
The Billionaire Is Mine

Jack Smith is a very powerful and rich man. The most eligible bachelor and the dream of both males and females. This is a story where he had to accept his grandmother's wish to get married and one innocent orphan girl, Betty, caught his attention. But will he be able to live happily and fall in love with her? And will Betty be able to keep Jack Smith to herself even when his first love appears later in the picture? Will Jack's enemies try to bring shame to him ? Read to unfold the shocking twist!

Ellen_Kissiwaah · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 8 Heartless

"I'm sorry Miss Betty but I was warned by Mrs Rockson and Miss Annie not to allow you in the house again" the head security Raymond  said sadly. Raymond was one of the people in the Rockson's house who treated Betty well but the master's wife and daughter have given him a very strong warning not to ever allow her in the house and he couldn't question their order. 'Such a poor girl'

"But please is grandpa back from his vacation.." Betty asked in a haste.

"No young miss. And I can't really tell when he'll be back" he replied sadly.

" I can't reach him too , I don't know what to do , my brother is in the hospital and he needs money for his surgery... I don't have enough, please allow me enter I promise I'll just talk to them I won't cause troubles.. please Sir Raymond" Betty said with tears flowing down her cheeks. This made Raymond very emotional but his boss's wife is so cruel that he was scared he'll loose his job. Before he could open his mouth he saw his boss Alexander Rockson's car approaching. He told Betty" Sir Rockson is here ".

The moment Alexander saw Betty infront of the gate he got down from his car "What are you doing here ... Are you here to cause troubles for my family"

"Father *sob* H..henry , he's been transferred to Life Hospital. He needs $2.2m for his treatment...."

"What does she want here hunny." Esther said while getting down from the car. 

"Nothing sweetheart, listen Betty, I don't have that amount of money . How sure are you he'll even get a doner" Alex replied angrily. "Wait she needs money.. how much" Esther asked and her husband told her the amount

"What!!! you need such a huge amount of money?" Esther shouted. Even tho they weren't too rich . They had more than that in their accounts. Moreover they just had a good news that a rich man wants to marry their daughter. They could easily help Betty.

Betty went on her knees and begged . She was seriously crying. "Madam, father, please *sob* Henry's life might be in danger. I know you don't like us but please help. Henry is such an innocent child. I promise to pay you back... please, I even promise never to be part of the Rockson's family.."

"Well you said it yourself, he's in danger, why even waste money if he's in danger. What if he even dies haha" Esther said mockingly 

"No !! Henry will not die He will live longer and I call feel that. He won't die now!. " Betty said whiles shaking her head . His brother won't die early, never!

"Believe whatever makes you sleep at night, hunny let's go , you can get the car inside" Esther said to her husband and he entered the car and drove to the house leaving his wife and Betty at the gate.

"Don't be heartless Esther, you don't know what the future holds " Betty said buh Esther didn't care. She looked around like she wasn't the one being spoken to.

"Well , you are heartless, you've been living in the Rockson money for years and you don't appreciate what we've already done for you. You better stay away from us because you'll never be a part of the Rockson's... Oh and you know what, I'm glad you knelt infront of me for help hahahaha " she said and approached the head security to drive Betty out the next time she comes to the house. Betty's tears were flowing... She needed to save Henry. She would have to beg Angie even if it hurts her pride. Maybe Angie could help her