


I've been having symptoms of being sick for over a week now. Mom had been pestering me to get a check up but I refused. Something tells me it's just because of stress from taking care of mom for a month now.

After that incident, I was able to pay for her bills and she finally started getting treatment so I had been in the hospital taking care of her.

"Eve, you're too pale. Please check it out so I wouldn't worry" Mom spoke softly from where she was laying down

"I'm fine mom. It's just stress."

"It's not. I know it's more. Please check it out for my sake"

"Fine." I didn't want her to worry so I decided to check it out.

"Give me a minute okay. I'll be back" I told her before leaving her hospital room and going towards the lab to get the test done.

"Please sit down over there and wait for your result" The nurse pointed towards the chairs in front of the lab.

I sat down and there were other people waiting for their results as well. After some time, I was called into the doctors office which had me confused. Why am I going to the doctor's office just for results on my blood work.

The office was plain and just like any other doctor's office

"Please have a seat" The young man gestured towards the chair in front of him and I took a seat.

"You've been having these symptoms you complained of for over a week now, correct?" He asked going through some papers in his hold.

"Yes?" I was getting scared now wondering if it was something serious. I couldn't afford another bill.

"It's nothing serious at all so you don't have to worry."

"If there's nothing to worry about, then why am I here?"

"Congratulations Miss Evelyn, you are three weeks pregnant" The doctor had a huge smile on his face as if that was something to celebrate.

"Pregnant?" I whispered.


"Oh my god" I grabbed the test results and bolted from the office.

My legs gave out as soon as I stepped out of the office so I found myself sitting on the chairs in the waiting room.

"Oh my god, I can't be pregnant for him" My hands were shaking and my eyes were blurry as I tried to make sense of the result in my hands.

"What do I do with a baby?" I was on the verge of breaking down.

"Oh hunny, is everything okay? You don't look so well"

I turned to see an older lady sitting beside me and looking at me with kind eyes. She looked to be in her fifties but it was obvious she was stunning as a young girl. She looked strangely familiar but I couldn't recall having met her before.

"I'm fine" I sniffed out.

"Nonsense. You don't look good. Talk to me, I won't judge at all" there was encouragement in her eyes and right now, I really needed to spill so I let loose.

"I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't even know what to do. I can't be pregnant now" I finally let go and the tears ran down my face.

"Oh. That's a lot to find out. What about the father? Is he aware?" She inquired and I shook my head.

"No. This child is very unexpected and I don't even have anything to do with the father. It was a mistake" I replied softly, suddenly overwhelmed with shame.

"Why don't you tell him and see what he would say? You shouldn't conclude just like that" The strange lady said.

"I can't and don't even want to tell him. You wouldn't understand"

"You could ask him to get married to you. That's the advisable thing to do now so your child would grow up with both their parents"

"I don't think you get what I've been saying. I don't love him and he definitely doesn't love me. This child was never meant to happen. The father and I have no relationship whatsoever so how could I tell him? He would never believe me" I recalled that night and how he felt towards me. He didn't even believe me back then so why would he do so now?

She opened her mouth to say something but she was called by a nurse and had to go

"Please wait for me, I won't take long okay?" I gave her a nod and she left.

I waited till the door shut behind her and dashed towards my mom's room, keeping the result in the back pocket of my jeans

Liam's POV

"Liam, are you in there?" Mom's voice filled the hallway outside my home office so I closed my laptop so I could go to her

"In here mom. Are you back from the hospital?" I called back and she entered the office

"Yes and the results were the same as always. I'm healthy"

"That's good. Did you want to discuss something?" Usually she didn't interrupt my work unless it's something important

"I ran into Nora's friend today at the hospital. The one you said deceived you for money" Mom said and my mood turned sour.

"So what?" I really didn't want to talk about Nora or her friend. Even though Evelyn had been innocent then, it was too late now.

"She's pregnant and I think it's yours" My head snapped towards my mom in shock

"Pregnant? Mine? How do you know it's mine?"

"She said something about it being a mistake and she didn't have a relationship with the father"

"Why are you telling me this?" It's not my business if she's pregnant.

"You know I always wanted a grandchild? This is the universe answering my prayers. You have to keep the child" There was a stubborn expression on her face as she spoke, she wasn't going to let it be.

"Mom, not her. I can't do that. I just broke up with Nora. I can't father a child with her friend"

"She deceived you. You are not together anymore and besides would you let your child grow up without a father? I didn't train you this way" I hated when mom was disappointed in me.

She had a point. If she was really carrying my child, I couldn't abandon it just like that. I had to take responsibility and this would also help me to keep Nora off my back. She had refused to stop calling me even when I had made it clear to her that we are done.

"How can I find her?" I asked my mom and almost rolled my eyes at the big smile that graced her face. She never liked Nora as well.