
The Billionaire's Weakness

''ooh !so that's it then,listen here you Jerk (I said grabbing a collar of his shirt)if you think I'm gonna stand here and watch you humiliate me,you thought wrong,we are done,and this time there is no going back "Ariah. ............ Tariah Patricia Anderson is a 24 year old who her life become a living hell when she met the hot billionaire and fall in love with him despite all the hate and disgust from the beginning. Edward Barmaceda is a 26 her old hot billionaire known for his wormanizing ,arrogance, looks and fame,he fell in love with an ordinary girl that he never thought he could fall in love with. Edward Barmaceda created and took over his fathers businesses he's one of the richest man across the African continent , he settled in Namibia to extend his business using his ruthless ways of grabbing opportunities as always .This time he was humilated by a low life girl and he become questioning his dignity ,respect when all he did was stare at the beauty in front of him instead of taking an action . He started helping out the girl in her life problems but he always make sure to hurt her in the process knowingly or unknowingly which sometimes made him feel guilty at times , they never really liked each other even when they lived in the same roof yet he offered her a roof without paying a penny with the excuse of her paying his depts which was just an excuse to keep her close. He was faced with the greatest challenge of his life that not even money or fame could do anything to solve the matter .Despite all the ruthless and trauma Tariah went through because of him she stayed by his side during his most difficult time and that's where the strongest connection started , they started dating but he didn't want the public to know because he thought they would look down on him, she kept on pursuing him to tell the public but he never did even when she was pregnant with his child , when she dicided to leave him he become miserable and he almost lost his wealth to his enemies because he was trying to protect the love of his life even when she didn't want anything to do with him.He finally realised that she's indeed his weakness. .....

Amalia_Itamalo · Teen
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29 Chs

chapter 4 Edward's pov

it was a beautiful morning with a good spirit ,I'm going to make millions again , I said with a smirk !

I cant believe the old fool mr Smith finally decided to give me the deal, his coffee and pizza shop is a nice place for me to extend my business .so I'm gonna seal the place today en I'm gonna send my team next week to start with the process of removing and renovating the building to be on standard .

''but sir dont you think you should give a notice first before going to seal the place,please sir think about the employees and everyone who depended on that business why dont you give them some time to prepare themselves sir '' said Annai my secretary

'' I didn't ask for your opinion ,learn were you should stick your head and were you shouldn't ,do what you are paid for ,dont let yourself loose this job,coz I won't hesitate to fire you this right minute, I dont have a heart , I thought you know that by now and please before I forget use a mouth wash ,your breath stink and I need the property paper right now , I need the original one and make sure to keep a copy of it.

''women ''

I was in good mood today and there few hours left until the fun began!

I love how people bow down to me,how they are afraid me ,coz that's what it takes to have what I have, a soft and kind heart won't take you anywhere .

I took a long breath that I didn't realise i was holding,then my private elevator that one has ever been except my little sister coz she's the only one I have .when I stepped out of my building a cold breeze hit my nostrils ,I tooksome few minute to welcome that beautiful feeling again.

I made my way to my car and told the driver to hit the road I want to be early,

¹I want everyone to be there

I want everyone to notice me,whether it's the customer or the employees or whoever will be there, I want them to know that Edwarditto Jackson Barmaceda has alive

One of my body guard opened the door of the pizza and coffee shop for me and I find it mesmerizing how the place is well organized starting from the employees, ooh and the song that was playing remind me of the good times I had before everything happened

Marron 5 ft memories

Here's to the one that we got

Cheers to the wish you were here but you not

Coz the drink bring back all the memories

Of everything we been through

Toast to the one here today

Toast to the one that we lost on the way

'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back,Memories bring back you...

That song hit a different nerve it remind so much of what happen , everything that happened just started to flood back in my mind !!


''I don't care that's not what I came here for ,I said to myself and why on earth are this people not showing the respect I deserve not even one single person have spare a glance at me

''mmmhmmm, I cleared my throat

All people started bowing their heads to me once they noticed me, that's more like it, I said smirking

I went out to get my phone that I left in the car before coming to finish what I came here for.

I opened the door and everyone's eyes were on me

, okay!!

I admit that I like attention but the one I'm getting its like people want to kill me, nevertheless, they still bowed their heads to me except for one female with long sexy legs, pretty face, black natural wave hair ,dark brown eyes, damn she's beautiful, that sexy body, eish!!

I want you to seal this place, and this..this I said pointing to all the people who were in the shop, should be out here now !I said unesecesarly loud to my bodyguard.
