
The Billionaire C.E.O in love

Love is a beautiful thing, but when one among the both can't really define their want and reason for love. That alone will end in tears and cause heartbreak. Olivia and Charles are raised in Alabama in the United States, where they were brought up by their rich parents. Oliva, Charles Fiancee loved him not until she betrayed the love she had shared with him for her political career to fulfill the promise she made to her father, who was murdered a month after resuming the office of Alabama Governor under the Republican Party. Her career as a young politician could only be successful by going into agreement with Governor Hudson, the incumbent Governor of the state, if she could get married to Jonathan, his son, since he refuses to follow his footstep in order to have Alabama governed by the family. Getting married to Jonathan seems possible because Jonathan has long loved her and needed an opportunity where he will make her his wife. Breaking up with her billionaire lover, Charles the CEO, leaving him with pain and the reflection the juicy time they have spent together while still together. Charles then vow not to give his heart to anyone, or getting married, he became rude to every ladies that tried getting his attention. Moreover, keep ready to get the aftermath of the both character. But at the end, Charles got to fall in love with his secretary, Deborah, whom he slept with while drunk in a club, sometimes in California on his personal assignment trying to expand his oil and gas company beyond Alabama. He knew neither who Deborah was nor that he had a son with her, Kingston, whom she had after the one night stand she had with him, as she was attracted by his handsomeness and fell in love with him on the first date.

Charles_Nwafor · Urban
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42 Chs

Jonathan got angry with his father

His Excellency Hudson and his wife, were busy trying to catch fun, it have be their normal way of life. Isabella, despite how selfish Hudson is she have never for once hated him. She always believed that he his her husband and because of that, she made it a duty to maintain the gym they usually have every weekend. Before the got married, Hudson and Isabella got to know while having their morning exercise around the street, they also met in a gym hall. Hudson fall in love with him which later led to marriage. Meanwhile, keeping to it became mandatory as said.

Isabella about to bed her waist, she worn her sport clothes, while Hudson Jogging. They were on it when Jonathan got in, in anger, he demanded to have some words with them.

" Can't you see am exercising my body? You have to wait till am done." Hudson said to him. He refuse and insist that they both see. " Hope is not about your wife, because am not interested to hear anything from her." Isabella asked. Samuel, standing and breathing heavily. " Let attend to him before he tires us up." Hudson told Isabella.

They both moved in, Hudson and Isabella drank from a bottle water, therefore sat to listen to his son.

" Father, I don't expect you to bring yourself low to the point that the FEC commissioner have to go ahead of you." He complained. Hudson focus on his faced, he had no idea of what Eason have discussed with Olivia. Jonathan then began to explain all what Olivia have told him, including how disasterious it could be to the family if she fail the election. " Are you afraid of her." His mother asked, he refuse seating down. " Please I don't want to hear anything about Olivia here, that lady didn't worth anything good." She spoke.

" Mother, I didn't leave my comfort zone to this place for you mother to speak against my wife. Rather for us to create a way by which she will winn this election. Left for me, she have failed already, I don't feel comfortable with Dad running her part." He said.

Hudson got mad at him, for he have label him an incompetence father. " Do you lost your sense of reason, coming to my house to label me as an incompetence man? Then come and run her part." He shouted at him and continue, "your wife should exercise patience, she should not go beyond her boundaries, am here working it out for her good." Hudson yelled and demonstrated how he had be working for her benefit.

" Did I hear you said her benefit, or your benefit and selfishness. In fact, sometime I wonder how we met at the first place. Just imagine, you have succeeded endangering the life of your only son, our only child into the hands of a desperate woman, who can do anything on her power to have the seat. What if she is to kill our son, don't you think she will do that.? She turned to Jonathan," and as for you Jonathan, I warn you, I know that this is what it might result, but you didn't listen, instead you claim to love her and ready to die for her. Why be afraid, is she not longer your wife?" Isabella, remembering the past and pouring them on his face.

" I have not fail in the history of my political career, so I shouldn't expect to fail while trying to run a successful career for my daughter in-law. Beside, if she wins it is our benefit." Hudson assured the family.

" To hell with the benefit, am not interested, all what I want from you now is to work more harder or you tell her about your incompetence in delivery your support." Thesame Jonathan speaks. This event rises to be a family issue, after Jonathan had left, Hudson and Isabella, continue exchanging words, Hudson sounding so disappointed in Isabella same with Her be disappointed in Hudson. The whole bedroom was noisy it was Hudson and Isabella voice that is heard around. An hour of shouting, Hudson remain calm, he put call across his Secretary Noah demanding he come over immediately. Noah drove to the governor resident, and was led to the chamber where Hudson was seating.

" You sent for me your Excellency." Noah said and was asked to seat, he was serve a drink as usual. " Am running out of patience, Olivia have tried going even behind me, it hasn't be quite long Jonathan left her. He came shouting and labelling me an incompetence father, simply because his wife Olivia have promise to make life miserable for the family if she failed the election. I know he will be the one to receive the heat of her madness, but that doesn't mean that she have failed. No one have heard from the FEC generally, I then wonder why Eason should plant such in her." Hudson speaking in annoyance.

And Noah, dropped the glass of wine in his hands, he asked him to calm down, and also tried holding meeting with the committee. Meanwhile, he told him the truth behind the election. " The truth most be said your Excellency, Olivia full assurance of becoming the next president is very rare, Christopher have taking all her chance, and because he is there, she will only have that position by grace and if only he decided to step down or be called to death. Aside that, your daughter in-law won't be there." He spoke openly.

" Is that what you have to say,? I called you here thinking you will give me an answer of peace, only to hear this from you. Anyway am not yet confuse neither have I given up, thesame believe you have so also my advisers. Yet that won't move me at all, Olivia must take over after me." He concluded and continue sipping from the glass of wine served to them. Shaking his leg with thought of what to do " That's all I have to say your Excellency, but if you think she will get there by your power, fine, it all your Believe and I pray it should come through your Excellency." He didn't mind what might happen to him for saying so, all confident have be placed on Christopher becoming the next Governor.