
The Billionaire And The Maid

Adam Kingston, 28, is the uproar of all news channels because of his lavish lifestyle, seductive playboy nature, and holding a unique Casino, Heaven On Earth. Punctuality, standard, and the urge to find new passion have always been his priority. His elitist nature and riches have aided to get any women stripped in no time. But things change when Stella Brown enters his man-made heaven and, things get greasy for both sides. ____ "I can see myself clearly in your shiny hazel blue eyes Stella." Adam rubbed his chest against her breasts, biting her lower lip. "So you see a Liar, Killer, As*hole all at once, Do you Master?" Stella looked straight into his eyes and tugged out of her dress incautiously. Adam cupped her warm breasts firmly and licked her ear roughly, "That is me, Baby Stella."

Dahlia_Moore · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Stella hands a glass of lemonade to Susan and rushes back into the kitchen to fix her breakfast, "So you have no questions about last night?" Susan jiggles her head a few times and walks up to the kitchen after Stella.

"I am barely hanging right now, and the part where you mention Eric's name is not my concern or anything that happened last night." Stella places the plate with one piece of bread on the shelf. "That was for me, but you can take it. Look around if you find anything useful You, just take it, don't trouble for it." Stella raises her hands to tie a ponytail but carrying Susan was never easy. "Oh, so you are nagging me for dating your Ex longer than you. Huh." Susan chuckles and throws the plate on the floor.

"Ah. Good. Again. Snap out of it. Because, the unpaid MORTGAGE of this apartment, the credit card debt you and MY Ex, or maybe your secret boyfriend since day one he met me, has left, is enough for me." Stella yells her heart out in one breath and crosses the hall, takes her jacket from the back of the chair, and walks toward the door but stems near the kitchen entrance and peeks at Susan, "And you know what is cherry on top? Those people from last night from that weird Casino or Heaven. God knows if they follow us or not. But, if they do, we are both dead."

Stella walks to the door in a rush, But someone knocks from the other side sooner. Stella looks via the peephole. It appears to be someone from last night but who? Stella thinks for a few seconds and recalls it's the Guy from the bar area.

Susan peers from the kitchen and questions, " Who is it? Eric then let me get the door OH, Wait, let me fix my hair."

"No, Susan. It's a guy from that Heaven." Stella mutters in a soft voice and steps away from the door without yielding a sound.

"Heaven?"Susan makes a questioned face and walks near to Stella's shoulder.

"Yeah, I remember him, It's the barkeep." Stella sticks herself hard on the floor and keeps looking at the door as it once again gets knocked by the other side.

"Barkeep?" Susan whispers near Stella's ear.

"Yes," Stella nodes looking straight at the door.

"Stella, Stella,.." Susan repeats her name sedately, which rattles Stella, and she shouts, "What now? Susan.."

"There is no bar in that, Casino,...." On hearing that, Stella turns sanctifyingly toward Susan. "There was a proper bar, A man was drinking there, and the barkeep, that same person was there. I wasn't drunk like you."

"Fuck you, stop it. I have been in and out many times. There is only one bar for the owner only." Are you sure it's the same guy?

"Yes, it is. Why would the owner come? For 5000 dollars?"

"I can kill someone for this much..." Susan whispers near the back of Stella's shoulder, which makes Stella shudder in agitation.

They both listen to the door knock again. "You go and open the door. Okay. Stay Calm. Wait," Susan says and steers toward the kitchen, takes a pan out, and hands it to Stella. "Fight okay."

"Wait, where are you going?" Stella asks and holds the pan as a shield.

"Under the bed until you finish." Susan being Susan runs toward the bedroom, fleeing as she always does.

Stella walks carefully, unlocks the door, hiding the frying pan behind her back, and plays dumb, " Who are you?"

"Good morning..." That was all Stella heard in response from a man standing tall in front.

They both look at each other for a moment in quiet but Stella shutters first and wrecks the silence "Oh, beautiful morning it is." Stella leans on the one side with her hands at the back holding, the pan.

"Careful, You can hurt yourself." he places his hand on Stella's lateral side and supports her from falling, like a gentleman.

Stella quickly yanks his hands away but in confusion, drops the pan on the floor. He unbuttons his coat, bends before Stella, picks up the pan for her, and delivers her a deadly look that sends chills down Stella's spine.

"So idiot of me, like who takes a pan to the door. I am just out of my sense. Here, give me my shield" Stella regrets using that word and changes it to " Oh my pan, Dear heavens. MY Frying PAN."

He chuckles, " You know I came to ask forgiveness about last night" and steps inside. As he steps one forward, Stella stepped backward simultaneously. "But look at you, you are playing dangerous things here." He says and gives a pan a few twists in his hands.

" You --, Can you stay where you are now" Stella places her hands at the front and uses a tone that could melt an iced heart.

"I came in peace.." He places the pan on the table and shows both his hands in the air "Nothings here. Okay."

'Who are you?"Stella ultimately tries to stand hard on the ground but fails to do so.

"You don't know me?" He tickles his ear and stares at her face. "How could someone not know? It's the Adam, Adam Kingston.." He thinks to himself.

"Bar guy?" Shella hums in a tame voice.

" Adam," He says and steps forward, leaving Stella no choice but to hit the wall behind her back. "It's Adam Kingston." Adam stares into her eyes as a tear starts to mold in her eyes. "I have no money, Please, I --"

"Shhh....." Adam leans his hand forward and drags away the few strands of hair falling out of the ponytail.

"I came to apologize. Last night, they should have treated you with respect. So to properly apologize, I shall treat you to a good dinner?" Adam places his hand on the wall leaning tight to her face. "You will come, RIGHT?"

"Why me? can't you just let go of this matter, right?" Stella turns her face in the complete opposite direction, trying not to make direct eye contact.

"Fuck, I owe you one, darling," Adam speaks in a shady voice while brushing his knuckles on her cheek that scares Stella to her bones.

"My driver will pick you up at 7 o'clock. Okay?" Adam was not asking but passing orders now.

"I don't know any Adam Kingston." Stella tries to grab the vase near her to attack him But, Adam seizes her hand midway, turns her around, and adheres her back to his chest. "Listen carefully, take this." Adam pulls the gun out of his vest and hands it to Stella forcefully, placing his hands on her and making her hold the Gun, "Use better options,.." Stella urges to get away and strains her best to get out of his grasp. They both collide for a few minutes But, Stella breaks into hiccups and eventually gives up.

"Calm down, Calm down,...." Adam gradually renounces his hold on her, bites near her neck, and his stern voice echoes in Stella's ear, " I promise, that will be the only name you will be hearing for the rest of your life." Stella lost her balance and was about to hit the floor, But Adam holds her in time, rubbing his head near her neck. Adam takes the gun away and sets her free in a second.

"7 pm it is then. Okay?" Adam points his gun in her direction and stares at her.

"I get it now," Stella utters and gazes up to Adam's face to find him looking straight at her.

"Good girl. I will apologize for this too in the evening okay. I can make that up to you. Hm?" Adam mocks again, placing his gun back in place, buttoning his coat, and steps close to Stella again. But this time, Stella doesn't walk away from an inch. Adam, hisses near her shoulder, then devilishly laughs, "We will enjoy a lot baby."

Adam walks to the door but stops halfway and asks without turning "Have anyone told you that you look pretty?"

Stella, drenched in terror, barely finds words and answers, " No, not really." looking at his back.

"See you soon, baby" Adam chuckled and closes the door after stepping out of the apartment.

Stella fell on the couch finally, near her jacket. "Was that all a dream?. He will kill me for sure. That is going to be my last dinner." Stella thought to herself as she heard her phone buzzing. It was her boss, " Once again, I am late for work, shit"

"HEY, I am on my way,..." Stella cleared her throat and acted innocent. "Did you find a new client or did we book a new service?" Stella asked.

"Oh yes, It's a very high-profile influencer Natalia Baron. She has been dating a Billionaire. You will be escorting her today, I will pin the location. Just go there and say good things about our agency too, and do whatever she says. Okay?"

"Wait, can you send anyone else in my place?" Stella wanted to dodge the duty for the day.

"Why don't you say the same, asking for an advance salary? Now get your shit together and work. Help her out, and she will give a shout-out for our agency in return."

Stella puts the phone down, runs her finger through her hair, and takes a deep breath. "Can this be any worse than that?" Stella claps her hands and walks to the bedroom for Susan. But to her surprise, Susan was sleeping calmly all that time under the bed.

"AGGHH" Stella sighs, takes her working T-shirt out, and wears it while walking toward the door, dropping the previous one in the hallway, and steps out, hollering to herself, "Another day of being maid starts here..."


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