
The Billionaire And The Maid

Adam Kingston, 28, is the uproar of all news channels because of his lavish lifestyle, seductive playboy nature, and holding a unique Casino, Heaven On Earth. Punctuality, standard, and the urge to find new passion have always been his priority. His elitist nature and riches have aided to get any women stripped in no time. But things change when Stella Brown enters his man-made heaven and, things get greasy for both sides. ____ "I can see myself clearly in your shiny hazel blue eyes Stella." Adam rubbed his chest against her breasts, biting her lower lip. "So you see a Liar, Killer, As*hole all at once, Do you Master?" Stella looked straight into his eyes and tugged out of her dress incautiously. Adam cupped her warm breasts firmly and licked her ear roughly, "That is me, Baby Stella."

Dahlia_Moore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The perfect date (2)

"Are you hungry?" Adam made me stand on my feet with his hands still in the same place. "SHIT THEY ALL HEARD IT, THIS TIME,...." I felt so embarrassed as they all were gawking at me.

"LET THE GIRL GO, Adam, darling. She is just a clingy worker from an agency, whining to me all the time for a shout-out." Natalia looked jealous as she tried her best to make me look the bad one in his eyes.

In a single rift, Adam spiraled me around to his front, looked briefly at my T-shirt with the weird green logo, and ordered someone, "Derik, come to the front and take a picture."

"Adam, love it's fine. I will make her leave. Come take our photo Derik." Natalia ditched the table cloth in her hand and stepped one foot.

"Not you," Adam halted her without looking at her because his eyes weren't leaving my sight for a second. He ran his hand over my cold naked arms, and what I thought was, " Shit, I haven't shaved for days. Did he feel that hair?" Adam must have felt rough.

"Take our picture only, And publish it all over Kingston family social media accounts, and ask our people to write exceptional words for the service." Adam turned me to the other side, making me face the camera as Derik took the photo.

Adam again turned me as a ball in his hand and asked, "Your nose?" What about my nose now, I quickly placed my hand on my nose tip. That was cold.

He took his coat off, cladding it around me like any person raised by good women would do. " I don't need that, please allow me to leave," I turned in his family's direction and asked for their permission, moving my hands out of his odorous, warm coat.

I could see how Natalia's eyes fell to the ground. Olivia and the other boy weren't shocked much.

"Enjoy your lunch, and I will see you both at 5 pm in the conference room," Adam looked across the table as he held me in his lengthy muscular arm to one side, walking me back to the elevator.

In shock, I halfway turned to his family, but he held my head from the back, making me look straight. The elevator got closed behind our back.

Adam tightened his body around me, and I felt heated and comfy. "What happened to your forehead? There is a little bruise," Adam nuzzled near my neck where he bit me this morning.

"I wasn't careful--" Adam didn't let me finish and continued, "I will punish Jacob for his poor driving skills. He can't hurt my girl,"

What? Did he name the driver from the morning? He knew I was here.

I again tried to look at the back of my shoulder. But the elevator opened to the basement, and he almost dragged me with him to his car, but I followed silently.

My vision got blurry, I hadn't eaten a thing for the past 24 hours. I must have fainted because later on, I woke up in a silk nightgown with lace and fur on it.

Looking to the left, I saw Adam sitting close and working on his laptop. "You are up early, Stella...." He leaned on me and tucked my hair behind my ears. "You need to stay away, Mr. Kingston. I- -" I moved an inch away from him and asked shockingly "Where are my clothes? How dare you touch me. My clothes?"

I heard a voice from behind and turned that way,

"May I come in," That woman in a suit was already in the center of the room, standing inches away from the bed. She carried a trolley with mouth-watering food items.

"Just in time, Marry,...." Adam got up and moved his hand in the air, asking her to leave. He took the plate with pasta with a lot of parmesan cheese on the top and handed me. He carefully took the cutlery and cut the steak into pieces for me on another plate, moving the trolly in my direction.

He had his sleeves up his arms, moving his hand on my thigh Adam said "Eat, taste it." and raised his brows a little.

I took the folk in hand, but before it could reach my mouth, my sixth sense alarmed me, and I said, placing the heavenly bite back into the plate, "Look, whoever you are, I don't care. This all needs to stop now. Get my stuff here, and I will leave. Let's just pretend that this never happened."

"Oh, my baby Stella" He rubbed his hand on my scalp, making me feel his warmth.

Baby what? I was shocked at his behavior. Like how could someone do that?

"I can't do that." Adam's soft voice quoted in my ears, he took the folk and made the pasta touch my lips, "Open, your mouth," He insisted, and my hungry soul couldn't resist more, and I ended up following his direction, Eating one bite after the other. I kept looking his way, pure, alluring, compelling, at a point I wanted his soft pink sugary plum lips. Was I asking a lot?

"You want something?" Adam was focused on crowning my bites carefully with whatever was on the trolley and feeding me like an actual baby.

"What is all that for Mr.Adam?" I had to ask him because that wasn't normal at all.

"This is a perfect date, baby Stella...." Adam passed me the drink. Did this person realize that I am old enough to be having kids, and there he is calling me a baby?

"Date?..." I confusingly asked and took the glass from his hand.

"And you know what will be in the evening?" Adam held my chin in his hand, moving himself a little forward to my face or maybe my lips.

Before I could ask further, Marry came in without knocking "Mr. Adam it's Paul on the phone."

Adam grabbed the phone from her hand and didn't say a word. His facial expressions changed. He let go of my chin, and he looked a little serious now.

I placed the glass on the side table and looked at him as he stood up and disconnected the phone after a minute or two. He handed the phone back to Marry and asked her to bring a new suit.

He turned the other way toward the door without saying a word. And asked, "Do you happen to know any Eric Wayne?" He did not turn to my side to ask this question.

"Eric who?" I shuttered. How could I let him know anything? He is a stranger to me.

"Eric Wayne" Adam once again loudly repeated for me to understand.

"No, Not really..." I was never fluent with lies, But I had to until I knew his intentions. Would he accept if I told him that we almost married and lived together for years? I thought to myself but kept silent.

"Will see you in the evening, baby Stella..." Adam did look back this time and then walked out.

A couple of minutes after, I heard the elevator sound and dashed out of the room to leave. I looked around but my belongings weren't there. But then I heard a voice, " Miss Stella, I shall entertain you until Mr. Kingston comes back."

" No, I am good. Just get my stuff here so I can leave." I clamped my hands together and requested her.

"We are both locked in this penthouse on Mr. Kingston's orders. You must prepare for the evening too." The maid said, and continued with her work.

"Evening?" I gave my head a few jerks and marched back to the bed. Because I stood entirely out of choices.


On The Other Side At LunchTime

"I don't feel hungry anymore, and I am so done in here," Olivia said, stepping out of her chair, and asking the maid behind her,

"Pack all these dishes for Miss. Natalia because It's time to PACK UP,,,," Olivia purposely mocked Natalia.

"There must be some sort of other reason for Adam's behavior. He's demanding, I know" Natalia could hardly feel the ground under her.

"Oh Natalia, Darling. The Kingston don't reason at all. And yes he preferred that one over the lunch or maybe over you." Olivia was never a fan of any girl Adam picked, but she hated Natalia the most.

" And, next time when you visit our mall, you better be careful with the bills," Olivia had a victorious smile while walking out of the hall toward the elevator.

Natalia hits the floor with her head down, tears running on both sides of her cheeks. " You will pay for this, Stella. JUST WAIT AND WATCH How I fucking destroy you."


Okay. That's a wrap for today and I wanted to thank you to the people who read, added to their library and specially commented. Thank you to all. But I will make sure to beg all of you to Please Please FOLLOW. Thank you so much for being here. Hope you enjoy.

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