

©S A F I E



I was here again - in such precious moment where I am staring at my husband's beautiful face. I do not want to blink my eyes of fear that everything will fade and I will find myself waking up from this dream. I fear to think that, if I turn my eyes from him, he will disappear and I will be left alone again.

I stared at him, my eyes not leaving his slightly parted lips, smirking at that tiny sound he is exhausting. I nuzzled my head in the pillow and sigh, restraining myself from tracing his features because he might wake up again just like he did when I was lying on top of his chest. I am trying to imprint his face in my head and hoping that the tiny bean growing inside my womb would have the same godly face.

He is really beautiful when he is sleeping.

Casting another glance at him, I couldn't help but frown. This angelic face was the reason I am not creative for a moment because of my irritation and disappointment towards him. He deserves a proper payback and it has to be now.

Inching myself closer to him, I reach out my hand and tried to grab the digital clock from the top of the table, adjusting the alarm. He stirred in his sleep and I held my breath, my eyes wide as I look at him, nuzzling his head on my chest. I gritted my teeth, my cheeks growing hot at what he is doing. I wanted to push his head away but I have to give him the proper prank he deserves since he is not a morning person. Sniggering, I carefully put the clock back on the table and waited a few more minutes, closing my eyes--


Gabriel bolted upright knocking me over to the side as he rolled on the edge of the bed, ending up face-first on the floor. I rubbed my arm where he knocked me over, hissing at the throbbing pain before stealing a gaze down at him biting my tongue.

Good, he's not dead! Yet.

"Ugh," he tried to claw his way back on top of the bed but he's way too heavy, making the sheets tumble down on him and I move, letting the whole thing drown his form. "Ellleeeeeee!"

I covered my mouth to stop myself from giggling and in a split second he was there, all glorious and sweaty in front of me, a murderous look plastered on his face. I shifted my eyes and I gawked - the v on his lower abdomen was cut by the boxer shorts he was wearing. I raise my eyes to his hard sculpted chest, my tongue aching for me to lick those beads of--

"Why'd you do that, Elle?" His voice dripped with venom yet I am clearly petrified, unable to stop myself from staring at his glorious body. How can God be so unfair, surely, Gabriel is his favoured one. I bite my lip and tried to shift my gaze but I can't take my eyes off of him at this very moment. I gulped and was surprised when he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Do what exactly, Mr West?" I asked in a flirtatious tone, moving my shoulder so that it slipped, revealing my collarbones. Gabriel continued with his futile attempt of displaying a poker face at me, deepening his frown as he crossed his arms, his hard-on that is standing victoriously, making me smirk.

Now I know that the attraction is mutual.

He notices me looking down at his excited friend which made him snort. He fixes me with an impassive expression, lowering his hand down so that he's covering his crotch. “You know what? Never mind. I'm going back to bed." He snatched the comforter off the floor and take a pillow from the bed, carrying them out of the room, leaving me slack-jawed.

"Hey! I wasn't finished talking to you, Gabriel." He turned swiftly at the mention of his name, making me regret that I called him as his nose flared at me, his irritation apparent as he gritted out., "What do you need to say, Elleana?"

I blush as I hear him mentioning my full name. Mustering up the courage, I bowed my head and ask him in a little voice, "Why did you leave me for a month?"

I hear him sigh in exasperation before he speaks, "I finished the preparation for the restaurant last week. The branch in Italy required for me to stay for a fortnight, just so I can seal the deal. I have to spend another week just to make sure that it could stand on its own while--"

But I didn't give him a chance to continue his explanation as I hastily made my way to him, snatching the pillow in his hands and hit him with it. "You git, I really can't figure you out. You made a promise to me that we'll try to fix this relationship and change ourselves for the better, to make time for each other but then after that, you left me!" I hit him with the pillow and glared at him. "I felt so alone, Gabriel." I gritted my teeth and started hitting him again, "Did you know that I even cooked for you. I waited for you until midnight but you don't even care that I am! You didn't even bother to inform me that you won't go home. I would have considered you if you try making excuses but now all I feel is...hate. "

I let the pillow hung for a while before hitting him again, " I hate you! hate you I hate you I hate you! I wish--"

"Stop it! Just, stop." He held my arm, pulling the pillow away from me. "I know that I have done you wrong." He bowed his head, "I left because I am scared." He pulled me closer, raising my chin so that I am looking at him, "I have decided that some distance between us is better because I feel vulnerable. I do not know why I feel these emotions, I cannot understand them at all. Believe me, I was really looking forward to arriving earlier but I chose to distract myself, succumbing to work. I wanted to talk to you, to make you understand why I was away." He held me close, his sleep-deprived blue eyes focused on me. " I was raised by my papa believing that work matter more than family. He never really see us as his children, we are more like an investment, something he can trade when the need arises, you know?" He tilted his head and huffed.

"He treats us like one of his charity work and a beneficiary he needs to put a little to no attention to. This is the reason why I'm not that keen on emotion, why I act cold around people - around you. I wasn't used to receiving concern from other people. I'm not used to showing emotions much less for love."

"But why draw distance between us if you feel that way? Tell me." I ask, not understanding him.

Gabriel looks down at me and he sighs, “It made me think that if I put some distance between us for maybe a month, I would know if my feelings against you are true. At first, I felt alright but then I started receiving those calls; Those messages. It hurts me so much that I almost booked a plane ticket and let all hell broke loose for the company. Yet I stood my ground. I shrug your calls and put Neola and Ryan in charge. They update me from time to time and Neola mentioned that a few days ago, you had a bug. Are you okay now?" His smouldering gaze melted me into a puddle but I won't be that easy to melt now. I'm still angry as hell but I give him credit for trying to change the subject by turning it to me.

Nice play, mate.

Prying my eyes off him, I said. "I'm perfectly fine." I bit my lip, scratching my ear, "Maybe it was just because I ate too much ice cream that it freezes my stomach, making me sick. I can't help it - eating sweets helps a lot when you are depressed," I rolled my eyes, trying to act as though I am not affected by his suspicious gaze. "Especially when a certain someone keeps on making you depressed."

I bit my tongue, sucking on my cheek, not wanting to blurt out that I am pregnant; It's not a proper time to make the mighty announcement. We need to fix our own issues first before delving into another problem.

He looks down on the floor, his hands raking his hair, "I know. I shouldn't have left you like that but if I did not, I won't know the feeling of missing someone. It must have been so hard for you..." He pulled me close and kissed my forehead, and I felt tears prickling my eyes, whispering, "You should've at least informed me that you've got these plans." I take the pillow from him and hit him, "You stupid filthy---cow!"

Hit. hit.

"C-cow?" His voice raised as he repeated the word making me fake a laugh with a cough. Oh well, I didn't mean to say cow. It's just that it is the first word that popped on my head and I began to question myself why I said it.

"Yes. You are a cow! You're worthless and stupid. I mean look at your sleepy eyes! You have no care in the world as you watch happenings unravel in front of you. You are one of those cows that need to be butchered. " with one last hit on his side, I decided to give him a little more pain since it looks like he wasn't even being affected by the pillow. I squared my shoulders and kick him in his precious family jewels.

"Oh, Dio!" He crouched, his hand on the wall before he slides, collapsing while he cradled his private parts with his hand. "God, ugh." He groans, face red as he lied down on the floor. I glared at him, turning my back, as I went out of the door.

But before I completely made my way out, a hand snatched me back. I turn around to see my husband doubled over, his scent wafted in my nose as he held me to him, pressing my face to his chest. "Hit me with everything your hands could snatch; pull my hair, slap my face or even twist off my arms. Hell, I would even let you kick my jewels again if that's what you want – though what you did really hit home–but please, hear me out." He held my face with both of his hands, his eyes searching mine for forgiveness. "I'm really sorry. I do sound like a dick explaining myself to you right now but it's what I was taught - I built walls around myself in an attempt to protect my feelings, and I ended up hurting you because of that. "

His thumb caressed my cheeks, wiping the tears that fell, "I'm really sorry, love. So please, let me make it up to you. I could make you breakfast! We will go to the park and spend the day together. Maybe we could also try to adopt a dog after that–because I know you love to, then we'll watch a movie. We will do everything you want just so I could make it up to you."

"Anything?" I could imagine my eyes gleaming as I said this word to him. Oh, Gabe. You do not know what you have put yourself into. I can feel the excitement bubbling in my chest as I stand there. Staring at him, I reach out my arm and pull him closer, his eyes wide. After a while, he relaxed his body, leaning in closer, putting his lips on mine, gently as though he was afraid I will pull away. I can feel him edging closer, trying to deepen the kiss which made me smirk as I decided him to give a taste of his own medicine. I lured him closer, putting my hands on his ways before biting his lips - Hard. I smiled triumphantly as I see the blood on it.

Pulling away, I bolted inside the bathroom, closing the door behind me. "ELLE!" He pounded at the door as I hear his body slipping on the floor, "URRGH, it bleeds!" I rolled my eyes, screaming back at him

"Of course it would, you stupid cow. You are still a living creature!"

I turn the water off before reaching for a towel, feeling refreshed because of the bath. I opened the door, expecting to see Gabriel – puffing like a volcano that is about to burst in anger– but he wasn't there.

I got dress into a simple white shirt and adorned it with a green jumper and some trousers before marching out the door and down the hall. I was halfway down the stairs when my nose registered the familiar smell of pancakes. I quickly went downstairs just to track the smell before it completely fades, surprised to see Gabriel–his back on me, arms flexing as he flips the pancake, devilishly handsome as he transfers it on the plate.

I was completely mesmerized at the sight of him, cooking, that I didn't notice him standing in front of me in very close proximity. I have to take a step back in order to see him clearly. His sculpted chest was hidden behind the pink apron Neo had given me about a week ago. Frowning at him in a ridiculous manner, I was suddenly yanked and seated into a chair. He laid a plate mounted with pancakes and put a bottle of chocolate syrup next to me, "Chocolate?" He smirked, dimples and all, making me dissolve into a puddle like tempered chocolates.

Oh Dio

Taking my eyes off of him, I decided to eat the pancakes have a taste of his delicious cuisine. Taking a spoonful of chocolate soaked pancakes, I almost moan as the heavenly taste settled in my tastebuds, erupting in my mouth.

It was heavenly, I am gobsmacked!

"I could see that you are enjoying the pancake I made. In fact, I made it by mixing some soul on the flour, adding in a spoiled egg, milk that has been in the fridge for the last two years and I put my little secret recipe-it's the shit, of a bird." I was thankful that I have swallowed the rest of the pancakes or else I would be puking right now as I glared at the devil who is currently wiggling his eyebrows at my direction. "Just kidding."

He pushes a glassful of Soya milk at my direction, smirking as he sat across me, taking a plateful of pancakes. I take another gulp, soaking in his presence as I tried to absorb more of him. Even if he is so annoying, he is still so damned perfect in those pink apron. I didn't know that guys are sexy in pink.

"Are you finished on your business of eye-raping me?" He suddenly asked, snapping me out of my reverie as he leans his head on the side, eating his pancakes. He raised his fork to his mouth, arms folded on his lap as he munches on, a smug look plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not eye-raping you. It's just that-"

"Lame excuses. Just because I told you that I would do anything you want me to do, doesn't include your eye raping me." He snorted, before wiggling his brows. "Though, I'm pretty sure that we could make some arrangements with that - later at noon at our room, perhaps?" He popped a grape in his mouth and chewed, lips pouted at me.

"But you promise that you will take me to the park and that, I can get a dog!" I shove another spoonful of pancake in my mouth, curiously watching him as he groans, his forehead touching the counter dramatically.

"Oh, right. A promise. A promise that is not to be broken." He scratches the back of his neck before standing up, taking a step back and another, marching off to the exit. "Where do you think you are going, mister? You haven't finished your meal." I stated, puzzled by his sudden departure.

"I am full, mother." He craned his neck to glance at me before disappearing on the flight of stairs.

"Faster, Gabe" I squealed, biting into my ice cream. That act alone made me scream more, not realising that my mouth is to close to Gabriel's ears.

"Love," he huffed. "Love, I've already rounded the park for about five times now. Would that be enough? I'm so damn tired."

" 'Elle please give me another chance. I will do everything you want just so I could make it up to you' ". I quoted in the deepest voice I could muster, lacing it with a serious tone.

"I didn't say please, just sorry." He muttered making me force myself down on him, tightening my grip and smiling as he grunted. "And I really am serious about saying sorry. Look, I've got more surprises that are in store for you to believe. I am sincere."

"Really?" I lean closer just to see his face, my hand holding the cone, inching it nearer to him. "Yes, I am."

"I still don't believe it." Smirking, I push the cone on the side of his face and laugh at loud as I tried to move down from his back, making me regret my action as he grabs my arm, trapping me.

"Lick it."

"Gabe!" I screamed in protest but he just smiled. "C'mon, Elle. It's quite late now to hide; Everyone's expecting the billionaire's wife to display affection towards her husband. Come on, don't be shy to court me, love."

"I'm not courting you; you are courting me!"

"Oh, don't be such a grouch. Lick it now or I won't get you the dog." Closing my eyes, I began to inch closer and closer, licking the ice cream off his cheeks yet I didn't expect what transpired next - He pulled me in and kissed me as everyone cheered.

I did not even notice that we have a crowd.
