
The Billionaire of Edenburg

Jason Bourne's city was raided by a tyrannic governor and count, who for greedy ambitious intent, was driven to rule over all the cities in Eden-burg. Jayson's father had abandoned him to settle with a woman he remarried two years after the death of his first wife, Elsa — Jayson's mother. Jason and his little sister were left to struggle through life without any physical inheritance, meanwhile, his father willed his entire wealth to Jason, but kept it in custody of his lawyer whom he trusted to hand over the legal document to his son — Jason — when he proves himself capable of handling it. This tyrant and count of Eden-burg took Jason captive, and led him away as slave, thereby separating between him and his sister. His little sister, Sarah, fled from the city and came to a refugee camp where she met Jack — a close friend of her dad. Jack took her in as his own daughter after hearing her tragic story. Driven by jealousy, Jack's family saw Sarah as a threat to their own family's wealth because her brilliance was enough to think she would inherit everything. Her brilliance won her great favor in the sight of Jack and in the neighborhood as well. From learning to be a manager, Sarah met with her dad after many years but hated him for leaving her and her brother whom she believed was dead, she fought her dad continuously until she discovered that Jason survived. Knowing she will be needing her father, Taylor, to help her free her enslaved brother, she tried finding it in her heart to forgive him and ally with him if she must stand a chance of saving her beloved elder brother. Now a slave and a servant to the empire of Azkaban, Jason, son of a renowned billionaire, strives to break free from captivity by all means. Jason must win the heart of many, study widely in school and try as much as possible to enrich himself in a society were wealth rested on the hands of brains behind a checkmate; but everything is set to change when he meets with Lilly. The heart of Lilly, the only daughter of the count of Eden-burg, was drawn towards Jason for his passion, cuteness and intelligence, and she fell deeply in love with him. Jason's heart, being filled with revenge for his supposed sister's death, had no time for love. He tried using her to rise to the top to take his revenge, but every attempt brought him to a state of feeling guilt that he is fighting so hard to kill the father of the only woman in his life. Will Jason persist in taking revenge or lose to falling in love? Will destiny bring him together with his sister, Sarah, again? And will he be merciful to his numerous adversaries when he had risen to the top and have had the willed wealth of his father at his finger tip now that he is capable of becoming the billionaire and the count of Eden-burg.

E_J_S · Urban
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169 Chs

Good Armed Man

The train was in motion when Zod lifted his gun and began shooting at Sarah whose head he saw from the window outside the train. She was quick to see him lift the gun he fired, even before she could get a chance to see the face of her elder brother, who had to turn his neck to look at her. The sound of the gun, the noise of the shattering glass of the train's window around the corner, his brother was sitting and injured her a little whilst she was about to dodge from it, both made her sorrowful, thinking that Jason was shot dead and hopeless that there was no one left in her life and no family to call her own but her. Sarah kept on running in the opposite direction from where the train had gone, and in tears, she suffered more emotional pain than she did physically, though she was bleeding on the left side of her head, arms and foot resulting from the impact of the glasses that fell when the bullets did hit the window of the train.

"Dad… Jason… m…" She sobbed and kept muttering all the names she knew of, but each time she wanted to mention mom, her voice dimmed and sometimes broke because she felt she did not know her mother so well or had not so much knowledgeable experience with her mom because she was only three years old when her mom passed on. All she knew about her mom was what Jason told her each time they discussed their mother, except for the little fragment of memories in her head about a woman who always patted her and played with her back then. The previous killings at the train station made everyone flee for their lives, such that the place was deserted and she was the only one around the premises still trying to get out. While she was still trying to make it out of that station, stepping on bodies lying dead and blood stains everywhere on her small legs that were injured making it difficult for her to get too far from the vicinity, Zod was in a fast-moving DSM Leveda car, racing to get to the previous station where he shot Sarah.

"Faster damnit!" His voice echoed as he scolded the driver of the car. He was in. Accompanied by four other soldiers dressed in uniforms who were sitting in the back seat of his car, and four other vehicles filled with military men, he was still frustrated and angered within himself about finding the little girl and confirming she was dead with an evil intention of shooting her dead body more when he saw it because of how angered he was that Jason insulted him with a daring word which left his conscience no other choice than to spare the boy's life.

"Yes boss." Replied the driver who was beside him and kept increasing the speed of the DSM Leveda because he saw Zod loading his second handgun which he quickly took out of a briefcase lying close to his legs in front of him. The driver knew if he did not get to that place faster, that Zod would definitely pull the trigger and empty the bullets in that pistol cartridge into his skull as he had done to the past three drivers in the space of three months.

Zod is a deadly tyrannic ruler and billionaire who is known widely as the count of Azkaban – a well-known empire. He reigns as the governor of the city of Azkaban in the country of Eden-burg and, for greed, he assassinated the president of Eden-burg – Henry Ford – two months before now and had been on the neck of the sitting cabinet and chief advisor to the late president of Eden-burg, demanding that he be made the next ruler over all the cities of Eden-burg. And because they would not give him the seat of the president except by election, he decided to take the cities by force to gain autonomous power even under the watch of Donald Vince, who was the acting president and formal vice to the late Henry Ford.

"Find her!" He stormed with all bitterness and fury the minute he stepped out of the car and was unable to find the body of Sarah, the girl he felt he shot dead. The soldiers with him knew he was heartless to be so desperate to see a little girl about his own daughter's age, dead, but they had no option but to do as he had commanded, knowing he would not hesitate to bring down anybody who proved disobedient.

"Sir, yes sir!" They all replied with a loud voice and ran in every direction and in every door and empty space they could find, while some ran in the direction which Sarah had taken.

Sarah's heart throbbed uncontrollably for fear the second she heard the voice of Zod echo from a distance afar off where she was and her feet in haste for fear. Although she had not heard the voice of Zod before, she believed the words she heard were because of her. She moved faster, knowing she was being sought for. Three men drew near in the direction she took, but as she hastened, with time, she noticed that only one footstep was heard. The path she took was like a tunnel and the farther she went, the darker the surroundings became. The dark path turned out to be an advantage and with a lot of water tanks lying side by side on both sides of the tunnel, Sarah was able to stay clear of the middle path and soon hid in the midst of five water tanks to her left because the man who did not give up was very close to her.

"Ouch!" She whimpered in pain the minute she bent down to hide from him and quickly held her mouth with her left hand to avoid screaming. The pain in her left foot was unbearable and it made her sob uncontrollably, so that the military man was able to find her easily with the help of his torchlight. The second he found her bending down there, he pointed his gun at her immediately and as she lifted her head instantly with a frightening look in her eyes which dilated, she could not help but try screaming out loud. He fired three rounds the second he noticed she was about to scream.