
Chapter 33: I Never Knew It Could Be Like This

The first thing I notice is the heat of his mouth. Then the pressure of his lips - soft and hard at the same time. Gentle but also deliberate, as if he wants me to be fully aware that he's playing our little game. Desire rushes through me, so strong it's nearly suffocating.

It's strange, kissing Alex. But at the same time...it's not strange at all. Maybe because we've known each other for so long. Because we understand each other so well. Alex isn't some random hot stranger - he's the person I trust more than anyone else in this world. And my body seems to know this, because I can feel myself opening up to him.

My mouth parts a little more beneath his, sinking into the kiss. His lips respond instantly, shifting against mine, finding a new way to fit together. His hand presses against the back of my head as he deepens the kiss. A fresh wave of heat moves through me, and I find myself leaning into him.