
The billionaire heir

Alex is a poor unlucky guy with a great secret. When his girlfriend dumps him for a rich guy it is revealed that he has inherited his father's fortune and he is the sole successor of the Roschyld Empire. He vows to forget her but would fate be this easy? With the arrival of other potential partners, business rivals, family rivalry and re-entering of his girlfriend into his life, how would he overcome all the odds and arrive as the victor in all fronts?

Altamush_Malik · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

The red Light

When he read the message, his face bloomed a bit. He had forgot he was under a compulsory training period to be eligible to inherit the family fortune. The rain drops collected on the screen of his phone. He realized the life he was living was not permanent. He glanced at the window of Room 300 and sighed in relief thinking it was good for him that she left.

He rode the bike and reached the medical store first. "Did you deliver the order?" The owner asked as soon as he reached there.

"Yes." He took out the keys threw it away.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The owner could not understand his behavior.

"I am done," Alex said and took out some cash from his pocket and threw it to the owner's face.

"Oye, are you in your right mind?" the owner got angry.

"I quit. F**k you! F**k your job!" Alex shouted back and walked away in peace. He had never felt this good before. He always wanted to do this. The owner's face went pale when he did that and he enjoyed every moment of watching it.

He straightaway took his bicycle and went to his room. He slept in peace in hope and excitement for the change of his fortune the next day.

He woke up in the morning and headed straight to the City Bank, the largest and richest bank in the city. It was the go-to bank for the privileged ones. When he reached there, he saw luxury deluxe cars in the parking lot. He dreamt of having one of them someday. He suddenly realized the contrast between his daydream and the life he had been living all along.

Just when he was about to enter the bank, he bumped into someone at the doorway.

"Ouch! What the hell? Are you blind?" It was a woman he bumped into. She looked like some rich princess and a regular customer of the bank. Broccoli Vuitton shades, diamond earrings, pink top, and limited edition Bucci bag - all of it indicated to the reason for her spoiled nature.

Before Alex knew it, his mouth had already uttered the words of apology. "I am really sorry. I did not mean to…" He suddenly realized it was not his fault for bumping into her.

The woman stared at him when he took a pause. "Did not mean to? Am I invisible?" She scanned his shabby look up to down and mouthed in a low tone while walking away. "Where do these people come from?"

"What is her problem?" Alex understood she judged him from his clothes but he could not care less. The days of wearing elite brands were about to come.

An employee of the bank who also happened to be a lady arrived and witnessed the exchange between them. She too scanned him up to down and frowned at his looks. "What do you want? Where did you come from?"

"I…" As Alex was about to state the reason for his presence there, the woman escorted some esteemed customer who happened to be the patriarch of some rich-ass business family.

He saw a long-haired old man in a black suit walking out of the bank and the woman following him like an obedient maid-servant. He shook his head and entered the bank.

He had seen that old man somewhere but could not remember where it was. Neither did he want to.

The woman turned her head before leaving the old man and saw Alex was not there. She felt a bit relieved as he had left and the customers would not get bothered by him.

When he entered he saw the VIP customers sitting in the lounge. They owned the tags he always wished to own. He went inside the VIP room and the woman employee who had seen him outside earlier spoted him entering there.

"Why the hell is he entering the VIP cabin?" She mouthed.

When the spectacled officer in-charge of the cabin saw him entering, he reacted, "Hey, where are you entering? Are you lost?"

"No, I am here to get my black card," He replied.

The officer looked at him up to down as the black cards were owned by only the richest of the rich. There were very few in existence and this person with uncombed hair, covered in sweat and dirt was asking for one. "Are you joking?"

"Do I look like I am joking? I already own one. I just want it issued," replied Alex with a frown.

The officer again scanned him up to down. He realized Alex was being dead serious about owning one. "Okay, we will need your fingerprints to verify your identity."

Alex nodded and waited for the officer to get the fingerprint scanner.

"You have to place your thumb here," the officer said after he brought the machine, indicating to the scanning area.

Alex placed his thumb at the area the officer indicated to. After a few seconds, the machine showed a red light and his thumb print did not match.

"I thought so. Sir, your thumb print did not match," the officer said. "Do you really have an account here?"

"I do. Maybe we should try once more," Alex suggested. He placed his thumb again but it again showed the red light and the print did not match again.

The officer eyed at him as if he was a criminal. "Maybe we should try once more."

Alex was finding it uncomfortable now. His thumb print was not matching and his dreams of getting out of this miserable life was fading away.

Suddenly, something struck his mind. He had not bothered to verify the text he had received. Whether it was authentic or someone from his family was pulling his leg, he did not verify it. 'How could I be so careless?' He thought with a facepalm.

The officer side-eyed him. "Sir, place your thumb."

"Ah, yeah." Alex placed his thumb again and alas! It did not match again. He turned to the officer awkwardly. "Uhh… I think this machine is broken."

"No, sir, the machine is alright. You are the broken one," the officer said.

Alex ignored whatever the hell those words meant and tried once more. "What the f**k is happening?" He reacted in irritation when the red light turned on again.

"Sir, I think you should leave," the officer said as he thought the guy was some madman and pulling his leg.

"Wait, I really own a black card. I am the eldest son of Roschyld family. I am Alexander Roschyld," Alex said.

"Yes, and I am Brad Pritt," replied the officer. "You should go or I would call the security."

Alex was covered in sweat now. "Wait, wait, I will try one last time." He abruptly placed his thumb again just at the moment the officer rang the bell on his desk to call the security.

The woman employee saw the security guards hurrying inside and thought something bad must have happened.

Alex prayed to whatever God he had believed in for his thumb print to match this time. His eyes were shut closed when he placed the thumb and he slowly began to open them to check if his prayers were answered.