
The Billionaire's Wife Seduces Her Billionaire Husband

"Silence, longer than before stretched between us. I don't know how long our gazes stayed locked, but the tension in the air was definitely thick. The longer he stayed quiet, the more the doubts crept into my false confident armor. He was going to say no. Retrieving my fingers from his mouth, he finally broke the silence. "One night?" Is he saying yes? I didn't dare to breathe incase he's falsely leading me on, but I nodded. "One night." **** Raven Stewart has loved Ethan Henderson forever, so when she's married to him in a contract marriage, all she can do is hope the man will eventually fall for her. Three years down the road, and nothing's changed, so she decides to change tactics and seduce him instead. Fortunately for her, her methods work, but is Ethan really falling in love with Raven or is he doing all this for his own gain?

Lilah_Morgan · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter One

Chapter One

A granted request



Perhaps I had heard wrong, but had Ethan asked me to get on the bed, just so he could grant my request. A warm fuzzy feeling pooled at my stomach, and I barely contained my happiness.

In the next moment, I let out a squeal, finding myself airborne and cocooned in Ethan's arms. He made his way to the bed and proceeded to drop me on it. I bounced on it, once, twice before I was steady.

"I don't like making me wait, wife. If I ask you to do something, you do it. Am I clear?"

I could only nod.

"Good." He praised, satisfied. Then, reaching for his shirt, he started to unbutton. I watched with unabated breath as he began to slowly reveal his smooth skin. The shirt met the floor and then he was looping his fingers in the belt straps, and then, he shoved down everything, at ago.

I let my eyes feast on my husband, eyes raking over him. He was muscular, a complete six pack and long muscular legs. There was no doubt he hit the gym regularly.

"Oh." I breathed, once I caught sight of his cock. As far as my experience with dicks came, I had close to none, but I could say his was as majestic as could ever be. I looked up, finding him smirking at my wide eyed expression. He had definitely heard my amazement at his girth.

Slowly, he reached for my feet, unclasping the six inch stilettoes and dropping them to the floor to join the rest of the pile.

"Wife." I tore my gaze away from my husband's erection, cheeks flaring red since I had been caught staring. Again. Ethan didn't seem to mind one bit though.

"I need to clear the air." He continued, oblivious to my red face. "Especially your expectations. I don't ever make love. I only fuck."

"Oh." I breathed. That was the only thing that seemed to be coming to mind, and I was saying that quite a lot.

However, I didn't miss how my core throbbed and how my legs had clenched together when he muttered those words and the look in his eyes told me one thing. I was well and truly fucked.

Crawling between my legs, he hovered over me. I had the sudden urge to touch him, and so I reached out for him. Ethan didn't let me. Grabbing both my arms, he pinned them above my head.

"Keep them there." He ordered, and I only nodded. I sensed that he would stop all this if I disobeyed.

I watched as his gaze raked over my naked body, darkening as he lingered on the place between my legs. He reached out, tweaking one of my nipples and I opened my mouth in a silent cry. He did the same for the other nipple, and then he was bending over, sucking one of them into his mouth.

I arched, my back lifting off the mattress, body wiggling as the small pin pricks of pleasure followed through me. Still sucking on my breasts, those fingers traced the skin on my hip, edging closer to my inner thigh and then he was touching my most intimate part, his fingers stroking in a gently but maddening pace.

"Shit. You are so wet." He grunted, letting out a low moan himself. This time, I didn't stop wiggling my hips and he wasn't stopping me either. This went on for a while, him moving his fingers masterfully inside me, and my low moans filling the air.

Then he broke the silence.

"This is not a game Raven. You are either in or out. You still have the time to back out. Say no and we will forget about this."

Ethan had never called me by my name and I wasn't sure how to feel about this. Never the less, I wasn't backing out of this. I hadn't come this far just to say no and back out.

Pumped on determination, I said, "No. I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here." The words were followed with a loud moan as Ethan hit a particular spot inside me.

Retracting his fingers inside me, he spoke. "Well, don't ever say I didn't warn you wife."

That was my only warning, before Ethan was thrusting into me. I let out a scream, most definitely not expecting this much pain. It was so intense, I could feel tears stinging my eyes.

Ethan stiffened above me. "Raven, this is the worst possible time to ask this, but are you a virgin?"

"Obviously." I bit through my teeth.

After a few heartbeats, he spoke. "Change of plan wife. Looks like I'm going to make love to you."

"But you said…."

"It doesn't matter what I said." He cut me off. "I changed my mind."

"Why?" I persisted, but he didn't answer.

Instead, he grabbed me by my arms, and pulled me in a sitting position so that I was straddling him. He wrapped my arms around his neck, then proceeded to hold my hips and waist in his arms.

"Are you still in pain?"

"Not that much. It's okay. You can move."

"You're sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Slowly, Ethan moved his hips, thrusting upwards inside me. He bent low, taking my breasts in his mouth, sucking, biting and nibbling. His thrusts were slow and measured, his caresses smooth and soft.

I whimpered as pleasure unknown to me started to take over me. Clutching his hair in my fingers, I instinctively rolled my hips, eliciting a groan from him.

"More." I moaned out, causing him to still. I rolled my hips again, but he stilled me with a hand on my hips. I let out a protest.

"Are you sure about that, wife?" he breathed, nibbling on my earlobe. Before I could say a word, he tilted his hips, hitting all the right spots. Without warning, Ethan's pace increased, his thrusts merciless. My legs widened as I took him in deeper, my back arching with each thrust.

My moans and whimpers filled my room, the sounds mixed with Ethan's groans. His thumb met my clit, rubbing the sensitive part. I threw back my head, white spots blinding my vision as I came. I climaxed, pleasure waves coursing through me.

Ethan followed right after, emptying his load inside me.


I woke up to Ethan between my legs. Subconsciously, I let my legs fall open wider, reaching out with my hands and clutched his hair. I rolled my hips into him, moaning as the sensations flowed through my body. Ethan swiped his tongue from my clit and then down, lapping at my folds like a hungry man, fast and hard.

He then curled his tongue around my clit, flicking it with his tongue, and that was all it took.

"Ethan." I cried out as I slowly felt the tide waves of pleasure start to arise. My core clenched and then I was coming, tightening on his tongue that was moving inside of me.

As the pleasure subsided, Ethan crawled up my body, and I watched him, too numb to move. Slowly, he sheathed himself inside of me, holding me by the hips as he fucked me.

I moaned, fingers clutching his broad shoulders as my nails dug into them. He continued to thrust inside me, chasing his own pleasure. Reaching between us, his fingers found my clit, and then he was flicking it.

"Come with me." He grunted. I couldn't help but obey, my core clenching on his cock. Shortly after, he was finishing inside me.

He slid off me, and I lay beside him, too numb to move, but then he did something I didn't expect. Reaching out, he lifts me, cradling me atop him.

"Sleep." Ethan murmured, and that's all it took. Satisfied, I drifted off, cocooned in my husband's arms.