
The Billionaire's Weakness

''ooh !so that's it then,listen here you Jerk (I said grabbing a collar of his shirt)if you think I'm gonna stand here and watch you humiliate me,you thought wrong,we are done,and this time there is no going back "Ariah. ............ Tariah Patricia Anderson is a 24 year old who her life become a living hell when she met the hot billionaire and fall in love with him despite all the hate and disgust from the beginning. Edward Barmaceda is a 26 her old hot billionaire known for his wormanizing ,arrogance, looks and fame,he fell in love with an ordinary girl that he never thought he could fall in love with. Edward Barmaceda created and took over his fathers businesses he's one of the richest man across the African continent , he settled in Namibia to extend his business using his ruthless ways of grabbing opportunities as always .This time he was humilated by a low life girl and he become questioning his dignity ,respect when all he did was stare at the beauty in front of him instead of taking an action . He started helping out the girl in her life problems but he always make sure to hurt her in the process knowingly or unknowingly which sometimes made him feel guilty at times , they never really liked each other even when they lived in the same roof yet he offered her a roof without paying a penny with the excuse of her paying his depts which was just an excuse to keep her close. He was faced with the greatest challenge of his life that not even money or fame could do anything to solve the matter .Despite all the ruthless and trauma Tariah went through because of him she stayed by his side during his most difficult time and that's where the strongest connection started , they started dating but he didn't want the public to know because he thought they would look down on him, she kept on pursuing him to tell the public but he never did even when she was pregnant with his child , when she dicided to leave him he become miserable and he almost lost his wealth to his enemies because he was trying to protect the love of his life even when she didn't want anything to do with him.He finally realised that she's indeed his weakness. .....

Amalia_Itamalo · Teen
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

chapter 2

his emotions were not visible,but my mom taught me how to read someone's emotion , it's also one of my best thing I enjoy doing although I don't really ,blarf about it. so I tried to sound as polite as I could

'' mmmhm(I cleared my throat) sir can I please have a word with you in private ,if you don't mind, ( I don't even know why I sound like im begging ,I hate saying please but for my job ,I definitely will).

''what in the hell did you just do women ,do you realise ,that is an expensive suit that you just ruined ,even your apartment, the clothes that you are wearing and the fake sissy boy heals can never be of standard with my suit,this (he said pointing at his suit )cost a fortune en you gonna pay for it , your entire life together with your family nobody touch nor talk to me without my concern!! I don't give empty threats'' said the so called rich dude444

''ooh before I forget please try using some perfume, you really stink,and don't ever in your life ask me to speak in private with you ,you low people disgust me,and by the look of it ,it seems that you know nothing about me(he said handing me his blazer roughly )''

one little part of my heart was jumping in joy for getting the opportunity to smell and touch that expensive monkey suit

''so I don't know what was funny but I was on the verge of spitting my laughter out but then I remember what happen cannit be repeated again ,this guy is hilarious, the way he's speaking about his suit is like his life actually depended on it , I don't really care right now ,so the next thing I know, I was laughing really hard,everyone was staring at me again ,by now they must think I'm crazy , I'm not really crazy but this feels like a dream or let me say it feels like I was watching a movie were this rich guy was the actually villian in those kind of kids story ,were the villian is devoted to wickedness ''

Guess what the next thing I did ,shocked everyone,I don't know if they did not see me going to the kitchen, for them to stone or they were waiting for my next move ,because I had a plan in mind nobody insult me and be left just like that(first he said I stink which I know is the exact opposite, secondly, my heels are not even sissy boy), so I took the baking floor ,pour some water and mix it with the cooking oil ,'

I ran as quickly as I could past the body guards(anyway the body guards are actually useless if they were unable to catch me, I should maybe remind this psychopath to get some new guards or he could even hire me ,I'm sure I could do better than them)so when I reached my destination ,I used every strength that was left in me to pour each and every bit of the liquid that I made, spill all over his cloths , let's not forget the blazer that he gave me, you know what the good part is , it's gonna leave stains on his cloths and that makes really proud of my self.

I look him dead in the eye and say ''that's what I meant by let's talk in private!I'm sure we all stink now, I think I smell way stinker than you ,(an evil laugh) and you are the stinkest,( if the words even exist ,another evil laugh).''

so here is the serious me now guys!!"what did you think ,

you thought I'm just gonna stand there and let you humiliate me,I'm not one of your fans or whatever you call them( does he even have fans), you are nothing better or worse than me,your life status doesn't make you any different from me, you rich people are full of pretence, you know deep down you are a good person, but outside you are trying to act superio r ,that's why you can never be happy when others are happy.

(a good lectuindeedeed says my conscious)

( wait until she gets in trouble, it seems that you are forgetting the threats he made)my subconscious

(they all give threats) conscious

(which all are you talking abt, you know she has never been with a guy, besides s guys, I don't know why she's so determined talking to this one)my subconscious

(maybe they are soulmates says mind)

(guys don't forget I once said I hate talking to myself and that's exactly what is happening now.)

I was cleaning my right hand to shake this man's hand, I wanted to annoy him and mock h im, all hiss time to yhen as talking they guy didn't say anything, he was busy looking at my face the whotimeime,

''Hello, have you suddenly become taciturn, you came to re-show off your power, but suddenyou'reour on mute y, ou are 'vpretencesie'(full of pretence). I said

''or have you forgotten the ''I don't give empty threats kind of thing you said, ' a sabedebrisras unirse interline, Porque? (you know, your acting skills III

(please remind me that I'm digging my own grave)

Thank God I did not lose any confidence, or else his intimidating look could have made my starter in front of him, but I was left dumbfounded when he said

''are you done, he said looking me up and down and removing the mess I made in his beautiful face far, I have somewhere to go, see this he said pointing at the mess I made on his clothes(a crispy smile made it's way to my mouth, just by thinking of how it felt looking at his priceless reaction)'' need to be taken care of, you had put quite a show today I'm sure in 1,2, 3 seconds.... you will see your self all over the internet, people were recording while you were trying to be a hero ''

'' you now maybe you should think of carrying a mouth wash or mint candies, I think it will help with your bad breath, gosh I was on the verge of vomiting, you need to work on yourself! and you are damn ugly that's why your parents gave you up for adoption in the first place,

(wait a minute how does he know I was adopted that was the worse experience I hate talking about it and right now I was being reminded of it, )

I think I'm done here, and you, he said pointing at his bodyguard's coworkers and manager, don't seal this place but I don't want her working in here anymore.

(I could hear my heart become heavy and my eyes are starting to water, my breathing became difficult, I was finding it hard to breathe and the next thing I remember, is my best friend calling my name and the lest was darkness .)
