
The Billionaire And The Maid

Adam Kingston, 28, is the uproar of all news channels because of his lavish lifestyle, seductive playboy nature, and holding a unique Casino, Heaven On Earth. Punctuality, standard, and the urge to find new passion have always been his priority. His elitist nature and riches have aided to get any women stripped in no time. But things change when Stella Brown enters his man-made heaven and, things get greasy for both sides. ____ "I can see myself clearly in your shiny hazel blue eyes Stella." Adam rubbed his chest against her breasts, biting her lower lip. "So you see a Liar, Killer, As*hole all at once, Do you Master?" Stella looked straight into his eyes and tugged out of her dress incautiously. Adam cupped her warm breasts firmly and licked her ear roughly, "That is me, Baby Stella."

Dahlia_Moore · Fantasy
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11 Chs

They Did It

I heard ADAM SAYING, " Only the Razor?"

I sighed louder and turned to face him. What does he want me to do now, book a laser appointment? I don't even know how every goddam appliance work around here. But I had to dodge that one question particularly, "Mr.Adam why don't you sit somewhere," I took a foot back to the room saying "Far from this area because you must have forgotten to install locks in here."

"I prefer no interference, my baby." Adam winked at me, turning on foot toward the extensive hall. I never imagined that he would leave, giving me space.

Soon he was out of sight, I grabbed a bottle of herbal scrub from the rack, and went inside the room. I kept looking for a door to the bathroom or a mysterious portal in the room leading to a spacious jacuzzi, but all I found was a shower just in the corner of the room, on the floor just under the shower the marbles looked kind of different," Is he rich or just pretends?" I asked myself and turned the shower on, and those marbles just absorbed the water. And now I was sure it was some kind of rich shit.

"But still how much a wall that separates the shower from the room can cost this man?"

I took my time, gave myself a good scrub, and shaved every hair follicle of my skin. I felt a tinge of excitement trailing up and down my body, for a second my heartbeat dropped visualizing Adam waiting for me. A couple of times I ran to the door to make sure, that he wasn't peeking. But I knew if he wanted, he would be inside by now. I looked at the bed placed not so far from where I was bathing " Gross."

I turned to the other side with my eyes closed, the warm water was soothing my body muscles, with every tiny droplet touching my skin I felt warmth sinking deep into my layers. I lost the track of time and it must have taken an hour or so. My relaxed muscles got tensed when I heard a hard voice from behind, " Does that feel good, Baby?"

My face flushed, I quickly placed both my hands on my butt which weren't enough to wrap,


I just couldn't turn to his side I was completely naked and soaked. I heard footsteps and thought "What? Is he coming my way?" I turned my head at once but it was too late. He was standing naked with his chest inches away from my back I felt the warmth radiating from his naked structure.

"Tell me just once that you weren't expecting that." Adam hummed near my nape and planted a soft kiss and turned the shower off.

My whole body ached at once and I groaned with my head still tilted in his direction. His hands moved from my shoulder blades to my bo*bs and I yelled his name, "Adam, Adam" He tightened his grip on my bo*bs and crazed with his fingers. No one ever touched me the way he did. He left no space between us, I felt his bulge sanding against my hands which were barely covering my butts.

But all that was of no use because I wanted him, I wanted him more than ever. I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes and enjoying the light massage he was giving to my bo*bs.

But suddenly he curled me to his front smashing his lips against mine. My whole body weight was lifted by his one strong arm.

Barely standing on my tips, I welcomed every soft bite he gave me on my lips. I dug my fingers deep into his silky smooth hair.

The heat accumulating at the center of my body was killing me every second now. I squirmed when I felt his hand moving from my navel to the area of my soft lips down there, he held me so tight, and we were burning ourselves with the heat, his fingers did a dirty job down there and seconds before I was about to reach my climax he stopped. I moaned, with my breath completely dried

"Adam, not now." Adam chuckled, licking my cheek, " Aren't you enjoying a little too much, BABY"

I had my hands around his shoulders, I scratched my head on his dense pecs as a moan left my mouth, a little too loud."Adam, please."

He tickled his fingers on my butt and said, "Okay, Baby guess the words."

"What words Adam?" I licked near his lips and wailed again, moving my legs, giving a little massage to the lips between the legs, But he fumbled my butts in his hands, allowing me no chance to move.

"Try." This time he bit me harder on my nipples and my legs were all shaky with the flood of hormones ready to pop out anytime soon.

Because I wasn't good at guessing so he bit again on the same nipple harder and I yelled "Fu*k you, Adam"

"Not fu*k you, say fu*k me, Adam. Fu*k me." He lifted me in his arms and we both weren't ready to let go of each other's lips.

What do two people engaging in sex need? A bed and it was right there. He placed me carefully on the mattress and hollered over me with his naked body. We had been kissing for a long period and we needed a break. Adam moved a little back, while grasping onto thin air I held his face in my hand and whispered near his mouth,"Fu*k me, Adam. Fu*k me."

I saw his jaw tense and lips parted. He stretched his long arm and took the condom placed under his pillow. He soon fixed it over his hard part as I watched.

"What you scared now?"

"One way to find out..." I whispered again with a total slutty face and straightened my back on the mattress. His whole muscled structure kept pushing his shit harder and harder into my soft flesh for hours until we were both exhausted and out of stamina. We used 2 of the condom and there were still 5 more there.

I looked a complete mess after, but he ran his fingers through my hair, kissing on my bruised nipple, and said, "You look just perfect."

"Yeah, yeah with a gloss of fu*k up." I covered myself with the sheets and sat up looking at him. He had been going through his Ipad for the moment we finished.

"Is everything alright?" I asked tipping to his side a little with my hands supporting the sheets around me.

"Yeah, this new manager the HR hired has an impressive resume." Adam came out of the screen and stared at my face for a second, " Do you want something Baby?"

"No, it's fine. I will use the restroom." I got up from the bed with sheets covering my naked body. "Did you not pay your constructor enough and he somehow compensated by not building a wall separating the bedroom and the bathroom." I mocked and created a short story for, Adam and blinked my eyes at him.

Adam took his eyes off the Ipad but did not look at me. He rubbed the tip of his nose and said, " Baby I overpaid so he designed a luxury bathroom just next to this room across the hall. But with the remaining amount, he built an extra shower in here." Adam put the Ipad down and crossed his arms to his chest, and gazed up at my face to probably watch my reaction.

I drowned in the pits of my self-respect in a second. What the hell did I do? I could have asked him. I lifted my shoulders and shoved my neck-deep into them. All I wanted now was to not look at him and run from that place in a second.

My feet turned completely cold. I wished the floor could open into another dimension, and I could dive into that to put myself out of this misery.

"What? You wanted to use the restroom. Now you know. But if it helps, the constructor can come and install a seat in here too." Adam played well and again continued with his work with a victorious chuckle.

"THAT IS ENOUGH FOR ONE NIGHT, ADAM..." I screamed in discomfiture and dashed out of the room, dropping the sheets around me carelessly on the floor.


So what you think would be the new manager? Any guess?

Hello to the people who came this far. I really request you to like, comment and please Follow.

I have done so much effort and have no new follower in the past 2 days. That is kind of really upsetting to me but I will still continue to hope that you all will love the story and me too.

I am so glad that you all have added it to your library, I can' be more thankful but I would really appreciate if you can follow.

Follow me on Instagram; Dahliamooreme1