
The Billionaire's Wife Seduces Her Billionaire Husband

"Silence, longer than before stretched between us. I don't know how long our gazes stayed locked, but the tension in the air was definitely thick. The longer he stayed quiet, the more the doubts crept into my false confident armor. He was going to say no. Retrieving my fingers from his mouth, he finally broke the silence. "One night?" Is he saying yes? I didn't dare to breathe incase he's falsely leading me on, but I nodded. "One night." **** Raven Stewart has loved Ethan Henderson forever, so when she's married to him in a contract marriage, all she can do is hope the man will eventually fall for her. Three years down the road, and nothing's changed, so she decides to change tactics and seduce him instead. Fortunately for her, her methods work, but is Ethan really falling in love with Raven or is he doing all this for his own gain?

Lilah_Morgan · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

An angry wife and a simping husband


It was five o'clock in the morning, and my car was speeding off to work. I typed off on my laptop, sending emails and making final arrangements for the transfers necessary for the library of Calypso. I had barely had any rest since I had realised the library had been put up for sale due to bankruptcy.

The Carsons were a family that had owned the library for decades, passing it down from one generation to the next. My mother had grown up reading from their 'Moving Library' segment that had lent books to Orphaned children.

It was only later on, after she had become an adult and met father did she get a chance to see the real thing. She had dreamed that she would invest or perhaps because a charity donor to it, in hopes of helping more people like her, just like it had helped her.

That was why I had been so desperate to get my hands on it before anyone else could. The Library was the only ties I had left to my mother. That way, she could live on through her dreams. In her memory, I was going to bring her plans to life.

It had taken a while for the Carsons to accept my proposals. I had written to them, long before they had fallen into bankruptcy, but each reply always came out the same. I had been rejected each time.

My wife, Raven, stirred in her sleep, burying her face deeper in my neck. Sending the last email to my lawyers, I closed my laptop, putting it aside. I pulled her close, pushing aside the stray locks of hair that had fallen in her face.

I hadn't meant to bring her long with me in this state, but I couldn't resist just walking away from her like that. And so after I was completely dressed for work, I carried her from bed and straight to my car. I, of course had noticed the strange looks I had gotten from my bodyguards and Simon, but they all knew better than to say anything.

And so here I was, riding with a half naked woman in a simple oversized T-shirt and a baby pink blanket that was protecting her from the morning cold. But she just wasn't any woman. She was my woman. My wife.

I should probably be worried about my obsession with her, but guess what, I wasn't willing to look into it, and neither was I willing to fix it. I only wanted her to myself and she probably had no idea how much I constantly thinking about her daily.

But the contract. Remember, you need to have a child to have complete control. . .

The voice echoed in the back of my mind, like a demon haunting me from my deepest nightmares. I looked at the small woman in my arms, wondering if she even wanted to have children, especially with a man like me.

I had neglected her for three years, so it wouldn't make sense if I just showed interest in having children out of nowhere. And knowing my first child would be born from such an ugly thing, just because I wanted moneymoney and properties made me sick. What was my inheritance to me compared to my flesh and blood.

I shook my head, attempting to clear away these ugly thoughts. I guess I would just have to face this problem when the time for it came.

Now though, I was going to live in the present, unraveling the mystery of Raven Henderson, my woman.


She was upset, and I could say her reasons were pretty valid. First, I had practically dragged her from the comfort of her bed, which was a violattion since I hadn't asked for her permission. Those had been her words, not mine. Second, I had f**cked her the moment she had woken up( What? I could hardly resist her.). And third, I was the reason she was practically late from work.

Well, that hadn't been entirely my fault but there was no way I was going to say that and have her getting even more mad at me for absolutely no reason. I had offered to buy her new clothes, but she had declined, deciding to go back at her house, and change clothes there instead.

When I checked to see if she had arrived safely, all I had received back was an angry voice note telling me how she had been scolded at work and that had entirely been my fault. I rushed home the moment I was informed she had clocked out of work.

Seeing my face had apparently made her angry again. Why was she in such a mood today?

"Go away. I'm so tired and it's all because of you. "

"Baby, please listen. At least you enjoyed it right? The both of us were willing participants."

She whirled around glaring at me. Oops, I guess I had used the wrong choice of words. I tried to look remorseful in order to get back in her good graces, but my smile continued to break out, ruining my plans.

Who was I kidding? I was completely amused by this side of her. With one last 'hmph', she was walked away again, and I had no choice but to follow behind her.

"Look, I'm sorry. "

That didn't work. It hadn't worked earlier too. I was honestly a fool for thinking that the third attemptwas the charm. What a load of bull crap. I had to use another tactic entirely.

"Baby, " I chased after her, holding her hand before she could round the corner and disappear from my sight. "Stop for a second. Just give me five minutes, hmmm? "

After a heartbeat, she replied. "Two minutes. "

"Two minutes is good. How about you tell me what you want? I'm willing to do anything. Just tell me, and I'll do it. "

She narrowed her eyes. "Anything? "

"Yes. Anything, you want. You just have to tell me and I'll do it. "

"Let's see. First of all, I want you to woo me. And by that, I mean I want you to take me out on a date. Not just one date. Lots and lots of dates. And secondly, you're not allowed to touch me, aside from hand holding and kisses."

I nodded, completely agreeing with her. Taking her on a date was no problem, that was until she got on the second part. I groaned, already dredging the fact that I couldn't take back my word. She really got me there. And she had got me good. "Wife, anything but that. "

"You're the one who said you'd do anything I wanted, and that's exactly what I want. "

I know. "Alright. I accept your conditions. But how long will it be till I can touch you again? "

She unlocked her door, but stopped before I could follow her inside. "We'll see. For now, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave me alone. Bye, baby. I'll see you on that date. "

With that, she slammed the door in my face. Looks like I had been dismissed.

Fine. She had won this round, but I was going to make sure she would crave me so much, she would lift this ban. I'll give all that she wants and shower in the utmost luxury. All I needed was three days. Three days and I would be able to touch her once again.