
The Billionaire's Wife Seduces Her Billionaire Husband

"Silence, longer than before stretched between us. I don't know how long our gazes stayed locked, but the tension in the air was definitely thick. The longer he stayed quiet, the more the doubts crept into my false confident armor. He was going to say no. Retrieving my fingers from his mouth, he finally broke the silence. "One night?" Is he saying yes? I didn't dare to breathe incase he's falsely leading me on, but I nodded. "One night." **** Raven Stewart has loved Ethan Henderson forever, so when she's married to him in a contract marriage, all she can do is hope the man will eventually fall for her. Three years down the road, and nothing's changed, so she decides to change tactics and seduce him instead. Fortunately for her, her methods work, but is Ethan really falling in love with Raven or is he doing all this for his own gain?

Lilah_Morgan · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

A wife at work


"What were you and my wife talking about? " I couldn't help but pride. An ugly feeling had reared it's head inside me and the sudden realization that I was jealous had struck me cold. Cole stopped scrolling his phone screen, turning his head and staring right at me.

He gave me a strange look, one I couldn't decipher. The silence began to stretch thin and I could feel my frustration begin to rise. Thankfully or not, Cole began to walk away but I matched his pace, walking beside him. I was, however, wondering what was going on behind that thick skull of his.

"Nothing much. We were just catching up for old time's sake. " Of course they would. But even with the knowledge that the two of them had known each other since childhood, the ugly feeling only intensified. I didn't miss the slight smirk on Cole's face and that only riled me up more.

The fact that he knew her much more than I did annoyed me very much. "Not that you didn't get a chance to know her. *dramatic sigh* Three years down the drain. " The little voice in my head mocked. I frowned mentally shooting it away.

"What are you smirking for? "

"Nothing. I just thought of something amusing. "

I didn't withold my glare from him, but the jerk didn't stop smirking either. If only, his smirk widened. He should thank his lucky stars that he was a friend and a useful business partner. If not for that, I would have already auctioned off his shares in my company and ruined him.

Just then, I caught sight of my wife making a beeline for the ladies' washrooms. I mumbled an excuse to Cole, who has resumed his conversations with the other parties involved in our business contract. I felt his intense gaze as I walked away, but I paid him no mind.

I wasn't letting him stop me.

Walking in there was a risk, but it was a risk I was willing to take nonetheless. If I ran into anyone else besides her, I would only make an excuse that I had mistaken this for the men's washroom since I wasn't used to this place.

It was a measly excuse but I bet it would still work. Thankfully, I sensed no one else in here aside from her. I locked the door, preventing anyone from being to walk in and potentially give them a show about what I was about to do.

She came out the stall, freezing and halting in her steps as soon as she caught sight of me. She was like a deer caught in headlight, her blue eyes widening in shock. That only lasted for three seconds before it turned to panic.

She rushed to me, here weak forceful pushes trying to usher me out. "What are you doing in here? You can't be in here, this is the ladies' bathroom."

He attempts were seriously futile, making her look like a frustrated little kitten. I wanted to laugh at her efforts, but decided against it, toning it down to a smirk.

"Back to you wife. I should be the one asking what you're doing here." It was a dumb question, since her being in the ladies room was obvious. I guess I was being more foolish than I thought. Her continuous avoidance of me since I arrived had probably gotten to my head.

I grabbed her wrists, holding them above her head as I backed her onto the wall. "I didn't know that you worked here."

I whispered, gently nibbling on her ear. I hated that I didn't know much alot about her, including the fact that she didn't work here. I was a jerk, I know, but I was now a jerk that was really curious about his wife.

Her eyes widened as soon as her back touched the wall, and she looked up at me, searching my face. I closed the distance between us, not wanting her to find what she was looking for. Besides, my desire had already skyrocketed the moment I had locked that door.

My little mouse panicked, realizing how she was now cornered. "We can't do this here, Ethan." I muttered, begging him with my eyes. He had cornered me, and I had nowhere to go. I could feel myself tighten in my pants.

"Do what? I haven't done anything, my darling." I whispered, once again nibbling her ear, and then following the path of her arched neck, leaving small kisses there. "Were you perhaps expecting something else?"


I ignored the warning in her voice, letting my hand slither up her skirt. I caressed her thighs, teasing as I let my fingers longer on her sofr skin. She wiggled and I smiled, knowing her body was responding to my administrations.

"What?" I asked innocently, loving the fact that she was panting right now.

"Please..." She begged, her voice husky and breathy. "We can't do this here. We'll be caught."

It was a weak attempt, one that wasn't going to work at all. I was turned on by her response to me, and I doubt I could hold back my desire any longer.

"We won't get caught if you keep your voice down." I said, my fingers already stroking her over her panties. Her wetness had already seeped through, slightly coating my fingers. I pushed them aside, letting my fingers slide into her wet flesh.

She was panting, twisting my legs as she tried to get away. Her defenses were beginning to crumble, her eyes slowly beginning to cloud with pleasure. This was my chance to take advantage of the situation and completely take control.

"Ethan...Aahhh" My wife let out a loud moan, her internal muscles squeezing my fingers. It seemed I had hit the jackpot and found a particularly sensitive spot. I didn't stop, repeatedly touching and caressing her, keeping the same pace.

The flushed look on her face was so erotic, I couldn't resist kissing her. She came, clutching onto my hair and riding my fingers. Even then, I didn't stop moving my fingers inside her.

Suddenly, there were sounds of approaching voices, someone was obviously coming. I wasn't fazed in the least but my wife was panicking, pulling away from the kiss."Someone's coming. We've to stop."

As if on cue, the door rattled and I could tell she was really anxious, struggling to get free. The door stayed closed as I had expected and I felt her relax, her body going somewhat slack in my arms. "Ethan, please..."

If only she knew her begging wasn't going to stop me. In fact, it only egged me on. Pulling her bra down to expose her breasts, I sucked and bit on her nipples, eliciting a very loud moan from her. The fading steps halted, and the person was coming back. "Is anyone in here? Raven, is that you? Are you in there?"

It was a woman, and she probably worked with my wife.

I paused, pulling away from her breasts as I stared at her expectantly. If I spoke, we would get caught. I think she had come to the same conclusion as her glare remained in place. "Y-yeah. It's me."

"Are you okay? And why is the washroom door locked?" The door rattled as the girl tried it again.

"I...uh," she chewed on her lips, each time I tweaked her nipples with my fingers. I grinned as her eyes threw daggers at me. I was probably playing with fire as I stroked her inner walls, but watching her holding back her moans was amusing. I was an ass, I know.

Her legs suddenly gave way, but I caught her before she fell.

"Raven, what's going on? Do you need me help?" The girl's voice came again, obviously worried. "I'll get someone to help."

"That's absolutely not necessary." My wife suddenly yelled, before she composed herself. "It's just that I...I..." She stalled, her eyes moving left and right "It's just cramps. I suddenly got my period."

We both knew she was lying. I chuckled under my breath, earning a glare from her. I shut up immediately, but I didn't hide my amusement from her.

"Oh. I know you said you'll be fine but will you really be. Are you sure you don't need help?" The girl asked again, and I wished she would just be gone already.

"Don't worry. I got this. I'll be out shortly too."

"Alright. If you say so."

Finally, I thought as soon as I heard her footsteps fading . I was really beginning to get impatient when the woman wouldn't just leave. Meanwhile, I had an angry woman to deal with. Of course I hadn't missed the furious glare she was aiming my way. Looks like I had to tune her attention elsewhere.

"What are you doing?" She asked as soon as she realized I was getting on my knees, already lifting her skirt up, pushing it further up her thighs, exposing her p***y and a**. Her fingers were already on my shoulders, trying to push me away. "We were almost caught and-"

I ignored her, since I already found what I was looking for. Her words ended on a gasp as my tongue made contact with her cl*t, She arched, pushing herself onto my tongue. Good girl. Go on and take your pleasure.

Her fingers dug into my skull, almost to the brink of pain, but it didn't. Anytime from now. . . and just like that, she came undone on my tongue.

I rose up, pulling her in for a quick passionate kiss.

She reached for my pants, probably wanting to pleasure me, but I stopped her before she could proceed.. "Don't worry. I'll take care of this myself."

Thankfully, she didn't object, although I could see she wanted to.

I cleaned her up, adjusted her clothes and mine before planting a kiss on her forehead. "We'll continue this at home."

I let her leave first, following shortly after taking care of my hard on.

It was only an hour to midnight by the time I got back to my house, already looking forward to seeing her. After our minimal encounter in the bathroom, I hadn't caught sight of her again.

With each rushed steps, I got to my house. My butler, Simon, welcomed me. I took off my coat and loosened my tie, handing them to him. My eyes we're already searching, expecting.

Simon must have caught on, because he asked, "Is there anything you require, Sir? "

"Yes. Is my wife here? "

I caught Simon's surprise, although he quickly masked it with his usual composed professional look on his face. "She's not here. She left with all her things this morning. "

I frowned, an unfamiliar feeling setting in my gut. So this was what disappointed felt like.

"Find her address and give it to me. " I ordered Simon, who quickly left to carry out my orders. He returned only after a few minutes, handing me a note, her address written on it.

" Prepare my my car. " Simon turned to go through with my orders once again, before I stopped him. "Pack an overnight bag for me too. "

"Yes sir. "

Looks like I was going to spend the night at my wife's house. If she wasn't going to come to me, then I was going to go to her.

Hey everyone, please let me know if you like this so far. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lilah_Morgancreators' thoughts