her, and the thought of her in trouble was unbearable.

He pulled over at a familiar café, a place he often visit. "Maybe someone here has seen her," he muttered to himself.As he entered, the bell above the door jingled, drawing the attention of a few late-night patrons.

Kelvin approached the counter, where a barista was cleaning up."Hey, have you seen Amanda tonight? She's about this tall, long brown hair, always has a bright smile," Kelvin described, his voice laced with hope.The barista shook her head. "Sorry, I haven't seen her.

But you can ask around."Kelvin nodded and turned to the few people scattered around the café. "Excuse me, everyone, I'm looking for my friend Amanda.

Has anyone seen her tonight?"The customers exchanged glances, but no one spoke up. Kelvin's heart sank. He thanked them and left the café, feeling more helpless than before.