
The Billionaire's Wife Seduces Her Billionaire Husband

"Silence, longer than before stretched between us. I don't know how long our gazes stayed locked, but the tension in the air was definitely thick. The longer he stayed quiet, the more the doubts crept into my false confident armor. He was going to say no. Retrieving my fingers from his mouth, he finally broke the silence. "One night?" Is he saying yes? I didn't dare to breathe incase he's falsely leading me on, but I nodded. "One night." **** Raven Stewart has loved Ethan Henderson forever, so when she's married to him in a contract marriage, all she can do is hope the man will eventually fall for her. Three years down the road, and nothing's changed, so she decides to change tactics and seduce him instead. Fortunately for her, her methods work, but is Ethan really falling in love with Raven or is he doing all this for his own gain?

Lilah_Morgan · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs



Just One Night


Seduction is an art, but when it came to tempting a husband that wanted nothing to do with you, then it was more than art. It was a technique, a skill gifted to seductresses that could sway even the coldest of the hearts of men.

Tonight, I was attempting to be that woman.

I preened in the mirror, admiring the dark green Emerald set of lingerie. Instead of the occasional bra, I had opted for a corset, which made my boobs look bigger and the curves smoother than they actually were. My gaze shifted down to the matching lace garter, panties and stockings.

I turned, catching the reflection of my ass in the mirror. I tried to contain my giddiness but color filled my face as I stared at the smooth globes in awe. I never thought I would have felt this sexy, or look the part.

"Told you my squat exercises would work." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I heard the gloat in Nicole, my best friend's voice.  She continued when I keep on admiring my reflection. "You look sexy though. Sizzling spicy hot. He'll have a hard time resisting you."

Just like that, the happy and confident feelings died and they were replaced by doubt and insecurity. What if Ethan didn't fall for this? What if my body wasn't physically attractive enough to turn him on? What if he didn't like this at all? God, I couldn't take another rejection from him. It would totally destroy me.

As if she could tell the thoughts swimming through my head, Nicole crossed from the other side of the room, coming to stand beside me.

"Hey." She cooed, wrapping her arms around me. "Whatever is going on in that big head of yours, get rid of it. This very minute." She ordered.

"Now is not the time for second thoughts," She went on, thwarting my ass in the process and raising a protest from me. Nevertheless, it made me giggle, lighting up my mood. Twirling me around so that my back was to her and we both were facing the mirror, she added. "You are beautiful, both inside and out. If it takes you seducing that idiot of a husband for him to realize that, then I'll help you all the way." 

"He is not an idiot." I protested, defending Ethan. "He just doesn't….you know…love me."

Nicole scoffed. "Same thing."

I rolled my eyes at her response. Knowing Nicole, she wouldn't let the subject drop. Not after the shit shows in her love life. But that would be a story for another time.

"I hate to break it to you, Rave but I have to go or else I'll be late for my photo-shoot." Nicole suddenly announced, scrolling through her phone. A frown creased her face as she read something on the screen. "Looks like Andre is blowing up my texts. He's furious about canceling earlier."

"I understand dear, and I'm so sorry if I have caused you trouble." I apologized, regretting having asked her to help me. I just couldn't have gone through this alone. My best friend was a model, a very famous one at that, which made her schedule busy. The fact that she had spared time for me filled my heart with warmness but at the same time, I was guilty since I knew how busy she always was.

"I appreciate you were here for me," I continued, helping her into her coat, "even though this is such a crazy plan to get through with."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Nothing about this is crazy. I believe I would do the same thing." She said, grabbing her bag and shoving her phone into it. Straightening, we shared one more hug. "Gotta go. Call me in the morning."

"I will."

Blowing me a kiss, she left the room, shutting the door behind her. And then, I was left alone to my thoughts. And they were filled with one man.

Ethan Henderson. My husband.


The circumstances of our marriage, Ethan and I, had been an agreement between our parents. A contract marriage that had joined the Stewarts and the Hendersons. I never considered it or looked at it that way, because I was completely enthralled and in love with Ethan.

He was 20 and I 17 when we first met and I was completely taken in by his handsomeness. My parents and his uncle had discussed our marriage since his had passed on when he was 16. We had both consented but when Ethan and I had been given time to talk, he had clearly shown he wanted nothing to do with me by staying silent the whole time, eyes locked on his phone. I took the hint.

Three years later we tied the knot. I was happy and excited that perhaps this was my chance to be with him, and show him how much I adored him. Loved him. Long story short, nothing went as I had expected, or planned.  Ethan outright rejected me, making it clear he wanted nothing to do with me, again, and we were only an item because he was fulfilling a role.

The next morning, my stuff had already been packed. I wasn't even going to leave with him in the same house. Apparently, he had already purchased an apartment for me. I was hurt, but I kept my cool. Calmly, I informed him I would find my own housing. And that's exactly what I had been doing.

Now, everything was different. I had grown impatient. It was time to seize this moment, as the woman he married and the one that truly loved him. So locked up in my own plans, I missed the shuffle of feet and the opening door until it slammed shut behind me with a resounding sound that echoed in the room.

Startled, I gasped, whirling around and catching sight of my husband. Alerted by the sound, Ethan froze in his tracks, coat mid-removal. He looked up, and our gazes caught, making me suck in my breath and freezing in the spot. I had always had a weakness for his eyes. Grey as metal. Cold as well.

Surprise flashed behind them, but then his gaze lowered, trailing my body. Color filled my cheeks as his eyes lingered my lace thong and the urge to cover myself was overwhelming but I kept my cool. I had to show him I was confident. That in mind, I held my head high.

When our gazes met again, something else lingered in his eyes, but I couldn't tell what it was. In a flash, it was gone, like it hadn't been there in the first place, and Ethan's face was back to his famous expression. Blank and unreadable.

"Wife. What are you doing here?" His voice was monotonous, just as I remembered. Casually, he crossed the room to his closet, hanging his coat like everything was normal and I wasn't standing in his bedroom half naked.

"Ethan." I only got out his name, before my throat went dry and I ran out of what to say. Well, this plan had played out so much easier in my head but I had forgotten how much my husband affected me. After all, this was our first reunion in a very long time.

My silence must have stretched out for so long that I had him pulling me out from my rehearsed speeches and figuring out which one worked out best.

"Wife. I'm waiting."

Squaring my shoulders, I announced my intentions. "I need you to make love to me."

The hand that was taking the cuff out of his left shirt sleeve paused. Silence briefly filled the room but then he was opening his mouth to say something.

It was purely out of instinct because in a flash, I was across the room, hand on his mouth. "Shhh. Don't say no. I only want you for tonight. Just this once."

Silence, longer than before stretched between us. I don't know how long our gazes stayed locked, but the tension in the air was definitely thick. The longer he stayed quiet, the more the doubts crept into my false confident armor. He was going to say no.

Retrieving my fingers from his mouth, he finally broke the silence. "One night?"

Is he saying yes? I don't dare to breathe incase he's falsely leading me on, but I nodded. "One night."

"Well then, wife. Get on the bed."